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GOSSIP OF TAB TURF. A special telegram from San Francisco to yesterdays later-Ocean says: "President Schulto of tha Turf Congress and Captain Rees of the committee sent to adjust differences b 3-tween the Calif ornia Jockey Club and tho Western Turf Associatioa arrived here tonight. At 10:30 oclock tomorrow morning they will have a consultation with Tom Williams, president of the California Jockey Club, as to the division o dates after Tanforan Park shall have opened on November 3. Schulte and Bees are confident all differencas will ba amicably adjusted and war disastrous to turf interests in California avoided. "On the furry tonight, while returning from the Oakland rices, President WiJlIaniB ox-pressed himself as much pleaeed that Schulte and Rees had bsen eolectad by the Turf Congress to consult with the California Jockey Clnb as to the division of dates. Williams expressed his entiro confidence in the honor of Schulte and Rees, but declined to commit himself further." Major Malonea yearlings sold at Hawthorne, Monday, did not bring tha price thoir breeding and good looks should have produced, the figures being as follows: Chestnut filly, by Forest Nellie G. ; W P Magrane... 00 Chostout colt, by Forest Messaliu ; Thos Hylaud 120 Chestnut filly, by Lord E sterling Hannah ; W P Magrane 103 Brown colt, by St. James Vendome; Jas Arthur 75 Chestnut filly, by Forest Dina; B R Ciawson 50 Chestnut colt, by Blazes Pansetto; FE Stone 50 Chestnut olt, by Forest Pauline de Long; W Smith . 20 Total 20 Avorage S38 57