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OCTOBER AND OTHER FORM BOOKS. October books of Form Charts in paper and leather covers are on sale. They contain all the Form Charts of all tracks from October 1, to October 31 inclusive. Price, paper cover. ; soft morocco, .50. The editions of both are limited. There are five morocco-covered volumes of charts from January 1 to June 80 inclusive on Bale at 0. 1899 ANNUAL BACING FORM. The first volume of 1899 Annual Bacing Form, containing the charts from J anuary 1 to July 1, 1899, in soft morocco covers, with a linen paper index lettered and reinforced for hard use, is ready for delivery. The Yearly costs 0. Volume 2 will be delivered to subscribers by January 5, 1900. The two volumes of the Annual will not ba sold separately. There are a few special term books for sale on order, however AMERICAN RACING RUI.ES OF 1899. The 1899 edition of the American Bacing Bules, published by Secretary E. G. Hopper of the American Turf Congress, is out and can be sent by mail to any address from this office for 25 cents. The book contains the racing rules as amended to January 1, racing Colors as registered and betting rules, and a digest in index form which is a snide to all the books contents 20 TO 1 TODAY. At Bennings today in fourth race our advertised GETAWAY DAY GOOD THING is entered. Sand or call for it. It is a BEAL CHOICE ABTICLE. Thursday at Bonninga in sscond race we will be in position to famish our patrons with a 15 to 1 chance. By placing a commission or .00 on thea9 TWO GOOD THINGS you will profit to the extent of 50.00 or more. We adviae turf followers to secure these spocials. They are two of the best things we have had this year. Telegraphed anywhere 9 a.m. Terms .00 Daily, .00 For Six Days Winter or Summer. RACE TRACK INFORMATION BUREAU. SUITE 500, 363 DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO, ILL. ..Today Winners.. AND AT GOOD PRICES. We are in a position to give you information irom today that cannot be dupicated for ten times the amount. A GOOD THING WILL BE TUBNED LOOSE IN THE MAIDEN CLASS AT OAKLAND TODAY basides several good things at Washington that WILL WIN. Bemember we have the WINNEB OF THE INAUGUBAL at Now Orleans for Thanksgiving. Price 00 for today and 0.00 for six days selections. The National Turf Investment Go, Suite 605, 167 Dearborn 8t Chicago, III