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ST. LOUIS FORM CHART. ST. LOUIS, MO., August 23.— Eighty-fifth day. St. Louie Fair Association. Summer r Meeting. Weather clear : track fast. Presiding Judge. Joseph A. Murphy. Starter, William Braen. Racing starts at 2 :30 p. m . b /l« QO FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Maidens. 4 J £ O Xj Allowances. lnd Horses A Wt St M % StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 20179-MiSS THERESA 98 1 12 1-! [i 1U Dominick S P Lancaster 1-2 7-102-5 1-2 ALBERT F.DEWEY 101 2 5 44 V V Gilmore Frank Clarkson 4 8 4 8 20089 DELORA1NE 101 4 P 2U ti 3 J Mathews Middleton and Co 34 5 3 5 20089 OUR LADY 98 I 4t 5 P 4» Watson Kinzea Stone 12 12 6 6 20181 VACATE 98 3 214 31*5 5 Frost J C Cahn 20 50 20 30 Time, 123, 244, 494, 1 :024, 1 :154. Winner— Ch. f, by Trafalgar— Miss Nelson. Went to post at 1 :32. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second the same. Miss Theresa was easily the best. She was quickest at flag fall and ran unextended all the way. Albert F.Dewey ran well and finished strongly. Deloraine was all out at the finish. The others are of little present account. Scratched— 20181-The Thrush, 98. Overweights — Deloraine, 3 pounds. MiBs Theresa, place, out. Albert F. Dewey, place, 24 to 1 ; show, 4 to 5. Deloraine, show, 1 to 3. LiA_ SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. lnd Morses A Wt St % StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 1U845 PERCY R. 5 102 4 11 12 V 1" Gilmore E B Kinder 20 40 15 30 20178 TERRALENE 3 98 10 91 9 8 2« Reeder J U Strode and Co 10 15 8 12 20211 1NUENDO 5 10? 3 3" 2" 22 31 Dale J N Hatuaway 4 5 34 5 120153LA MASCOTA 7 108 5 ftl 3 314 41 J Mathews J K Hughes 13-1013-101 1 20157 DIANA FONSO 3 100 7 V 5" 44 5* Dominick J J Whitesides 2 13-52 13-5 20088 WILL FAY I 100 8 74 l» 52 tj» May ti W MUler 50 100 40 100 20068 RUBY RILEY 4 105 2 5" 4» 64 72 Fallehey H Thomas 20 80 20 50 19709 RODD 3 100 6 »» 8« 72 8« Watsou T Nepper 20 6U 20 40 19851 W1QU1NS 5 107 1 2»" 64 9« 9r Abel FosterandBrum field 10 30 10 20 18052 G US BLASS 3 100 9 10 10 10 10 Cochran B Martin 30 100 30 100 Time, 124, 244, 50, 1 :02t, 1 :154. Winner— Ch. g, by Rataplan— Quiver. Went to post at 3:02. At post 9 minutes. Start good for all but Terralene. Won in a hot drive ; Becond the same. Percy R. showed speed and was well ridden, but Terralene, the better of the pair at the weights, was oil poorly bat closed like a wild horse in the run through the :■ stretch. Inuendo finished strongly under punishment. Jua Mascota was cut off and could not get through in the stretch. She was best and should have won. Overweights— La Mascota, 3 pounds. Percy R., place, 10 to 1; show, 4 to 1. Terralene, place, 4 to 1 ; show, 7 to 5. Inuendo, show, 4 to 5. La Mascota. place, 2 to 5 ; Bhow, out. Diana Fonso, place, 4 to 5 ; show, 2 to 5. kAO /i 1 THIRD RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. MKJjgrXjL Allowances. *~d Morses A Wt St fr K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 201202GO TO BED 5 109 1 4 4 32 Sii* 11 J Mathews J F Fogg 2 2 7-5 8-5 SOlabjlDA LEDFORD 3 91 3 12 13 13 is * Dominick T R Scott and Co 1-2 7-10i-2 3-5 2oi802L.ADAS 4 104 4 2 P 2* 3« 3» Dale O W Boardman 8 16 6 16 L0le23ELNOR HOLMES5 106 2 36 32 4 4 4 Corner L J Haas 20 80 20 L0 Time, Hi, 244, 494, l:lai, l:4ii, 146. Winner B. St. Andrew — h, by — Termagant. Went to post at 3:30. