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HAWTHORNE FORM CHART. C IIICAGO, ILL., August 23.— Sixteenth day. Chicago Jockey Club. Summer Meeting. Weather clear; track muddy. Presiding Judge, Harry Kuhl. Starter, J. J. Holtman. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. fc/ fc% 0 F I RST RACE5-8~Mile. Purse 00. 5 to second ; 57o third. Jj f ___ O 2-year-elds. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt8t % % StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C ~ 20170 MATIN 103 34 1"« 3* Vi 1* W Kiley L H Ezell 10 10 6 6 20052 WILLIAM ACK 101 B 54 0* 4* 24 Seaton Mrs R Bradley 25 60 25 60 20052 SAD SAM 107 10 t« IU 24 3U W Jones J F Newman 2 11-52 11-5 5 20202BARBARA M. 107 4» $»■ 4* *n 4 J WinkfleldJ J Marklein 8-5 9-5 8-5 9-5 19216 PRCE OF DLIGHT99 8i 7- S"« •» H R Jackson J B Lewman 15 50 15 fO PROPOSAL 96 94 10 |l V 6 Buchanan B Schreiber 10 40 10 40 20141 FAIRY PRINCE 100 1" 8" 9- 8U 7* Kuhn F B Van Meter 10 50 10 50 20170 ELLIS GLENN 96 6h 2 i 2» 5* 8- J Waldo John Huffman 12 16 12 16 17849 ANN 96 7« 9« 10 9- 9+ Tally J Murphy 0 20 10 20 20170RUSTIC GIRL 105 2- 6* 7* 10 10 Bassinger ERRodgersandCo 5 15 5 13 Time. 12i,25i. 514. 1:05. Winner— Br. g. by Wagner — Bou Soir. Went to post at 2:25. At post 8 minutes. Start fair. Won easily ; second, third, fourth and j fifth were doing their best. Matin was lucky, well ridden, and had everything his own way. William Ack liked the going and ran a good race The ride on Sad Sam was a weird one. Jones succeeded in getting away last and wore the gelding out in his effort to get to the front on the e far turn, then when the stretch was reached Jones claimed he could not keep Sad Sam in and the a gelding bolted to the outside fence. Barbara M. did not run as .veil as she has done in her previous i- races. Rustic Girl ran away n ber way to the post and this ruined whatever chance she ■ had The field was badly strung out all the way. Matin was run up 00 over bis entered price and bought in bv G. W. Scott for 00. Scratched -Azim. 99: 19661 Cora Goetz, 105; 19808 Fondo. 103; 20143! Princess Tatyana. 107; ; 19%4 PropeUer. 103. Overweights -Fairy Prince. 4 pounds. Matin, place, 2 to 1 ; show, evens. William Ack, place, 20 to 1 ; show, 8 to 1. Sad Sam, place. • 4 to 5; show, 2 to 5. Barbara M.. place, 3 to 5; show. 1 to 3. : 4/iYQ SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 5 to second ; 5 to third. +. * t , . ♦ t 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Ind~ Horses ~~AVf~t~St % X IkrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C i9937MAGGIEDAVlS4 94 1*" 14 11 1 « 1" J Waldo W M Sloan 6 10 6 9 2f203FOUND 5 102 2" P 2 2 2i Bassinger John Huffman fr-fi 8-5 8-5 8-5 1»876 MISS MAE DAY I 100 4" 33 3*4 3* 3* Tally E B Kinder and Co 3 44 3 18-5 5 20144*EYA RICE 5 107 5 5 41 5 4s Buchanan C K Burdeau 24 24 11-511-5 5 19995 YOHICER I 95 3« 4-5 44 5 McKeand C H Williams andCo30 40 30 40 Time. 124,25. 501,1:17. Winner— B. f, by Sayre— Lizzie C. Went to post at 3 M. At post 4 minutes. Start good. The first three were close together and i driving to the limit. Maggie Davis was lucky, well bandied throughout and hung on with great gameness at the end. In the last twenty yards Found hung badly, otherwise she would have won. This mare was much used at the post, and generally poorly handled. Bassinger rode an extremely weak finish on her. Miss Mae Day was right there all way and ran a smashing good I race, but tired some at the end. Eva Rice seemed to be handicapped by the going and could not • run fast enough to keep warm. Scratched-199672Tbe Lacy it Blue, 104; l9933Sim W., 112; 20142 Highland Lad. 95 ; 19937 1 Georgie, 103; 1990tChappaqua. 