Aqueduct Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1899-10-28

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. J 1 1 . 1 ; . , AQUEDUCT FORM CHART. AQUEDUCT, Li. I., October 27. Fifth day. Queens County Jockey Club. Fall Meeting. Weather clear; track faBt. Presiding Judge, Clarence McDowell, Starter, C. H. Pettingill. Racing starts at 2:00 r. m. "1 FIRST HACE58 Mile 500 added. All ages. Handicap. 5 3 O Horsea A Wt St . 5j StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 15?0SGAZE 3 112 2 11 12 12 13 Jenkins M L Hayman 1-3 1-3 1-4 3-10 15268 TYRBA 3 88 1 21 22 22 26 Phelan Plate and Co 20 80 20 80 11600 RUSSA WALDEN3 81 5 3a 31 31 8a J Daly J H Hynes 50 100 50 100 14145 CORMORANT 3 103 4 51 6 51 42 Doegett B F Brown 8 15 8 15 1518J2TABOU RET 4 98 6 42 42 41 5n OConnor T A Masea 5 5 4 4 13783 DR. PARKER 3 98 3 6 5a 6 6 81ack T F Barrett and Co 15 30 15 30 Time, 11, 23, 1:08. Winner Ch. f. by Fahatto Glimnse. Post 6 minutes. Start good. Won easily. Gaze outclassed the field. Tyrba improved sharply and ran a remarkably good race. Buasella Wandlden ran well. Cormorant acted badly as usual. Watch him in mid, Tabouret is stale and sore. Scratched 15111 Modrine, HI; 153312 Judge Wardell, 104. Overweights Corm- rant, 2 pounds. Gaze, place, out. Tyrbi, place, 30 to 1; show, 4 to 1. Ruseella Waldon, show, 5 to 1. Tabouret, place, 7 to 5; show. 1 to 2. "j53 SECpnD HACE 1 1-16 Mlles- 00 added. 3-year-oIda and upward. Ind Horses A Wt St and H StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 152652VERACIOUS 3 95 2 1 la la 11 11 OConnor J Hynes l 11-101 I 153092RARE PERFUME 3 105 3 31 21 Si 2a 211 Bnllman Underwood and Co 8-5 2 8-5 11 5 152903OUR NELLIE 3 96 1 2a 31 2a 31 38 Wilson TJMcHale 8 8 5 5 15290 CONCORD 5 110 5 5 5 43 45 42 Doggett C Hanlon 10 12 10 12 15288 TAN1S 8 99 4 41 41 5 5 5 Boland H Pattereon 20 50 20 50 , . Time, 13 25, 38, 50 1:03, 1:43,1 :49and. Wmngr Ch. f, oy St. a Leonards Veva Post 3 minutes Start good. Woa cleverly. Varacious waa much the be8t at the weights and was capitally ridden. OConnor was kidding the others all the way. Rare Perfume ran to his mark. Onr Nellie is not of much account although she was weakly riddea. Scratched 153352Free Lance. 108 Overweights Rare Peifump, 4 pounds ; Onr Nellia, 4. Veracious, place, 2 to 5; 9how, out. Rare Perfume, place, 7 to 10; show, out. Our Nellie, abow, out. iK Q K THIRD RACE 5-8 CI lie. 00 added2-year-olds. Maiden fillies. ltlOul Allowances Ind, Horses A Wt Bt and V, StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 14225 AIBONITA 93 6 21 1 la ih OCoanor E Kelly i$ 4 2 2 152912P.UPIDITY 101 1 11 21 21 21 Ctaweon O L Richards 21 3 21 21 151833JAMAICA 99 7 41 3a 31 31 Wileon Perry Balmont 3 4 21 21 15291 JUGGLERY 93 4 7 41 41 4 Weber E J Shipsey 10 20 10 20 14478 yiTURrA 101 2 8 8 