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TO MEET MISS BENNETT. Colonel William S. Barnes crack filly. School for Scandal, has been brought from Cincinnati to Washington Park to meet her engagement in the Quickstep Stakes. She gave weight and a beating to T. C. McDowells flyer, Monarka. at Newport, Tuesday, and of this race the Cincinnati Enquirer says: "Tom McDowells good filly Monarka. a filly which the Lexington turfman is r-aid to consider as promising as was either her half sister. Spirituelle, or Rush at her age. was beaten at the Newport track, yesterday. "Though beaten, however, the McDowell crack was not disgraced. It was. with perhaps the exception of Queen Dixon, the best of the misses which have shown up here this season, that took her measure. School for Scandal, the slashing daughter of Teuton and Flying Rumor, from the stable of W. S. Barnes, was obliged to put forth her very best efforts to nose out the half sister to Spirituelle, after a fierce drive the last quarter of a mile. Unfortunately the race could not be considered a true CONTINUED ON SECOND PAGE. TO MEET MISS BENNETT. test of the relative merits of the two fillies. There were features about it which detracted J from it as such. As the form chart shows, the pair ran as a team to the three-eighths pole, but between that point and the quarter pole Mo-narka. who was on the outside, swerved under punishment, bumped into her rival and caromed I off of her. "That she lost considerable ground in consequence is to be inferred from the fact that when they straightened away in the stretch the neck advantage which School for Scandal had at the ■ time the first bumping occurred had grown to 1 two lengths. Monarka was not beaten then. Responding gamely to punishment she quickly regaiued the lost ground, and again drew alongside the Barnes filly. Neck and neck they contested every foot of the way from the eighth . pole home. School for Scandal the while 1 carrying the daughter of Prince of Monaco nearer and nearer to the outside fence until I they finished the shortest of heads apart within a few feet of t lie judges stand. In the meantime, while the pair of cracks was struggling for supremacy along the outer rail, Queen Carnival threatened to beat them both. Seeing his 1 opportunity. Aker had taken the shortest way home with the Hiner filly. Cutting the corner into the stretch and hugging the inner rail the 1 daughter of Leonatus closed a gap of eight or . ten lengths on the others in the final furlong, and. separated from them by the width of the : track, she was not more than a neck behind them as they dashed by the winning line. "The race left the question of supremacy as between School for Scandal and Monarka a mooted one. for while the admirers of the Barnes filly contend that she was hampered by Monarka bumping her repeatedly, Mr. McDowell and his friends were satisfied in their own minds that Monarka suffered more from being carried wide all down the Btretch. In any event, the race stamps School for Scandal a good filly, as, with 112 pounds up. she was conceding each of the contenders seven pounds on a track which, it is understood, is not at all to her liking."