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WINDSOR FORM CHART. WINDSOR, ONT., Angus! 14.— Twentieth day. Windsor Jockey Club. Summer Meeting. Weather clear : track fast. Presiding Judge, M. N. Macfarlan. Starter. J. J. Holtman. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. , 0/"W~V | £* FIRST RACE- 1-2 Mile. Purse 250. 2-year-olds. Allowances. " Ind HoraeT " A~Wt St Vt X 8trFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 198692 PINE CHIP 106 6 M 34 U Hshberger G W Innes and Co 6 6 6 6 182SS THE BR. DEMON 103 4 2* 2 1 ■■ Miller W H Laird 5 8 5 8 iqS99*FREQUENT 103 r 6* 1- tf J Martin H T Pierce 4 b 4 b 1 1 H6 MATTIE BAIN 103 9 51 5 44 Ballentine C OConnor and Co 20 100 20 60 19948 ERICELL 106 7 8 62 51 ERobertsonJ L Smith and Co 8 20 7 12 18* 96 CONCHA 103 11 41 7 6- J Hicks K P Shipp 10 10 10 10 19948 HORSA 106 2 14 1- 7- Nelson J W Pangle 2 2 2 2 19869 CRESCENT QUEEN 103 10 11 10 8 Post J Desha 10 60 10 30 19614 LENA BENTON 103 8 7 8 9 Silvers FBaumheckelandColO 20 10 15 19869DR GRACE 106 14 14 13 10 H Wilson D V Grace and Co 10 20 10 15 19899 FREE PLAY 108 3 9 9 11 Winkfield J E Seagram 20 20 10 10 19871 BABE HEWITT 103 12 12 It 12 Waters P Burke 50 100 40 60 19656 MAGGIE YOUNG 103 13 13 12 13 C Martin W L Hazelip 10 20 10 15 HANO 110 1 10 14 14 Hart MrsMGoldbt tandColO 20 10 15 Time. 121. 25,50. Winner— Ch. c. by Pirate of Penzance— Chippie. Went to post at 2:40. At post 13 minutes. Start good. Won driving ; second easily. Pine Chip finished fast, outgamed his field and drew away lyider punishment like a good one. The Bronze Demon ran a good race. Frequent finished strongly and secured third place easily. Horsa stopped badly in the stretch. He is a bad maiden. Scratched— 19869 jrgie dOr. 103: 19899 Sidelight. 103. Overweights— Free Play, 2 pounds; Hano, 4. Pine Chip, place. 24 to 1 ; show. 6 to 5. The Bronze Demon, place, 4 to 1 ; show, 2 to 1. Frequent . show, evens. Horsa. place. 4 to 5; show, out. 47/ VI V SECON D RACE— 3-4~ Mile. Purse 50. 2-year-oldB. Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt St ■* X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19948 JIM NAP 1C4 3 li 1U 14 1 Hshberger J W Napier 4 5 4 5 19948BENCK ART 105 1 2» - 3~ 31" 2* Hicks Graves and Innes 4-5 9-104-5 4-5 19899EMMA C. L. 101 2 31 2» * ■ 3" H Wilson D V Grace and Co 4 5 4 5 19948 PRENTICE YOUNG 94 6 4 4 V 44 J Martin W L Hazelip 5 6 44 5 198713 WILLARD J. 101 5 if »« 5" »»• Miller E H Hanna 20 20 12 15 19727 FRANK JOHNSON 94 4 6 6 6 6 Waters R E Watkins 30 30 20 20 Time. 12, 24 L 48i, 1 :02, 1 :15. Winner— Ch. c, by Blazes— Miss Alice. Went to post at 8:15. At post 5 minutes. Start good. Won handily; second easily. Jim Nap proved himself a good colt by making all the running and winning as he did. Benckart was under severe punishment through the last quarter. Emma C. L. was prominent up to the last sixteenth. The others were beaten off. Jim Nap, place, 6 to 5 ; show. 2 to 5. Benckart. place, out. Emma C. L„ show, 1 to 2. ~£Sr 1 O THIRD RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Purse 50. 3-year-olds and upward. JiVJY 1 O Selling. _ Ind Horses A Wt St jj V, X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19949 MISiT SOAK 5 107 1 2* 2* 1" 1» 1« Miller M J Daly 4 5 4 5 19800 HANDICAPPER 3 108 2 11 H 2~ 2- 2 J Martin W Shields 7-5 2 7-5 2 19731 ZONNE 3 105 5 3« 34 31 34 I* Hshberger C Haase 6 7 6 7 19919 OLIVE ORDER 3 90 3 S«« 4* a* 53 41 Hicks Mrs L D Gray 5 8 5 7 19801AL CASKEY 3 100 4 73 8" 4» 42 M Silvers W Hoffman 5 5 3 3 199193ELLSMERE 7 103 8 8 8 6 6" 61" ERobertsonElliott and Babcockl2 20 10 15 19872 TONY HONING 6 108 6 64 7 7 7 7 Nelson Mrs P M Civill 8 8 6 6 19873 BONNIE MAID 3 100 7 M« 61 8 8 8 J Redd H Chappell 20 30 20 20 Time, 26i, 504, 1 :16i, 1 :424, 1 :48. Winner— Ch. m, by The Jacobite— Lizzie M. Went to post at 3:45. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second the same. Miss Soak is much improved, was much the best and won without trouble from Handicapper, who ran his race. Zonne ran well and easily secured third place. Miss Soak was run up from 00, her entered price, to 25 and bought by Hazelio. Scratched— 19987Peter Duryea. 