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AQUEDUCT FORM CHART. AQUEDUCT, 1. 1., November a. Tenth day. Queens County Jockey Clnb. Fall Meeting. Weather cloudy; track fair and improving. P it Moiifi Jtcn Uertr.ce KcDtwell Btaiter, C. H. Pettingill. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. 154:69 FIRST HACK-About 7-8 Mile. 5400 added. 3-year-olde and upward. lad Horaea AWt St 34 K X 8trFin Jockeys Owners O H L V 112031TBE PRIDE 3 107 1 U H 11 1h 1e Bnllman Jandmes Whitten 7-5 7-5 7-107-10 15831 LUFFCON 6 115 2 22 22 31 31 2a Murphy G A Mailer 15 20 15 20 14792JW1FBANUS 3 112 4 4b 4b 2a 2h is Jenkits WstmreandMeehnS 31 3 31 15359 JOTGE TAEVIN 3 108 5 5 5 41 4 42 OConnor M Corbett 3 41 3 4i 14659 BlABNEYSTONE 4 113 3 3h 3b 56 8 51 Clawarn F Brown 8 30 8 30 15f80 L1PIDA 3 100 6 7 7 6 6 6 Ghbouine W O Daly 100 4C0 100 400 1cC43MaZARIN 6 111 7 6 6 Boko dn. Dogeett N Bennington 8 40 8 40 Time, 12, 24, 50, 1 :15, 37, 1 :28. Winner B. g, by Dundbe Beeswing. Pc st 6 minutes- Start pood. Won in a hard drive of tbree. The Pride stood a long drive stonily and was the best, finffoon ran well under poor handling. Meebanus is good and ran his race. Judge Tarvin by no means lau hiB iace end was poorly handled. Scratcbec 152052Dukeof Middleburg, 118; 15380GEze, 115; 154CO Tremargo, 113; 15354 Cor-moranr, 113: 154C02LAlouPtte, 110; SC43 Dye, 110; 15376 Vertigo, 110; 154S82Brisk, 108; 15438 Lin-dula, 105; 15308 Matanza, 105 Overweights Mazarin, 1 pound. The Price, place, 1 to 3; show, out. Bnffocn, place. 6 to 1; show, 8 to 5. Meehanus, show, 2 to 5. 15dLTO BEC0ND HACB5 1-2 Fnrlong8, S add6d 2-year-oldB. Handicap Ind Horaea A Wt Ht M, K X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 152863QOLDONE 111 2 3 32 21 1b Bnllman G B Morris 4 6 4 6 15381 WAKING 126 1 11 11 11126 Clawson F M Taylor 4-5 9-107-107-10 15434 MAGIC LIGHT 103 8 51 51 51 3 Collins W C Daly 6 8 6 7 1B404BACK TALK 104 5 2 21 32 43 Jenkins EC Taylor 8 12 6 12 153813PHESTIDIGITATOR106 7 4h 41 41 56 Wilson G E Smith 5 6 5 8 15404 CIALES 86 3 6 6 6 65 Dargman E Kelly 50 50 30 30 QOODALE 102 6 7 7 7 7 Phelan Turney Bros 30 200 30 200 15358 NEPONSET 87 4 8 8 8 8 Slack A L Aste 200 200 200 200 Time, 12, 24, 49, 1:02, 1:08. Winner Br. c, by Goldfinch Abilone Pot 5 minut68. Start poor. Wondiiving. Waring was best and should have won. Claw-son 8E carelees at tbe end erd threw tbe rece away. GcJdote ran a good race and atocd a ftrorp drive tamely, ifagic Lght ian bia rice under bad handling. Back Talk ran a fair race. Prestidigitator ran below his mark. Scratched 152672Manvilla. 110: 152692Difisenter, 98. Overweights Back Talk, 1 pound. Goldone, place, 7 to 5; show. 3 to 5. Waring-, place, out. Magic Light, show, evens. l K A H 1 THIRD HACK 1 Mile and 70 Xardsl manddSai. All agea. 1 ttr j JL Allowances. Iod Horses A Wt St H H X 8trFin Jockeye Owners PEL V 153772BELLE OF TROY 3 1C5 5 2 3 41 31 Ib Jenkins J E McDonald 21 21 9-5 9-5 15376 COMPENSATION 3 103 S 42 2h 31 21 2h Slack B E Beach 50 50 50 50 15286 LAMP GLOBE 2 93 7 8 8 61 7 36 Dangman JhnstonandSkinnerlO 30 10 30 154003 LADY LINDSAY 3 106 2 11 11 11 11 42 Clawson J A McLaughlin 5 7 5 5 15S783JTJCOMA 2 88 8 6" 62 5 4 51 Weber L V Bll 20 20 20 20 15405 ATHANA3 4 108 1 5h 51 8 8 6 Bnllman R T Wilson Jr 15 20. 15 20 15380 CLAROBA 3 100 6 7 7 7 61 7 Belaud H G Hnnter 15 50 15 50 15334 MC MEEKIN 2 ICO 4 3b 41 211 51 8 OCoDnor W M Barrick 1 13-101 13-10 Time. 12, 25, 37, 50, 1:03, 1:44, 1:48. Winner Ch. f, by Fonso The Belle. Post 10 minutes. Start good. Won with the Bret three driving to the limit. Belle of Troy wen because Fbe was bett handled. CcmpeceMion revived suddenly and ran in bis trne form. Lamp Glebe likes a rente End closed tin ngly in tbe etretch. Lady Licdsaj and McMeekin quit in tbe stftMch. McMeekin seems to be a non-stayer. Scratched 154372Intrnsive. 