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PEDIGKEE BLANKS. On linen paper, artistically edg9d in colorB. .ruled and arranged for six generations of sires and dams of individuals, and their ancestor, j Ten cents each, 1,00 per dozen, .50 per hue dred, No owner of a stallion should be with, out a supply, DAILY BACING FOBM, 124-126 Fifth Avenue, Chicago, 111. WINNERS I Wilms WINNERS ! For today we have one "pipe" at Harlem and one at Latonia. and to bring these good things within the reach OF ALL we will let you have them for oo FOR THIS DAY ONLY REMEMBER WE ARE IN A POSITION TO KNOW WHAT "WE SAY IN THIS AD. and they will o through snre. These good things are the BEST THAT WE HAVE HAD THIS SEASON, and we have certainly had some very good things go through for us. Terms 0.00 FOB SX DAYS AND .00 FOB TODAY. National Tnri Investment Co., SUITE 605, 167 DEABBOBN ST. CHICAGO, ILL. 15 to 1 at Harlem Today. This is GETAWAY DAY nd what we offer is one of those GOOD THINGS that is cut loose at the end of the meeting. Also TWO SPECIALS at GOOD ODDS at AQUEDUCT and LATONIA. Get these and finish the week strong.. .00 FOB TODAY. Chicago Tnrf Advisory Co., Boom 707, 225 Dearborn St.. Oh 1 caff o. 111. Lakeside Holiday We have ONE GOOD THING at 6 to 1 or better- FRIDAY we sent INUENDO and CANACE both winners. Our gocd things ga through six times out of eight. One trial WILL CONVINCE YOU tbt what we ADVERTISE is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. TODAY AT HARLEM the choicest one that was ever bet on as good as 10 or 20 to 1. We send information on all races run at AQUEDUCT, OAKLAND, NEWPOBT AND LAKESIDE Racetracks. Ready at 9 a.m. Wired daily. .oo DAILY. .00 WEEKLY. 32.50 for three days pointers. Bace Track Information Bureau, Suite 500, 263 Dearborn St.. Chicago. Til. Goodwins 1PTM loin OFFICIAL Turf Guide YEAR. MORE COMPLETE THAN EVEB A VALUABLE ADDITION MADE. A Form Table to Each Event which shows exact position of every her 10 which was either 1st, 2d, 3d or 4th at eacb. Quarter pole, also positions at start. Important notes added when reQuired, Events; reported from all parts of the country and Canada. Issued the lBt and 15th of every month. PRICE 60 CTS EACH For sale at all principal hotels, newsstands,, racetracks and publishers office. GOODWIN BROS., 1,440 BROAD WAY, NEW YORK,. - Leighs Portable Stalls. Cheap, Safe, Sensible, Comfortable. Egress Company to . stall your car jMi 1 with "Leighs Patent Portable Stall," fi -fc B adjustable to any car, thus securing fJg-iEEj Pf ;JjfiT!3 jTiTiiia f5 fflr-r fi absolute safety to your horses while rF?EXii5 Ii "ill lli !i Sfs S ?. I in transit without additional cost to . 4 gandtSn j js !l!inT il Wft and the shippers, a express companies jSLSgj !jJS f;ijjljgj They dont deface tho car when ad- ijp. iSSfbx fSlSSflltll fSEM jnsted and can be set up in thirty f"""--1" - - m" a"" " v minutes for any number of horses to X: jl -s.-- -vrl. 24 in double door baggage car. Ex- , SftandQandi feSHSPiSS SPTiPStS tWKW" S reBB companies can procure them Jjllf 1 aj1 THOS. iVicFADDSN, Mg r I t lWf 628.SBS-6S2 Ksst Front Btreo. Ljjftffl lif iVlt "jL M