93. Miss Soak, place, 2 to I ; show, evens. Handicapper. place, 4 to 5 ; show, 2 to 5. Zonne, show, 6 to r.. Al Caskey, place. 6 to 5 ; show. 3 to F. AH 1 Q FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile. Parse 50. 3-year-olds and upward! Ind Horses A Wt St H H StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19952CLAKA WOLEY 3 106 1 I- 1* li» 1" 11" Hicks F W Doss and Co 7-5 8-5 7-5 3-2 19726lNSURRECTlON 3 92 3 3- 3« 3 •■ 21 2* J Martin Mrs P M Civill 6 6 5 5 199203EARL FONSO 5 95 5 5 5 5 4- 3* A Hall Dolan and Rivard 4 5 4 5 19765DOUSTSWIVEL 5 98 2 V 21 V 34* ERobertsnJohn Call 6 6 4 44 19693 BEAU IDEAL 7 110 4 44 44 ft* 5 5 Hennessey E H Hanna 2 4 2 4 Time, 251, 50, 1:154, 1:42. Winner— Br. f, by Linden— Miss Galop. Went to post at 4 :15. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won pulling up ; second easily. Clara Wooley made a runaway race of it and won as the pleased. Insurrection, well ridden by Martin, ran a good race. Earl Fonso ran his race. Beau Ideal was whipped through the last three furlongs but ran a thoroughly bad race and can do much better. Clara Wooley, place, 1 to 2. Insurrection, place, 3 to 2. Earl Fonso, place, 8 to 5. DouBter-swivel, place, 6 to 5. Beau Ideal, place, evens. No show betting. Ori/lOn FIFTH RACE— Short Course. Purse 50. 4-year-olds and upwarcL J4j /ml/ Handicap. Steeplechase. Ind Horses A Wt St 3 6 9 12 15 Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19767 SALLUST 5 135 5 82 V 34 24 1» 1 • Ellison G C Mattocks 6 6 6 6 19951 N. C. CREEDE 6 141 3 * 11» 1» 11 21" 23" ODonnell MannionandConnell 3 3 3 3 19694 TINCRAFT 5 135 4 41 2* 23 41" 3" 3*" W Johnson Frank Lewis 4 4 4 4 19659 MAVURNEEN5 135 7 7 7 7 51 4- V Gorman G W Orchard 15 20 12 15 19951 LASTFELLW6 145 6 61 6" 6 5 5 C Brown H W Hay 6 12 6 10 199173SLASHER 5 138 2 5h £4 42 t» Fell. Higgins John Smith 3 3 3 3 19951 FR. NICHOLS 6 139 1 1« 4* N Fell. Moxlev E Glascow 5 5 5 5 Time, 2:55. Winner— B. g, by Salvator— Lydia. Went to post at 4:45. Off at the first break to a good start. Won easily; second the same. Sallust was waited with to the last jump, where he drew away as he pleased. N. C. Creede showed his usual speed, but tired badly at the finish. Slasher fell over the sixth jump. Frank Nichols fell over the fifth jump, breaking his neck. Overweights— Slasher, 3 pounds ; Frank Nichols, 4. Sallust. place, 2 to 1 ; show, evens. N. C. Creede. place, 6 to 5; show, 3 to 5. Tincraft, show, evens. Slasher, place, 6 to 5 ; show, 1 to 2. O/WiO • SIXTH RACE— 7-» Mite. Pane CM. 4-year-olds and upwaraT Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St V4 hk X StrFin" Jockeys" Owners O H L C 19061 TOPMAST 7 115 6 51 5* U 12 U J Martin Cartheriand~Shields24 34 24 34 7 99 3 6H 6- 3* V V F ValentineJ H Valentine 30 40 30 40 198983 RBECC A WELLS3 97 4 1" 34 54 6i 31 Hshberger Tholl and Vestal 6 6 16-516-5 19947 K. RUTHERFORD5 99 5 8«» 1" and 2 4 Post F H Jones 6 10 6 8 19874 MARG.HAGEMAN4 105 1 2"4 4« 42 4 5 i H Wilson H Talbot 7-5 3-2 7-6 7-5 19917-BEQUEATH 5 1C1 7 7 7 7 7 62 Givens R E Watkins 8 15 8 12 19903 MARION SANSOM4 94 8 8 8 8 5 7i Hicks F W Jones and Co 15 20 12 15 19947 BEN FROST S 101 2 4 24 61 8 8 Miller W H Laird 10 30 10 20 Time, 25,. 504, 1:17, 1 :29. Winner— Ch. g, by Top Gallant— Essay. Went to post at 5 10. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won handily; second easily. Topmast moved up from the rear and took the lead on the stretch turn and won as he pleased. Helen H. 11. ran a much improved race. Rebecca Wells was cut off near the half mile post, but came on and finished well. Katie Rutherford showed early speed. Marguerite Hageman did not run her race. Scratched— 19991 Headley, 101: 19*3:, -Violent, 99; 199C3 Cousin Lettie, 99 ; 199003Elizabeth K., 94. Overweights— Rebecca Wells. S pounds. Topmast, place, 6 to 5 ; show, 3 to 5. Heleu H. II., place, 15 to 1 ; show, 6 to I. Rebecca Wells, show. 3 to 5. Marguerite Hageman. place. I to 2 ; show, out.