untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1899-10-11


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PEDIGREE BLANKS. On linen paper, artistically edged in colors, tiled and arranged for six generations of sirop tnd dams of individuals and their ancestor. Tan cents each, .00 per dozen, .50 per hun irad. No owner of a stallion should be with-int a Bupply. DAILY BACING FOBM. 124-126 Fifth Avenue. Chicago, 111. BRIGADIER, DOHINiS, CORALlS AND GEORGE H KETCHAil Were the winners wo gave our clients yesterday. ALL WINNERS. We send information like tbis daily. TODAY two pood ones and Thursday our 15 to I shot will run and win barring accidents-. Telegraphed early. 00 weekly; .00 daily. Chicago Turf Advisory Vo.. ftooin Tlnarhnrn St.. Chicago. Til. OROESUS, 4 to 1. BRIGADIER, 6 to 5, SOLENT, 8 to 5. Thesn wero the three SUCCESSFUL selections out of FOUR horses we tPnt YESTERDAY; not Tip to our standard as they were NOT at very long odds, but sufficient to make any of our numerous clients BIG WINNE-S on tbe day. Remember we only send a VERY FEW from ell ibe TRACES, but we ALWAYS SEND WINNERS A couple of GOOD ONES should come off TODAY. We have a line on tbm. Telegrams ready bf 11 a.m. Terms 0.00 for six daja selections. Send for booklet Golden Gin." SIXTY PER CENT. WINNERS GUARANTEED. The National Turf Investment Co., Suite 605. 167 Dearborn St.. Chicago. Ill WE HAVE TWO GOOD ONES. Today, and it will pay all turf FOLLOWERS to get them. We send SPECIAL SELECTIONS-on HAWTHORNE, MORRIS PABK, LATONIA, WINDSOR and OAKLAND races. We send TWO or THREE and no more. They win eix: times out of eight REMEMBER we are on the inside and do no guessiog. TODAY and. 10 to 1 at Hawthorne and a 15 to 1 chance at Morris Park. THIS WEEK some of the-SWEETEST THINGS cf the season. Wired at 9:30 a.m. .00 daily; .C0 weekly. RACE TRACK INFORMATION BUREAU SUITE 500, 203 DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO, ILL.. Goodwins iqTH I v7 I m OFFICIAL Turf Guide YEAR. MORE COMPLETE THAN EVEB, A VALUABLE ADDITION MADE. K Form Table te Bach Eyest which shows exact position of every home-which was either 1st, 2d, 3d or 4th at each Quarter pole, also positions at start. Important notes added when required. Event reported from all parts of the country and Canada. Issued the 1st and 15th of e-rtry month, PRICE 60 CTS EACH For sale at all principal hotels, neweitandi, racetracks and publishers office, GOODW3N BROS., 1.440B ROADWAY. NKW OHE

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1899101101/drf1899101101_2_3
Local Identifier: drf1899101101_2_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800