7 51 Michaels P Lorillard 100 100 100 100 11713 DORCAS LATHROP 93 8 61 51 51 62 Dangmin F E Gardner 20 30 20 30 15291 SUMMER GIRL 93 11 11 10 9 7 A Hewitt PS P Randolph 30 60 35 60 15291 DR. FANNIE 104 9 9 9 10 8 Corbley G Conlter 100 100 50 50 15269 EILEEN DALY 98 3 " 3a 7 61 9 Slack W C Daly 8 10 8 10 QUEENSHIP 93 10 10 11 11 10 Monro J Boden 30 100 30 100 JULDI 101 5 51 61 8 11 Eades J B McOne 100 2C0 100 200 ZAZANENE 10112 12 12 12 12 Kvacs WJGanzy 50 ICO 50 100 Time, 12, 24, 50, 1:03. Winner Cb. f. by Potentate Token Post 6 miDutes. Start fair. Won driving. OCrnnor could have won on any one of the first three. He is riding in great form. Jamaica was badly handled. Eieen Daly can do batter. Quepnsh p is a grsnd looker tost ran green and will do to watch. Jaglery ran a fair rac9. Scratched 15291 Pillager. 101. " Overweights Dr. Fannie. 3 pounds; Juldi, 3 Aibonita, place, 4 to 5; show, out. Cupidity, plica, evens; show, 2 to 5. Jamaica, show 1 to 2. T rj FOURTH tUP.E-l Mile and 7T Yards. 00 added. 3-year-oIds and XtlOt t npward. Selling. Ind HorseB A Wt St H H H StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L c"" 15004 FEDERAL 3 91 i 4 51 2 22 1 OConnor J P Martin 3 I 3 5 152153STRANGEST 3 103 I 22 2a 1 1 23 Jenkins T B Alexander 3 5 3 31 15288 CAMPANIA 6 99 9 8 8 8 8 33 Bolaud T D Sullivan 5 6 5 5 14704 CHI VALROU3 3 89 2 51 7 7 41 4a Weisss T Mnlford 50 50 50 50 152883ATHANA8 4 !05 5 42 41 3a 51 5a Clawson R T Wilson Jr 8 8 7 7 15182 DR. EICHBERG 3 101 11 11 11 9 9 61 Wilson L V Bell 4 5 3 4 13803 REE AJITC BELL 3 89 6 7 61 61 7 71 Dangman F E Gardner 20 20 2C 20 152882UNOLE LOUIS 4 9t 10 61 3a 51 31 8 A Hewitt P S P Randolph 6 10 6 10 15288 HOWARD S. 5 105 7 9 9 10 10 9 Bnllman T H Ryan 6 7 6 6 14976 VIORI3 3 91 3 12 12 41 61 10 Wober F J Kittleman 50 1C0 50 100 11383 EFFIE HAGRTY 4 f9 8 10 10 11 11 11 J Daly JJHaggerty 60 150 60 150 Time. 12. 25, 37, 1 :03, 1 :16, 1 :43, 1 :47and. Winner B. c, by Kingston or Burlington Forethought. Post Smiautea. S art good. Won driving. Federals pull in the weights and OConnors strong riaing told at the finish. Strangest was b?st and was doing hia beat. Campania got a had start and ride. She is due to win soon when lightly weighted. It was too far for Athanas. Uncle Louis tired in the stretch. H is low class, but fst for seven furlongs. Scratched 15083 Glnnoine, 105; 152S8 Rinaldo II , 105; 152682Claroba, 103; 15241 HardyC 102 15288 Tanis. 102; 15288 Nearest. 99; 7657 Songster, 99; 15263 Merlin, 97. Ororweights Howsrd S., 4 pounds. Federal, plpce, 2 to 1; 3bow, evens. Strangest, place, 7 to 5; show, 1 to 2. Campania, show ovens. Dr. Eichberg. placo. 8 o 5 ; show. 4 to 5. "flPg FIFrH RACE 5 1-3 JTurlongs. ?400 added. 