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DALYS CALIFORNIA STABLE. Bscing at San Francisco is distinctly improving and tho rate of improvement will now be greatly accelerated, When the Oakland meeting was Bnddenly started in September it was with scanty notice to owners, and horses fit and ready to race were few in nnmber, Of late, however, the fields have gained materially in numbers of starters and quality of horses engaged. The inaugural meeting at Tanforan Park begins Saturday and it will no doubt be the occasion for the debut of many horses new to the coast season of this fall. As an indication of the new factors that will soon have to be considered by those interested in San Franchco racing it may be mentioned that the veteran trainer, Dan Denison, "arrived at Oakland last week with a powerful stable in charge. The horses are mostly the property of Marcus Daly, and the list is as follows : Lord Chesteifield, ch. h, 5, by Chesterfield Tallula. Afghan, ch. c, 4, by Inverness Affinity. Colonel Boot, ch. c, 4, by Tammany Name-lees. Dnke of Yoik, ch. c, 4, by Duke of Norfolk-Carmen. Abralithe, b. f, 3, by Aerolithe Abra Daly. Harry Corby, b. c, 3, by Inverness Turquoise. Beauty Spot, ch. f, 2, by Bathampton Beauty. Ella Boland, b. f, 2, by Sam Lucas Tur-quoise. Mortgage, b. f, 2, by Montana Lottery. Limerick, ch. c, 2, by Tammany Beaucatcher. Mountebank, ch. c, 2, by Montana Pert. Frank Duffy, ch. c, 2, by Montana Josephine. Bnrdoc, br. c, 2, by Matt ByrneB Abra Daly. Invisible, ch. c, 2, by Inverness Banshee. Bandera, b. f, 2, by Matt Byrnes Chiffio. Beautiful Bill, b. c, 2, by Bathampton Belle of Butte. Besides the foregoiDg list, most of which have raced, he has the following band of yearlings that will be ready for service as two-year-olds after the coming first of January: Montana Chieftain, by Montana Homeless. Overgrowth, by Primrose Abra Daly. The Gaffer, by Uncas Laetitia. Time Center, by George Kinney Greenwich. Malapert, by Inverness Flirt. Scotch Belle, by Inverness Belle of Butte, Salvero, by Fidelio Salvia. Allegon, by Inverness Banshee. Too Hot, by The Pepper Pert. Shaft, by The Pepper Boise. Bonillary, by Primrose Bonita. Etching, by Primrose Export. Cushion, by Sam Lucas Yolande. Chaste, by Jim Gore British Blue Blood. Immidel, by Inverness Model. Woeful, by Sam Lucas Weeping Child.