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BRIGHTON BEACH ENTRIES. Potabilities : Weather clear; track good. od. First Raoe— 3-4 Mile. All ages. Handicap. Age. Wt. Hde* Idep. ind. Horses. l96f»iHeliobas Im ...730 ..735 730 !™ U»49lGold Fox V"tt» ...720 Im ...725 725 19S80 Maribert 4 106 ...730 730 19271 3Toluca.... ....••: , 3....106 ids ...740 7« 740 Tavi Tikki 18397 Rikki ...725 14631 Musette VlOS " ...720 7» 19511SHioke «"" »•— m * ...750 "750 wu 1947D Stuart «.- Ind. 1974- 85 19355 19355 19272 gg 19436 19252 | 19543 1946? 19463 j 1832* 18326* 19571 gjj 19478 1943 19481 Ind Ind. 182 18215 195 ,. 1934 19349 _ I960 19602 ■ j 12 M 19* 19605 d ~ = 1791 17905 j» 19641 - 195 19 = id _ ~ J - 193 18 18 , N sd jS 18244 m to t Second Race-5-8 Mile. has has fin 2-year-olds. Maidens. Allowances. £2 w Horses. color.sexandpedigreesWt. Hdcp. • outcla outclassed, Albert Edward, ch. c. by Al- Sc bert-Emma Mack 110 ••; i W SSSTkV.... iw g 3 Bhow, show, ..HO 7-» 5 -=-JR 19404-AppleOf My Eye ■ c. by Bath- I I y] Flash 110 • • amptou-Agnes __- Humbotdt ••••IW 10 6 Ind Ind Frank Kenny, b. c. by Eothen 19539J MMrtuy Mrs. General Gilflora 110 ... • 19539: 139*BLL 192723Minion 1*0 715 5 Aunuity 1J0 *»? y, Operator J" WO ■ VV Idle Chat g g ■ to to tin the Taveta g bsu 10 form form Queen Quality "0. •_. S Princess Pepper JO g Boy J07 ™ -Street Anna Darling 10. 69o lq- 19533 «**■ Philma Paxton 107 i" Third Race— 1 Mile. 19475 19475 3-year-olds. Selling. Horses. Age. Wt. Hdcp. King Bramble 110 710 1 Ind. ind. 19538The Chamberlain 109 71a ■ 18319 19540Gonfalon 0b *» 18352 18352 Silver Garter 101 TJ0 19377 98 .-U t9461Prestidigitator 19503 m .. J Hansborough ■ ...w 17974 Fourth. Race— 3-4 Mile. 1945c The Sea Cliff Stakes. ,000 added. 19591 All ages. Allowances. . 19-06 jjj 13222 19297Voter !"• 4H "St I 19451 19451 Modrine 3. ...117 -» 5 i87H 18704 Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. 1947; 19475 2-year-olds. Allowances. Kenilworth JJ5 725 5 Handwork 7a" 0 JJ5 1951 19543 Beau Gallant 11* 730 J lft56 19567 19543*Glennellie -Jf, 7*? ■ 195P I95f9 19496Kid Cox I" 7iJ5 5 1942 194243 Sixth Raee-1 1-8 Miles. 1956 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 19.-67 J9 l9313PrinceMeClurg * • :2? Ifn ,. * 1945 19450 194624mp 1— JfJ ™ £ l95 19373?Flaunt ? • .l! ~Vx ~ 190 19:05 19606 Decanter !-"Si *£. ■ 1956 19568 19573 Rinaldo 11 5. ...108 71o S 19575Herbert 3.. .107 « JO 19540Gonfalon 19513BelleofTroy 7-";Si f-"-!x? nil « S 195J 19537a TyrShena. S—S V£ £ M" 182l5King Bramble 3. ...101 iM 20 195J 195353