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CLOHESEY A CO., PRINTERS. Bookmakers Supplies, Tickets, Sheets, Slates, Cash Boxes, Etc., 86 to 94 Fifth Avenue, Times Building, Telephone Main 2134. Complete booking outfit furnished in an hours notice. PHD CAl C Property of C. R. 1 v_yr rLLZ, Ellison at auction at Si. Louis Fair Grounds Derby Day, Saturday, June 16, 1900, brown mare FIRESIDE, foa ed in 1894. Winner of Memorial Stakes at St. Louis and 17 races. By Faverdale, first dam Imp. Sweet Home, by Knight of St. Patrick dam of Sweet Faverdale, Major Domo, Preston, Homelike. Wigwam, St. Herbert, Indian Beauty and Crank. 5 out of 6 at Harlem Yesterday. SEE FOR YOURSELVES. Anglo-American Handicap Posted every day at principle hotels, Chapin and Gore and Foster s Buffet. We wire away more special good things than anyone in the business. Scales, 2 to 1. Silverdale, 1 to 1, Trimmer, 7 to 2, wired yesterday. Terms .00 per week. Daily Handicap 50 cents. Orders payable to BKN.JN GRANGER, 178 E. 53rd Street. CHICAGO. ..HARLEM RACES.. Scientific handicapping. Special pointers on all races. Try us. 6 TO 10 TO 1 CHANCE TODAY. Saturday the sweetest thing of the Harlem meeting 10 to 1 or more. Delivered anywhere in the city FREE by special messenger .00 DAILY. 00 THREE DAYS. RACETRACK INFORMATION BUREAU 500-502-504, 263 Dearborn St., Chicago.