untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1899-10-04


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CHICAGO JOCKEY CLUB HAWTHORNE RACETRACK October 2 to October 14, 1899. HHIHIIIHHIHIlHHI IMIWIPWIIIWrWIIWWItlWfflWWf Six Races Daily beginning at 2:00 P. M. ADniSSlON 75 CENT5. MUSIC BY CICERO niLITARY BAND. SPECIAL BACH TRAINS TO TRACK KST TWENTT-TIVB MINUTES. Illinois Central Trains leave dopot at foot of Randolph street at J9:45 a.m., 12:30, 12:55, 1:15 and 1:50 p.m., stopping at Van Buren street, Park Row, Halsted street and at Aalaad ivenue, racariia it 4:34 p. n. anl i n aaiiateiy after the races. Oo not stop at Ashland avenue. Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Trains leave Union depot at 12:15, 1:05, 1:35 and 2:10 p.m., stopping at Sixteenth street, Blue Island avenue and Western avanns, retarninsj immediately after the races. Special Twelfth street electric cars leave State and Van Buren streets at 12:25, 12-35, 12:45, 12:55, 1:05 and 1:15 p.m., stopping only at Oanal street, Halsted street, Ashland avenue and den avenue, direat to track in 40 minutes. The Metropolitan and Lake Street Elevated, Madison street cable, Ogden avenue, Twelfth street and Twenty-second street surface lines connect with electric cars on Fortv-eigjata aveaaa. to mi fro n racraiic evav cv-ilve naiaute during the afternoon on racing days. Srpress trains on Metropolitan Elevated leaving Pacific Ave. at 12:59, 1:11 and 1:23 p.m., stop at all stations on the loop and at Franklin street, Halsted sirei t and MarshHeld avenue, reaching the racetrack in 23 minutes from Franklin street. -y jew ouisville Jockey Qlub - i i - V - . m if. :.. . ;. STAKES TO CLOSE OCTOBER 16, 1899. FOR FOALS OF 1898 NOW YEARLINGS. J The Nei Louisville Jockey Club will Close the Following Stakes on October 16. To be run at its Spring Meeting 1902: st y TtiPi krontrLri riatK7 For three-voar-oHs foals of 1893. to accompany the nomination; 5 to be paid May 1, 1900; 0 to bo paid 1 lllll I IlC IVWIlLUlvy Uwiuy Jlarch 1, 1901; 03 iddi-.Hnal to start. Tin valne of ta statu to b55,003, of whica 00 to second and 8300 il 1 A J3fm33j v to third. Cots to carry 122 bi.: eliding 119 lb : fili w 117 lbs. Tqojo noshavin? on a threj-yair-old raca of tha valne of ,50, allowad 5 lbs.: 1 1 T" Kjvv maideDS aiiowad 12 lba. ONE MILE AND A QUARTER. st a f. "V TliPk Czyt QfnL-fc For three-yaar-olis foab of 1898. to accompany tha nomination; 5 to be paid May 1, 1900; 0 to bi paid .4 d - SUA flflll 1 IlC UldrK. JLdKCS March I, 1901; 00 additi ual to ,tart. Th valua f t ta scakas o ba 54,030, of whisb. 50 to aaconl and 50 to 1 1 W JjT-5FvjF v v third. Colt to carry 122 lb3.; galdings 119 ibs.; tfllies 117 lbs. The winner of th Kintucky Darby to carry 5 Ibi. ostra. Tho36 no3 having won a B M three-year-old race of the valao of ,a03, atloadS lbs.; mnd3n3l21b. ONE AHL.E AND AM EIGHTH. v y rf-v -v -v Tl-ie krri--itrLvr OaLrc "For thres-year-oli fillias foah of 1893. to accompany the nomination; 0 to be paid May 1, 1900; -4 y Si. Ill 111 Hie tvenmtivy VdKb Jtoba pud Hirch l, 1901. .mi t sta-c Tna valao of the states to b3 ,000. of Which $ WO 1 1 f JltTw m93j to ooenn-i andSHO to third. Taosa not nayia wjn a t ira j-ya ir-old rac3 of chj Vila of ,033, allowed 5 lbs,; maidens, 12 lba. ONE MILE AND 1 I " 1 ll 7 ONE-SIXTEENTH. -r Address all Communications to CHAS, F, PRICE, SECRETARY, LOUISVILLE, Klf.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1899100401/drf1899100401_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1899100401_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800