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Be Your Own Handicapper ! Why pay for information when we teach yon the best method in existence. The only handicap school in America. Selections furnished daily .00. Two winners or money refunded. Three days trial free. Our judicious betting system in pamphlet form .00. Write or call. TheFamous Handicap School Room 1425 Masonic Temple, Chicago. WE HAVE.... A New System That will win 2.00 a week on 00 capital PERMANENTLY Simple, Safe and Thoroughly Practical Full instructions, how and what to play, .00 DAILY, .00 WEEKLY, or 10 per cent of profits. INVESTIGATE NHand co- EXPERT HA /- IN 1-|CAPPERS AND Turf Advisors. R. 513, 225 DEARBORN ST.. CHICAGO. The Oldest and Most Reliable Firm in the Business WE ALWAYS DELIVER THE GOODS. STAR THEATRE, Clark and Kinzie Sts. BOXING Every Friday Night — Under auspices of the FORT DEARBORN ATHLETIC CLUB. Sam Summerfield, ESftfife: C. T. ESSIG, Secretary. CARD FRIDAY, JUNE 15 WIND-UP FRANK CHILDS, colored heavyweight champ, ion of the world, vs. FRED RUSSELL, colored heavyweight champion of the Pacific Coast. Side bet 50.00. Their last meeting was the hottest heavyweight contest ever seen in Chicago. KID CARTER, VS. TOMMY SMITH, Chicago. 118 Chicago. CHARLEY SFERRY,Vn. HARRY GRIFFIN, Kansas City. 130 Chicago. DAVE BARRY, VS. WALTER NOLAN, Toronto. 140 Chicago. HARRY FORBES, VS. Young GUSTAVSON, Chicago. 120 Milwaukee. O. G. OLSON CO., ...HIGH CLASS... IMPORTERS AND TAILORS, 42 Monroe Street, Palmer House, Chicago. ...JUST RECEIVED.... Fine English Novelties Specially Selected for the RACING SEASON and the DERBY. STYLE AND WORKMANSHIP THE VERY LATEST AND BEST. THE HORSEMENS FAVORITE ROUTE BETWEEN CHICAGO ..and.. ST. LOUIS And All Points Shown in the Above Map. The Route of "THE ALTON LIMITED" The Handsomest Train in the World. City . Chicago. 1A1 * c. Ticket lJI AdamSbt. R. Somebville, Office gen.agt. pas. dpt American ..Horse Exchanges.. Vearling Sales OCCUR ON JUNE 15th, 16th, a.m. and p.m. JUNE 18th, 19th, 20th, JULY 4th AND INCLUDE All the Leading Stads in America F. M. WARE, TREASURER, MANAGER, AUCTIONEER. SAYfM 0/" I I ! I DO YOU KNOW? SHIH SUHIJIIERFIELD IS PRESIDENT of the DEARBORN TAILORING CO., 102 EAST MADISON STREET. Suits From $ 1 5.00 Up Trousers .00 Up