Saratoga Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1900-08-24


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SARATOGA FORM CHART. SARATOGA, N. Y.. August 23.— Twentieth day. Summer Meeting. Saratoga Racing Association. Weather clear: track fast. _ Presiding Judge, J. J. Burke. Starter, J. F. Caldwell. - Racing starts at 1 :30 p. m. OAQ | FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mile. "Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Allowances. lnd Horses " A Wt St % X StrFin Jockeys Owners" O H L C - 20060~f AMMANY CHIEF 105 4 51* 4U 41 1" T Burns M Byrnes 3 3 11-511-5 ■5 20214 COLCHESTER 108 3 3 i 31 1 2 21 Blair J E Seagram 5 6 5 6 18976 GLADE RUN 108 7 7 7 51 34 Shaw J C McGill 6 7 6 7 TALCOSE 108 8 8 I 8 41 Turner Eastin and Larabie 6 12 6 10 20042 TRISAG IAN 108 6 6« 6" 6 54 Walsh L V Bell 20 40 20 31 20184 HAND VICE 108 1 1" 1" 3 6 Boland P S P Randolph r, 6 5 5 20127 VISOR 1C8 5 4« 517 7 Flynn W T Duane 50 100 40 100 I 19633 TAV ETA 105 2 2 21 1« 8 R Williams W Jackson 6 6 5 5 19091 THE COUNT 108 10 10 10 9 9 WedstrandT F Buckley 20 60 20 40 20394 GOLD THRIFT 108 9 9 9 10 10 Howell O L Richards 100 2C0 80 200 BAM P. COCHRAN 108 12 12 11 11 11 Mitchell W M Wallace 10 20 10 15 , DOSSIE 105 11 11 12 12 12 Brennan W C Hayes and Co 30 100 25 1C0 Time. 1 :02. No fractions given owinp" to the timing flag not falling. Winner— Ch. g, by Iroquois— Great Anuie. Went to post at 1 :35. At post 3 minutes. Start straggling. Won driving. Neither Starter _ r Caldwells, the timers nor the advance flag fell. Caldwell raised his flag but did not drop it. The boys in the front rank went on and the race was declared all right by the stewards. Tammany Chief won by T. Burns good riding and barely got up iu time. Colchester wa6 the best horse e but Blair did not see Tammany Chief until the last stride. Colchester was winning easily at the e time. Glade Run finished fast and ran a good race. Talcose. off eighth and there to the stretch, closed strongly. Hand Vice was tired out in the first half mile, as was Laveta. Scratched— Advocator. 108; 18716 James J. Corbett, 108. _ Tammany Chief, place, evens; show. 1 to 2. Colchester, place, 2 to 1; show, evenB. Glade Run, show 7 to 5. r %W» » "r SECOND RACE— 1 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. " . Ind Horses A Wt~8tl* i4 X StrFin~~Jockeys Owners O H L C 20215 sMILLSTREAM 5 115 1 14 1- 1 11 It Turner H Serodino 6-5 6-511-1011-10 0 19973 ALTHEA 49945 5 5 5 » Brien E Reynolds 10 15 10 15 20 IM EXIT 4 104 5 2- 2» 3* 3+ 33 Mitchell T E Mannix and Co 8 12 8 12 198S7 FLELRON 3 103 2 M 4* 2" t* 41 T Burns A C McCafferty 24 3 12-53 20215 MYTH 6 108 3 l« 31 42 4* 5 Maher F J Kittleman 3 3 3 3 Time. 13. 25,371. 50, 1 :024, 1:15;, 1:411. Winner — Br. h. by Quicklime— Monte Rosa. Went to p* st at 2:05. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won ridden out; second the same. 1. Millsi ream ran a good race but was doing his best at the end and it was a case of Turner against t Brien At the weights Alt hea was the better of the two and closed fast in the stretch but Brien 1 was of no help to her. Exit ran a god race to the stretch where she tired. Myth wis badly f interfered with entering the backstretch. Fleuron was running out of his distance- Scratched— 20l8..3Greeuock, 104; 20125 Bicor, 94. Millstream. place, 1 to 2; show, out. Althea. place, 6 to 1; show, 2 to 1. Exit, show, evens. " Fleuron. place, evens; show, 2 to 5 Myth, place, evens ; show, 2 to 5. r %WfcQ/« THIRD RACE— 1 1-16 Mile*. 3-year-olde and upward. jZlJ OO The Citizens aud Merchants Handicap. Value. ,000. ~ - Ind Horses A Wt St h. Vi X Str.Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C - 19955CHARENTUS 6 103 1 li 12 13 I* 13 Shaw O L Richards 8 8 34 34 201513ADVANCE GARD 3 103 5 5 5 5 4" 2 T Burns CruthrsandShieldsS 6 5 6 19889*KINLEY MACK 4 129 3 4- 41 41 3« 3" Turner Eastin and Larabie 2 U 2 11-5 r 5 201483 WAIT NOT 4 106 2 3+ 32 314 5 41 Mitchell J H Carr I 5 I 44 , 198893MART1MAS 4 108 4 2« 214 21 21 5 Maher W Hendrie 2 24 2 11-5 a ♦Added starter. Time. 124, 25. 501, 1 :144, 1 :264, 1 :39, 1 :454. Winner— B. g, by Charaxus— Coutenta. Went to post at 2:43. Off at the first break to a good start. Won easing up; second handily. Charentus was best at the weights, was under mild restraint all the way, and was eased up in ■ the last hundred yards. Advance Guard was outrun in the first part of the race, but finished 1 fast and strongly. Kinley Mack might have been second with a better ride, but he was poorly I managed by Turner. Wait Not ran a good race. Martimas was under restraint to the stretch 1 but quit when called upon. Scratched— 20151 Bannockburn. 120; 20186-Gonfalon, 102. Charentus. place, 7 to a; show, 3 to 5. Advance Guard, place, 2 to 1; show, evens. Kinley Mack, show, 2 to 5. Martimas, place, 4 to 5 ; show, 2 to 5. 6 /AbQrT FOURTH RACE-1 Mile. 1900.sh0 added. 3-year-olde and upward. Allowances. gVgQ | Gentlemen Riders. Ind Horses A Wt St k V4 X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C - 20126-FAVOX1CS 4 166 2 3 81 2 4 1" 1* MrELSmith BTandE Littlefield 4-511-104-5 4-5 20128 GEORGE KEENE 5 156 3 24 1" 1" 2* 2 MrHWSmithH W Smith 24 13-524 24 20093-DRAIGHTSMAN 4 156 1 1" 3 3 3 I Mr Haves C Oxx 2 16-52 3 Time, 12j,25;, 51. 1 .04. 1:17*, l:4Ei. Winner— B. c. by Kinglike— Favonia. Went to post at 3 :08. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won easily : second driving. Favonius , was easily the best and was never called upon to do his best. With riders reversed, Draughtsman would have been second. Scratched— 19396- Governor Russell. 159: 200622Champion. 156; 196802 Alvarado II., 156. Favonius. place, out. George Keene, place, 1 to 2. Draughtsman, place, 3 to 5. OiOQQ FIFTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. Purse C0. 3-year-oldFand upward. £j£i O O Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt St St i4 X StrFin Jockeys Owners 0 H L C 20150H. BRIGADE I 96 2 2h 3h 34 l« 1" 12 WedstrandJames Arthur 24 4 24 34 20147 EXCELSIS 4 103 S 4- V U 2- 24 2t Mitchell E L Graves 24 6 24 6 20U0 ROCHESTER 3 93 7 7 54 5" 61 3" 3? Brennan H W Withrow 5 7 5 7 20095 CASTLE 4 101 1 14 4- 41 3« 5* i Britton W D Hamilton 10 60 10 60 20i:0*KOENlG 4 103 5 V 6 6 7" ?■ 51 M MichaelsJ J McCafferty 4 8 4 6 2C03r,3CROSSM LINA4 101 4 3U •■ 2« 2" 4" 61 T Burns F J Kittieman 24 3 11-524 18359 MARYLAND R 4 106 6 9 9 9 4* 64 7 James W Jennings 30 30 6 7 19134 LONG ISLE 3 91 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 H Michaels F Burlew 6 12 6 12 20147 MAR 4 106 3 61 7 7 9 9 92 Dorsey vV Hogan *20 ltO 20 60 19973 STAMP 3 93 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 Phelau J Rosenthal fc Co 15 30 12 20 ♦Formerly Billy Owens. Time, 12?. 24. JC-. 1:034,1:16. 1:291. 1:421.1:16. Winner — B. c by Barnes— Remnant. Went to post at 3:37. Off at the fir.-t break to a good start. Won ridden out; second driving. It was a poor lot, with Hood s Brigade the be-t. He went to the front on the far turn and opened up a big gap, but was tiring at the end. Excelr-is showed early speed, but tired in the run home. Rochester ran a good race. Koeuig was taken all over the track by Michaels. Crossmolina ran [ to form. Marylauder was interfered with and knocked out of any chance. Scratched -19718 Island Prince. 106; 20108 Annoy. 93. Hoods Brigade, place. 7 to S ; :-how. 3 to 5. Excelsis. place, 2 to 1 ; show, 4 to 5. Rochester, 3UUH, show, eveus. evens. Crossmolina. _iofc?iiionuci. place, yi.iuo. evens o eu:?, ; 6how, buuw, a 1 to lu-. 2. _

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Local Identifier: drf1900082401_5_1
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