2-jear-olds. Soiling. ind Horses A Wt Bt and X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H L O 15139 MISS HANOVER 103 7 1 5 5 11 Jenkins TB Alexander 7-5 7-5 6-5 6-5" 15269 GRANDEUR 97 6 4a 51 41 2U Wilaon L V Ball 20 30 20 30 15310CARBUNCLE 91 1 32 3a Si 32 Dangman B W Logan 10 10 8 8 14540 HER LADYSHIP 105 4 1 23 2H 41 Bnllman J L Holland 8 12 8 12 15291 FLEURON 105 5 21 la 1 52 Clawson E L Gravf s 4 6 4 6 14832 WAX TAPER 98 10 5a 41 5" 61 J Daly W Eaaton 20 50 20 50 15040 MYNHEER 102 2 8 7 7 7 OConnor P J Regan 21 21 11-511-5 15310 NEPOMSET 1011 8 6 8 8 8 Romanelli A L Aste 100 300 100 300 18827 THERMOS 110 9 9 9 9 9 Boland W B Jennings 30 100 30 100 GEORGE P. S. 93 12 12 12 10 10 Brennan George Scherer 50 200 50 200 DODSON 104 3 10 10 11 11 Booth W J Kilpatrick 100 300 100 300 ARNPRIOR 101 11 11 11 12 12 Moody EWitta 60 330 60 300 Time. 23, 48Js. 1:02, 1:09. Winner Ch. f. by Hanover Mias Dawn. Post 8 minutes. Start fir. Won driving Miss Hanover was seemingly knocked out of th9 race on the far turn but made up the lost gromd and won liko a high class Ally. Grand9ur finished gamely. Carbanclo ran a bid ra-o. Her Ladyabip was probably short. Mynhear was carried too fust in the first part of it. Ha is a slow beginnor and likes a route. Scratched 15312Erwin, 112; 15310 Pan Puk Keawis, 100; 15291 Golden Rattle, 99rl5160 Frandoo.98. Overpi?hts Her Ladyship, 3 pounds; Naponset, 11. Miss Hanover, place, 1 to 2: show, out Grandeur, place. 10 to 1; show, 4 to 1. Carbancle, 3how, 7 to 5. Mynheer, place 4 to 5; show. 2 to 5. 35 SIXTH RACE-5 1-3 Furlong... 00 Aaaea. All ages. Hanaicap. fnd Horses A Wt St M Vs and StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 153033THEORY 3 102 1 iu in in ih OConnor E L Graves I 5 3t3T 15206 LADY LIND3AY 3 103 5 56 3a 3a 21 Claweon J A McLaughlin 5 8 5 5 151592 B. OF MEMPHIS 4 112 3 41 51 42 3a JenkinB TJMcHale 6-5 9-5 6-5 9-5 13635 JUDGE TAR VIN 3 106 2 31 4a 2a 41 Bnllman M Corbett 4 6 4 41 14593 LALOUETTE 4 110 6 6 6 51 52 Dangman R T Wileon Jr 15 15 15 15 13855 LARVA 3 100 4 2h 21 6 6 Boland G A Muller 8 8 5 5 Time, 23. 36, 49, 1 :02, 1 :08M-Winner B. f, by Esher Morning Glory. Post 4 minutes. Start good Won driviDg It was a hot fight through the last furlong. OConnor outrode the others. Lady Lindsay ran a fine race. Bello of Memphis was not at her best today. Theory ran to her bst form Judge Tarvin is good, but he weakened a bit in the 1 last furlong. Larva quit in the stretch. LAlouette ie good, but she was slightly overweighted and had weak handling Watch her on a heavy track in any company. Scratched 152853Gtldone, 103. Overweights Lady Lindsay, 3 pounds; Judge Tarvin, 1. 1 Theory, place, 7 to 5; fehow, 3 to 5. Lady Lindsay, place, 8 to 5; show, 4 to 5. Belle of Memphis, show, 1 to 3.

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Local Identifier: drf1899102801_5_2
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