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won handily; second easily. Go To Bed was the best. Although slow at the start he closed like an honest race horse in the last half I and passed Ida Ledford at his riders pleasure in the stretch. Ida Ledford showed much speed I for seven furlongs but tired at the end. - Ladas did his best. Scratched-20032Muskalonge, 10rf; 20155 Colonel Gay, 109; 20152Chorus Boy, 104; 20091- Orris, 91. Overweights— Eleanor Holmes, 2 pounds. Go To Bed, place, ont. Ida Ledford, place, ont. Ladas, place, 3 to 1 ; show, out. ** A* FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile. Purse 00. All ages. Allowances. ~ lnd Horses A Wt St W % % StrFin Jockeys Owners U H L J i99773LOVES LABOR 3 111 4 5» 41 4« 4» 12 Gilmore YV M Hayes 13-108-i. 6-a 8-5 2ol55 GO OUT 3 111 2 22 214 2» 34 2» Vandusen J H Payne 8 8 6 7 20il02WALL 2 82 1 3" 31 3» 21 3 J i Woods W W Dardeu 34 34 24 3 CSlOjaJOKL.EANS 2 U 5 1" 1«" 12 11 4 Dominick E Burrows 13-513-511-524 lyyift HOTTENTOT 3 101 3 4" 512 520 pa 50 J Mathews F W Holtgrewe 12 15 10 12 20089 BEKTHA BUCK 2 78 6 6" 6« 6« 7 61" ONeill W A Wrignt 30 300 30 300 201543GEO. W. JENK1NS2 93 7 7 7 7 64 7 Dale J F Schorr 30 60 20 30 Time, 124, 254, 49i, 1 :0U, 1 :144, 1 :4l. Winner — Br. c, by Lamplighter— Glidaga. Went to post at 3:53. At post 6 minutes. Start good for all but George W. Jenkins. Won handily ; second driving. Loves Labor ran a grand race and is a good colt just now. He came away fast in the stretch with much urging. Go Out also ran a good race. Wall and Orleans weakened in the last sixteenth. Overweights— Orleans, 2 pounds; George W. Jenkins, 3. Loves Labor, place, 3 to 0; show, out. Go Out, place, 2 to 1; show, evens. Wall, show, 1 to 2. Orleans, place, 4 too; show, 2 to 5. : 0/k I1 FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. AJUIlO Allowances. lnd Horses A Wt St fr % X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L~~Q~ 20157 THEBARRISTER4 112 5 S 31 43 11 4 Vandusen C F Buschmeyer 3-2 2 3-2 2 20155 GRANTOR 4 111 1 and• 42 31 2- Hinkey W A Martin 5 5 4 44 ; 201572M1SS BRAMBLE 6 107 2 21 22 24 3* J Matnews J S Bratton 3 3 24 13-5 20157 THE GEEZER 4 109 3 3»« a» 53 fti Corner L J Haas 30 100 20 100 20182NED WiUKES 4 112 4 14 1« 1" 5»" Dominick E D Turley 9-5 2 8-5 2 19923 MISS LORETIA 3 100 7 7 7 6» 63u May J B Horstman 50 200 40 150 196S4 ANNIE SNAf 3 100 6 63 64 7 7 Watson J Persiuger 100 300 100 300 Time, 124, 244, 494, 1 :01i, 1 :144. Winner Ch. Terra Cotta — c, by — Alarming. Went to post at 4 :25. At post 19 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second the same. The e Barrister received an excellent ride, taking the short route and saving many lengths by bugging the rail at the turns. Grantor ran a good race and finished fast. The long delay at the post ,D spoiled whatever chances Ned Wickes and Miss Bramble had to win. Overweights— Grantor, 2 pounds. The Barrister, place, 7 to 10; show, out. Grantor, place, 7 to 5 ; show, 2 to 5. Miss Bramble, show, 2 to 5. Ned Wickes, place, 4 to 5 ; show, out. 20 4-4- 81XTH RACB-1 J*111®- Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Allowances. lnd ~ Horses" A Wt St * % H StrFin Jockeys Owners cTh L C - 20088GLEN LAKE 107 1 1 « 14 D P 12 J Mathews J C Calm 4 5 3T1 iOlSOPRlNCE REAL 105 3 22 23 2 V V Dominick WdardiAndersn6-5 7-511-106-5 200882EL CANfclY 109 4 4" 4* l: 34 34 Crowhurst G C Bennett 24 24 9-5 2 201562T WO ANNIES 100 2 3» 3» 3* 4* 4* J T Woods S E Finley 3 4 3 4 201783BELLE SIMPSON 100 6 6 5 5 5 525 May A Hofman 30 50 25 30 19739 ALL1E HALE 100 5 5 6 6 6 6 Cochran R D Paxton 60 60 40 50 Time, 123, 243, 50, 1 :03i, 1 :i61, 1 :44|. Winner— Ch. c, by Glenelg— East Lake, Went to post at 5 :08. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won handily ; second easily. This 1 ? race was run in a blinding wind and rain storm. Mathews, on Glen Lake, seemed to be cool and collected and kept his mount straight, while Dominick seemed to be blinded with the dust and j allowed Prince Real to run all over the track. El Cauey finished strongly but was slow at the a ° start. Overweights— Glen Lake, 2 pounds ; El Caney, 4. Glen Lake, place, evens; show, out. Prince Real, place. 1 to 2; show, out. El Caney, place, • 7 to 10; show, out. Two Annies, place, evens ; show, out. _