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HIGHLAND PARK FORM CHART. DETROIT, MICH., August 14.— Seventeenth day. Summer Meeting. Highland Park Club. Weather threatening; track fast. Presiding Judge. C. H. Pettingill. 8tarter, Mars Cassidy. Racing starts at 2 :30 p. m. *1 FIRST RACE— 7-8 Mile. Purse 1250. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Tnd "Horses A Wt St M % V StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 1P896 ALEX 3 92 2 1"« fi H 1- "24 Wonderly F Reagan 10 10 4 4 19929-FESSY F. 6 100 1 P 2- 2* 2 2* Landry D Stephens 3 4 3 3* 19984 ZAZANENE 3 94 7 |14 4« 4* KM 34 Coburn J M Galaeh.-r 20 30 20 30 1998 -1SPALDY Y. 4 98 5 51 53 |t 4" 1«« Rv:in Fox and McDonnell 3 4 3 34 198532 MAT LOCK 3 102 3 3U 3* 3- 3- 5" LThmpson X Dymeat 4-5 6-5 4-5 6-5 19963 CABLE CLIFF 3 94 6 62 fit 6 6 6" E Miller J Brewer 100 "00 80 100 19671 ZELMORE 390477777W Daly Mrs M Lynch 100 200 HO 100 Time Ml. 4Bt, 1 :llt, 1:274. Winner— Br c. by St. Florian— Contradiction. Went to post at 2 1:46. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second the sime. Alex ran as if in his best form, showed the most speed and was never in trouble. Fessy F. as easily held the others safe. Zazanene showed improvement. Coburn rode a hurtling race on her and put it all over Ryan when it came to a finish. Matlock showed but little speed and her race was too bad to be a true run one. Scratched 1998Salvado. 102. Overweights -Fessy F., 3 pounds; Zazioene, 4: Spaldy Y.. I; Cable Cliff. 2. Alex, place. 7 to 5 ; show, 3 to 5 Fessy F., place, evens : show. 2 to 5. Zazanene, show. 4 to 1. Spaldy Y.. place. 6 to 5 ; show. 1 to 2. Matlock, place, I to 2 ; show, out. * 1 SECOND RACE— 5-8 Mile. Purse 50. 2-year-olds. Selling. nd Horses ~~ A Wt St H, % § StrFin jockeys Owners ~ O H L C 1989tTOAD RAINEY 107 1 3" 3 " 4*« 11 Landry E Moore 8-5 8-5 7-107-10 1996MHELEN GRAHAM 97 4 42 224 2" LThomps iiL Smitha 6 15 6 15 19393 AMOROSO 107 3 HI V |1 31 J Daly -5 P Harlan 6 7 6 7 193692LADY EDITH 107 2 2h 5 5 4« Coburn R Ravenhall 2 34 2 34 199593BILL MASS1E 102 5 5 41 314 5 Postel Vince and Weir 4 4 4 4 Time, 234. 49., 1 :03. Winner— B. f, by Longfish — Halloween. Went to post at 3:17. At po9t 1 minute. Start good. Won handily: second all out. Toad Rainey was outrun in the first part of the race, but closed fast through the last eighth and was going away at the finish. She stumbled when making the turn into the stretch and went to her knees, but came away without effort when she got to going again. Helen Graham outgamed Amoroso when it came to a drive and got second place in the last stride Amoroso was tiring and stopping at the end. Bill Massie ran out at the stretch turn when he seemed dangerous. Scratched— 19962 Matanzas. 97. Toad Rainey. place, out. Helen Graham, place, 4 to 1 ; show, evens. Amoroso, show, 3 to 5. Lady Edith, place, evens: show. 2 to 5. Bill Massie. place. 8 to t ; show. 7 to 10. *~ 9 THIRD RACE-l 1-16 Miles. Purse 50. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. ind Horses A Wt St M M X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19961 ENNOMIA 5 108 4 514 52 4- 31 1- Landry P J Goebel and Co 1 6-5 1 6-5 199603L. OF THE WEST5 103 3 4 44 314 2" 2- A Weber J C Ferris Jr 3 3 2* 3 19S67HBAFFLED 3 87 1 1»« 1» IH Di * J Daly 8 P Harlan 2 2 2 2 19929i HIGH LAND PCE 4 92 6 3» 2" 2« 43 i* Wonderly H McCarren Jr 10 12 10 10 19949 JIM CONWAY 6 1034 5 6 6 6 54 5* Castro E Bertonniere 30 80 30 50 19896 ANNIE TEUTON I 99 S 2H 3" 54 I 6 Coburn J Hickey 100 200 80 100 Time, 241, 491, 1 :154. 