98; 19805 Allie H., 87; 20142 Algareta. 97. Maggie Davis, place, 24 to 1 ; show, 7 to 10. Found, place, 1 to 2; show, out. Miss Mae Day, ■ show, 1 to 2. Eva Rice, place, 13 to 20 ; show, out. i/ u * d _ THIRD RACE-1 Mile. Purse 3100. 5~to second"; to fhird. - £ j £i O " 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. - Ind Horses A Wt St k % X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 20144*THE LADY 3 101 3h 1 : 1* I« 1« 13 Tally L H Ezell 1-211-201-2 1-2 20144 TUTH ILL 3 103 H t" 2 8w IH I* W Kiley John McCaffery 6 7 6 7 19063 8.4UBER 5 111 54 6 5i 5» 5" 3U Kuhn RutledgeandStevensl2 20 12 20 19662 MAJOR DIXON 3 95 6 11 314 32 24 43 J Waldo J T Stewart and Co 6 12 6 12 19965 MITTEN 3 94 2« 3*4 41 42 4., 51 1 Buchanan W R Baker and Co 9 9 6 6 198423DEPONAN I 99* 4« 4*" 6 6 6 6 Bassinger Kelly and Kane 12 40 12 40 Time, 12i, 25;, 51, 1 :18i, 1:464. Winner — B. f. by Kingston— Seville. Went to post at 1 :40. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won eased up ; second whipped out; : third and fourth driving to the limit. The Lady was the best and in a soft spot. She went to J tlie front on the first turn and was never fully extended. Tuthill was hard ridden all the way r and for an instant at the head of the stretch it did not seem that he would be one-two-three, but t under a terrilic drive he responded gamely. Sauber. badly outrun iu the first part of the race, finished with great courage under pressure. Mark this horse for early action iu ordinary company. Major Dixon made a strong bid on the stretch turn, but died away at the end. Mitten 1 was uver a contender. Neither was Deponan, who could not extend himself in the going. Scratched— 19666 « Mellocole, 103; 20145 Maharajah, 98. Overweights -Deponan, 44 pounds; Mitten, 1; Tuthill, 5. The Lady, place out. Tuthill, place, 7 to 5; show, 1 to 2. Sauber, show, 2 to 1. fc/fcQ 1 FOURTH RACE— 5 1-3 Furlongs. The Prairie Stakes. Uadded. 25 to : 1 ** f £i O JL second ; 5 to third. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt St h % X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 20684*SORT1E 113 1»* .1 54 24 IU JWinkfield P Dunne 3 3 12-512-5 * 199963H ANDY MAN 1C6 4" 3. 3i ft! V Dupee H T Griffin 10 10 10 10 198461W1LD PIRATE 113 3h l« 24 3" 34 Tally J S OBrien 3 16-53 3 20143 PCESS TATYANA 110 2" 1 l 1+ 4" Buchanan Mrs FZuehlkeandCo5 5 5 5 19968 FANCY WOOD 110 6 6 6 5- 5* Bassinger W S Barnes 5 7 5 7 19627JIM1NEZ 123 5" 41 4-4 6 6 Caywood F J Kelly 4 6 4 6 Time, 12J,25, 50i, 1:044, 1:111. Winner— Br. c, by Himyar— Fuvoress. Went to post at 4:10. At post 4 minutes. Start good. Won easily at the end after a hard 1 early drive; second, third and fourth doing their be*t. Sortie lik»d the going, was cle verly , ridden and came away finely in the stretch. Handy Man was right there at the finish. He had i bad luck early, otherwise he would have been closer to Sorti« at the end. Wild Pirate, no rumor r had it, was given a severe workout Wednesday and tbiB "vidntly hurt him. Still he showed a i fondness for heavy going and ran a fairly good race. Princess Tatyana broke Hying and seemed 1 all over ■ wi nner on the far turn, but Buchanan lost much ground bv swinging extremely wide 3 into the stretch and when the pressure was applied the filly tired and quit. Fancy Wood was I never a factor. The heavy weight and the sticky mud was too much of a handicap for Jiminez to overcome. Corrected weights— Jiminez, 123. Scratched— 191683Harry Herendeen. 