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Leighs Portable Stalls. Cheap, Safe, Sensible, Comfortable. OWNERS Ktaandal with "Leighs Patent Portable Stall," iX adjustable to any car, thus securing J?feEE s"" PCAb 3 absolute safety to your horses while, graft HKrtS Ml 1 in transit without additional cost to JjSJ j5Kp;i,i j 3 rilE? mlW 1 the shippers, as express companies tEifSS KJi J!? " g !! furnish them free of cost to you. jr, pSF.Uandia. i.Ju4-JE!- t--- fraPM W They dont deface the car when ad- ,Ltand53 BSKtandSa! tjPsJSffli I Justed and can be set up in thirty jfeg-w-LA--- y minutes for any numb er-of horses to I Jp f v if I 24 in double door baggage car. Ex- , 1 WsS fsitfi f eompaoiea can procure 4bem greBe jjjjg j, THOS. McFADDBN, Mgr. B88-68M82 lut Front Street, j tjfywf PjIs 1 U UMi wa Cincinnati, o, p jadfegyfaa tAEftSflgg ,wB