1 :41i, 1 :474. Winner — Br. m. by Blazes— Planetta. Went to post at 3:43. At post 4 minutes. Start good. Won handily ; second easily. The first three came to a drive in the stretch and Eunomia drew away in the final sixteenth and won with speed in reserve. Lady of the West was under a drive all through the last quarter. She came wide at the stretch turn. Baffled showed fine early speed, but quit when it came to a drive. Highland Prince took the short route and was well ridden. He ran his race. Scratched— 19984Kittie Regent, 96. Overweights — Jim Conway, 24 pounds ; Annie Teuton, 4. Eunomia. place, 1 to 2 ; show. out. Lady of the West, place, 4 to 5; show, out. Baffled, place, 3 to 5; show. out. "Wll O FOURTH RACE- 5-8 Mile. Purse 50. 2-year-olds. Allowances. nd Horses A Wt St j ij StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19K301MTLITANT 105 2 21 1« 1" 14 Coburn 8 W Street 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 199622LIZZIE A. 105 1 14 22 2H V Landry E Whalen 2 2 2 2 19958 SAN LUIS 111 3 3* S* P 3" Henson Mrs P Enton 3 34 3 34 19928 ROSE BIRD 105 4 4 4 4 4 H Brown E Moore 100 100 80 100 Time. 12.24.484,1:02.. Winner— B. g. by Tournament— Belle Rose. Went to post at 4:17. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second the same. Militant was under a pull all the way ind Coburn could have won awav off had he so wished. It was a two-horse race throughout. San Luis could not improve his position. Scratched— 19962 Lyror Bell. 108. Militant, place, out. Lizzie A., place, 2 to 5; show, out. San Luis, place. 7 to 10; show. out. »f 1 A FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Purse 50. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. ind Horses A Wt St % StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19495 INVASION 3 102 4 P l" 1 • 1" Landry J K Garneit 3-2 3-2 1 6-5 19930 SACKHEN 3 88 5 21 P 21 2 •- A Weber W McKay and Co 7-5 3 7-5 3 19963 JACKADIE 4 984 2 41 31 3"« 3 McQuade H McCarren Jr 10 10 10 10 199632FAIRY DELL 3 88 1 52 42 41 42 Wonderly D Stephens 4 4 4 4 19901 TOM KINGSLEY 5 106 6 6*» 6* 5"« ft* Stevens W H Williamson 8 8 6 6 19932 KNOWLE 3 88 3 3" 51 62 63 E Miller T Peltier 20 80 H 50 19930 iN FELICE 6 98 7 7 7 7 7 Postel R Moore 20 8J 20 50 Time, 234, 474, 1:014, 1:144. Winner— B. f, by Fiddlesticks — Invermay. Went to post at 4:48. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won pulling up; second easily. Invasion made a show of her company. Sackhen was easily the best of the others. Jackadie and Fairy Dell fought it out for third place and were driving to the limit in the last eighth. Tom Kingsley showed but little speed. Scratched— 19985 Logan Laudeman, 103; 19927 Descubridora, 88. Overweights Jackadie, 14 pounds: Tom Kingsley, 1; lnfelico. 3. Invasion, place, 1 to 2 ; show, out. Sackhen, place, 1 to 5 ; show, out. Jackadie, show, evens. Fairy Dell, place, evens; show, 2 to 5. */ W I "T SIXTH RACESilaTle. Purse 50. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. md Horses" A Wt St H V, StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 198672HINGARIAN 4 107 2 11 13 12 i« Coburn S W Street 24 3 2 3 19895 BY GEORGE 4 103 3 31 2" 3» 214 E Flynn J C Ferris Jr 6 10 6 10 W.tS.?:; WINE PRESS 4 103 6 52 5* 2" »" McQuade H McCarren Jr 3 4 3 4 19779 NANCY TILL 5 105 1 41 «n #n 41 Castro C L Forsythe A ;Col 4 3 3 19895 AN. LAURETTA 5 101 4 2» 31 54 5" Landry H L Johnson 8-5 8-5 7-5 3-2 17830 W1LKERSON 3 98 5 6 6 6 6 Postel T F Sellers 100 200 60 100 Time. 24.474, 1:14.. Winner— Ch. c, by Hanover — Dilemma. Went to post at 5:19. At post 6 minutes. Start good. Won all out ; second driving. Hungarian showed the most early speed, but had to do his best in the last eighth. By George finished fast and was catching him at the end. Wine Press was slow to get in motion, but she baved several lengths at tue stretch turn and stood a hard drive through the last furlong. Annie Lauretta was on the outside all the way and she was stopping at the end. Scratched — 198662Nimrod, 106. Hungarian, place, evens; -how. 1 to 2. By George, place. 3 to 1; show, evens. Wine Press, show, 1 to 2 Nancy Till, place, evens ; show. 1 to 2. Annie Lauretta, place, 1 to 2; 6how. out.