113; 19732 Possart. 113. Sortie, place, 4 to 5; show. 2 to 5. Handy Man. place, 3 to 1 ; show, 7 to 5. Wild Pirate, show, 3 to 5. _____ : bAb Q FIFTH RACE— Short Course. Purse, 00. 5 to second ; 5 to thira. idUiyOi 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Steeplechase. Ind Horses A Wt St 2 5 7 9 StrFin Jockeys • Owners O H L C 20173 P. PARTOUT4 153 l" 1* 13 124 1*4 1* I* Gallagher R J Laughlin 6-5 6-5 6-5 6-5 20083*VIKING 6 130 2" 4 M 2 2* 2- 2i*T Murphy A M Linnell and Co 3 34 3 16-5 5 20173 FROND 4 125 34 3* 4 4 3 3" 312 A Jackson J D Hooe 24 16-524 16-5 201733RENO 8 138 4 2 - 3- 3* 4 4 4 G Wilson Wm Ulrich 8 11 8 11 Time, 3:21;. Winner— Ch. g, by St. Florian— Everywhere. Went to post at 4:50. Off at the second break to a good start. Won easing up; second and ■ i third tbe same. Passe Partout again showed his superiority over tho others at the jumping _-.ime. He simply loafed all the way and could have won by an eighth of a mile had Gallagher r wanted him to. This gelding is almost perfection over the Hawthorne course. Viking was 9 lucky, well handled and did his very best. Frond fenced better than she did when laBt out and 1 did all she is capable of doing. Reno plodded along at the same gait all the way. Scratched -20173*Globe II., 169; 19534 Once More, 138. Pa.-se Partout, place. 2 to 5 ; show. out. Viking, place, 4 to 5 ; show, out. Frond, show, 3 to 5. 1. : OHOQQ SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Purse S400. 5 to second ; 5 to third. jU J i O O 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. - Ind Horses AWt 8t k Vt X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C . 19938* BLUE LICK 4 108 5»« Si 4 3* 31 31 IU JWinkfield G W Poole 5 5 5 5 20116 HANDPRESS 5 104 6" 2 V 2* 2 - 2 Tally J F Schorr 3 16-53 3 20144 MOLO 5 113 2» 4" 4*4 4* 4 " 3 Bloss H Robinson 2 2 9-5 9-5 20175* PRESTAR 5 97 44 IU 1* 14 14 4"" Ransom LeonardandMorgau 5 6 5 6 20027 JUDGE DENNY 7 105 3" 6 7 6" 61* 5U Dupee W A Pinkerton 30 30 30 30 19a98 J U LI US CAESARS 101 7 7 r,* V 5 6"- R Narvaez iodfrey and Co 40 50 40 50 19214-GREATLAND 4 106 1«« 6 5U 7 7 7 Kuhn Cherringtou and C06 8 6 8 Time. 13,26;. 52;, 1:19. 1:41.. l:52i. Winner— B. c. by Daniel- Blue Bells. Went to post at S :-0. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won handily ; second and third were 9 under keen pressure. Blue Lick is a shifty sort of a selling plater, and under a well judged ride e he won without an effort. Haudpress was right there all tbe way aud would have given the a winner a stout argument had Tally kept him out of the deep going on the far turn. Molo i could never get near the front aud finished on the extreme inside next to the rail. Rausom lost much ground with Prestar by going to the extreme outside in the stretch. Greutland had to be prilled up almost to a walk on the first turn to avoid being thrown over the fence and this naturally ruined whatever chance he had. Scratched— 20145 Inverary II.. 105; 20204 Hub Prather, 95; 20174 Clay Poynter. 106. Overweights— Judge Denny, 1 pound ; Julius Caesar, 1. Blue Lick, place. 8 to 5 ; show, 7 to 10. Handpress. place, 6 to 5; show, 1 to 2. Molo, place. 7 to to 10; iu; show, snow, out. out.