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NOTES OF THE TURF. It is reported that a full mile track will be built at Atlanta, Ga next year. This is the outcome of the successful meeting held there in October in connection with the State Fair. It is said that the association will be reorganized and that three of thelargest shareholders of the new Tennessee Breeders Af sociation will take stcck in the new venture. Secretary J. W. Busswurm will probably be identified with the new track. Johnny Payne, who has the betting ring privileges at the Birmingham meeting, tends word to a friend in Lexington that the meeting in the Iron City is a big success. The races are well attended and the betting lively. The prospects are that the promoters will quit winners on the meeting this year, and if such iB the case there will be racing at Birmingham next year, either in the spring or fall season. Cincinnati Enquirer. The Hamilton Jockey Club has re-elected the following directors : Dr. Osborne, J.M.Harris, P. D. Crerar, J. S. Hendrie, Samuel Barker, W. Hendrie, Jr B. S. Morris, Judge Monck and F. C. Bruce. C. S. Scott was elected auditor. The directors will meet shortly to elect a president. They are anxious to have Mr. Barker again accept the presidency. Despite the fact that the new straightaway at Sheepehead will be ready for use at the next summer meeting, one stake will have to be de-1 cided over the old Futurity Course. This is the Futurity of 19C0, which closed prior to the contemplated alterations, and is billed to be run ever the Futurity Course. Jockey Winnie OConnor will not winter at New Orleans. Though he has had many flattering offerB, Bromley and Co. will send him to Lexington, wbeie, with trainer Julius Bauer, he will spend the snow season preparing a long string of horses for racing in 1900. Fred MogBom, who so successfully developed the Montana coltB belonging to MarcnB Daly this year, is now handling Mr. Eeenes yearlings at Brookdale. Mossom was in charge of the Brookdale stud when it was owned by the Messrs. Thompson. Colonel James E. Pepper denies that he has sold his colt Kings Courier for J26.0C0 to go to England. He says he has sold one half of his racing qualities for 1900 for 5,000, the colt to run in England. Secretary Ed Hopper is putting in his spare moments framing conditions of the stakes for the Latonia Bpring meeting of next year. They will eoon be announced, j i