113; 154352Vill8ge Pride, 1C0; 154473Frelinghuysen, 93. Overweights Laoy Lindsay, 1 pound. Bella of Troy, place, 3 to 5; show. out. Compensation, place, 12 to 1; t how, 3 to 1. Lamp Globe, show, 2 to 1 McMeekin, piece, 2 to 5; show, out. 154t72 F0URTH HACK 1 1-16 Mlles C0 added. All ages, Handicap. Ind Horses A Wt St U X X BtrFin JockoyB Owners U H L C 15449TBILLO 4 118 2 H 11 U 11 1b Bnllman LOAppbby 2 2 9-5 9-5 15246 RAFAEL LO 3 117 4 4 4 4 32 21 Jenkins M J Murphy 8 4 3 16-5 154371 BABENTUS 4 113 1 22 21 21 2H 31 ClawBon O L Richards 2 3 2 3 154CO ELFIN CONIG 2 100 3 33 33 33 4 4 OConnor J H Carr 4 4 3 3 Time, 13, 25, 38, 51, 1:04, 1:43, 1:49. Winner B. c, by Tristan Fiona. Post 3 minutes. Start good. Won driving. Trillo is in great form jnst now, but Rafaello wbb badly ridden. Be waB taken wide on the first turn and was on tbe outside all the way to the stretch. He was beat. Elfin Conic ran a grod race. CharentuB did hiB beBt. Scratched 154502Mytb, 1C0; 154373Filon dOr.97: 15471 Lady Lindsay, 94. Trillo, place, 3 to 0. Rafaello, place, 4 to 5. CharentuB, place, 4 to 5. Elfin Conig, place, 4 to 5. FIFTH BACS1 1-16 M1Ie8 1899.sh0 added. 3-year-oldB and upward. Belling. Ind HoranB A Wt St and K X BtrFin Jockeya Owners O H L C 1491I2DAN BICE 4 106 2 12 12 12 11 jh Jmkine Bajmen andFrank 6-5 6-5 1 6-5 154392SfOTCH PLAID 4 104 4 5 310 310 310 211 WilBcn H T Griffin 6 6 16-516-5 15S333ALYABADO II. 6 101 1 22 22 23 21 33 0;Connor Ralph Black 2 21 2 11-5 14624 KSTACA 5 106 5 42 46 46 46 45 Boland F Brown 8 20 8 20 15405 JAMES M. 3 SI 3 6 6 6 6 51 Moody Begina Stable 100 200 100 200 1E4C5 JULIUS CAESAR 4 104 6 51 51 51 51 6 Mclnlyre W Cahill 20 100 20 100 Time, 12, 25. 28, 51, 1:03, 1:16, 1:42. 1:49. Winner Ch. c, by Hanover Joaa. Post 5 minutes. Start poor. Won driving. JerkinB outrode Wilson at the finish. Scotch Plaid mold have won with skillful handling Dan Rice iB in good form. Alvarado II. ran his race. Estaca was short. The others were ontclasseri. Scratched 15401FIax Spinner, 106; 15118 Traveler, 102; 153573Campania, 99; 1535580ur Nellie, 97; 154012 Ve re cious, 97; 15335 Bangor, 93. Overweights James M., 5 pounds. Den Rice, place, 1 to 2; show, out. Scotch Plaid, place, 4 to 4; show, out. Alvarado II., placp. 7 to 10: show, out. SIXTH RACE 3- Mile. 00 added. 2-year-olda. Maidens. AllowanceaT 15lf7L Ind Horaea A Wt Bt H, H X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H L 0 15378 GOLDEN RATTLE 109 6 HI 12 13 11 Clhwton GoughacresStable5 6 4 4 152692DISSENTER 112 4 22 22 21 2h Bnllman Turney Bro3 8-5 2 -8-5 8-5 1535826RANDEUB, 112 5 51 3a 31 31 Wilson L V Bell 2 31 2 16-5 15269 SOLON 112 7 41 41 41 46 Hennessy J Wbitttn 30 60 30 60 WAR REN WOOD 112 9 7 8 5h 5a Black J Coyne 30 60 30 60 151C9 ANGLE 112 3 9 7 7 61 Morris J Healy 15 20 15 20 153323LIEbE 1C9 1 6a 61 61 7 Jenkins F E Gardner 5 5 31 31 13752 FRANK WEBB 112 8 8 9 9 8 Boland H G Hnnter 20 50 20 50 15310 PINCBER 112 2 3a 51 8 9 McGann P Fox 100 300 100 300 15358 GEORGE P. S. 112 10 10 10 10 10 LBUghlin George Scherrer 100 300 100 800 Time, 12, 24and, 37, 50, 1:16. Winner B, f, by Golden Garter Baby. l ost 3 minutes. Start fair. Wod easily. Golden Battle was easily tbe best. Distenter is a fair colt and ran to bis beBt form. Grandeur closed ground in the stretch. Liebe quit early in the action and can do better. Scratched 13104 Margate. 112; 15404 Bermuda Hundred. 109. Golden Rattle, place, 7 to 5; show, 1 to 3. Dissenter, place, 3 to 5; show, out. Grandeur, show, 1 to 3. Liebe. place. 6 to 5; show. 1 to 2.