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HAWTHORNE FORM CHART. CHICAGO. ILL., August 24.— Seventeenth day. Chicago Jockey Club. Summer Meeting. Weather clear; track slow and improving, but deep close to the rail. Presiding Judge. Harry Kuhl. Starter. J. J. Holtman. Racing starts at 2jl5 p. m. rt/Ate pT ri FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 5 to second ; 5 to third. £*y | 2-year-olds. Allowances. Ind Horses ~"~ A~WtTSt~ fr % %. StrFin~Joc~keyB Owners O H L C i 20081 TY R 1C8 31 2i 31 42 l"" Bloss C Davis and Co 8-5 9-5 8-5 8-5 20143.3ILUR1 N 105 5n 3" 5* Vi 23 Buchanan P Dunne 3-2 8-5 3-2 3-2 2W26-DANDV JIM 108 2» 51 211 3+ 3* R Narvaez L D Frazee 31 4 31 4 tntl OSBIS GOAN % 41 II 14 2 4 Ransom C D McCoy and Co 100 200 100 200 18820 HIS EMINENCE 103 71 8 6 6 5" Kuhn F B Van Meter 12 ?0 12 30 20141 THE CONQUEROR 96 1" 4h 4" 52 6* Butler VV S Barnes 40 150 40 100 20143 B. WALKAWAY 100 8 6 V 7- 7* Tally S B Burnett 40 100 40 80 20SOO POYNTZ 1C0 6" 7:! 8 8 8 J Carter Chinn and Forsythe40 B0 40 60 Time, 121, 25.. 51. 1:171. Winner— Br. c. by Kingston -Miss Dixie. Went to post at 2:25. Off at the second break to a good start. Won driving to the limit; second and thud the same. Tyr was the best ridden and won a lucky race. Bloss picked the good going throughout and came with a rush at the end catching Buchanan on Silurian asleep. It was stiictly carelessness that cost Silurian the race. The colt had everything his own way at the head of the strntch and had Buchanan come on about his business he could not have lost. Dandy Jim suffered from poor handling. He was in the deepest going all down the backstretch and wa6 also repeatedly interfered with by Orrie Goan. The latter ran a fairly good race. So did His Eminence, who had a rough journey. The Conqueror showed come speed, but not much. Scratched-20172-Battus. 105; 19502 Nibbler, 93; 20202 Countess Clara. 93; 20202-Audie. 93; 20200 William Boyer. 93. Overweights— Poyntz. 4 pounds; Burnetts Walkaway, 3. Tyr. place, 1 to 2 ; show. 1 to 4. Silurian, place. 1 to 2 : show, out. Dandy Jim, show. 2 to 5. Wi/".*? SECOND RACE— 7-8 Miff. Purse 00. 5 to second ; 5 to third. dl "wOO 3-year-olds and upwards. Selling. lud Horses AWt St fr V4 X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 20110 BRAW LAlT 6 103 4? 42 liTH 24 1* Tally J O Keene 3 3 11-511-5 2020.". LOMOND 3 102 1- 8» V 41 3**21 W Kiley W P Magrane 8 8 7 7 20176-TAME IRISHMN3 97 8»« V 4 21 l-l 32 McKeand C H Williams 4 6 4 6 20109 INSURRECTION 3 1011 31 HI 2*" i" 41 4*» Kuhn P M Civill 6 7 6 7 20t4:. K NTCKY BABE 3 95 T" 102 8 6U 52 5* R Jackson J B Lewman 5 10 5 10 20145 MICROSCOPE 3 99 6" 8W0- 8- 72 6" Bradford MrsFZuehlkeandCo 10 40 10 40 19880 SORREL ROSE 3 96 11 11 91 10* 8 71 Flick H Gwynn ft Co 40 40 30 30 20023 MACLAREN 3 96 101 7- 7* 7- 92 81 Buchanan T F Dolan 12 25 12 20 2J201-LOC. BLOSSOM 5 98 81 3 3j II 62 92 Bassinger II C Applegate 8 8 7 7 20114 NEGLIGENCE 5 106 9" 9h 6 " 92 10* 10* E Ross A M Linnell and Co 6 15 6 15 20201 WOODRANGER 5 100 5« 61111 11 11 11 R Narvaez S Robinson 20 40 20 40 Time, 121, Si, 501, 1 :17i. 1 :31. Winner— Br. h, by Eolus— Brown Beauty. Went to post at 2: 55. At post 8 minutes. Start fair. The firet three were close together and driving to the limit. Braw Lad stopped on the turn but came again at the end with a tremendous rush. His race was a great improvement over any of his recent performances. Lomond ran a smashing good race and was in front at the sixteenth post but in the last twenty yards hung. Tame Irishman is a rank quitter and from the sixteenth post home stopped almost to a walk. With clear sailing Insurrection would have been a keen contender. Bassinger on Locust Blossom seemed to have a special mission to take care of Insurrection. Kentucky Babe ran a good race. Locust Blossom, better handled, would have been much closer up. Scratched— LOlll-Chicopec. 100. Overweights— Microscope. 3 pounds; Insurrection. 11; Negligence, 1. Braw Lad. place, evens; show, 1 to 2. Lomond, place, 3 to 1 ; show, 6 to 5. Tame Irishman, show, 6 to 5. _____ OAOK fa THIRD BACKUS 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 5 to Becond; 5 to third. £VJ£QXj 2-year-olds. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St k % H StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 20172 WOODSTICK 100 3» 6J 31121 Hi R Narvaez MrsRMW8trfield2i 31 21 31 20052 ICON 106 2- 1* 1* IN 2J E Ross J Mc.Naught 4 6 4 5 20143 DA NGERLINE 108 £« 3h 52 32 3" Tally J F Schorr 7 8 7 8 201723HIRRY 94 64 41 6 52 t* Buchanan John Huffman 4 41 4 41 20141 ALBERT ENRIGHT94 I" 2" 2i 41 5** Seaton Mrs R Bradley 20 40 20 40 201432SAT1N COAT 105 4« 5" 7 6 61 Bloss L D Frazee 3 3 2 2 19875 P. TO PENZANCE 97 7 7 41 7 7 Bassinger F B RespassA Co 10 25 10 25 Time, 121. 25;, 501. 1 :033. 1 :10i. Winner— Ch. c. by Fiddlesticks— Wood Nymph. Went to post at. 3:40. Off at the first break to a good start. Won with something left after an early drive. The next three were under keen pressure. Woodstick is a good, game, consistent colt. He was under the whip from the head of the stretch home. Icon likes soft going and ran a greatly improved race. He was well ridden. Dangerline quit badly at the end and barely lasted long enough to be third. Hurry had a rough journey. Albert Enright showed some speed. Satin Coat ran a bad race. Overweights— Satin Coat, 2 pounds. Woodstick. place. 6 to 5; show. 1 to 2. Icon, place 21 to 1 ; show, evens. Dangerline. show, 6 to 5. Satin Coat, place, 7 to 10; show. out. b /fc f* FOURTH KALE— 7-8 Mile. Purse 00. 5 to second ; 5 to third. £j_J £1 j J 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St . *A % ~Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C " 196972PJRA1E J. 3 100 2« 3" 71 r 32 H Buchanan F W Miner 6 8 6 8 20175 :J1 M W. 4 103 3h Ij U H 1" 2»« Tally J J Marklein 6 6 4 4 2025 LDYBRTANNIC6 10* 7" 61 44 31 23, Morrison G W Scott 20 20 20 20 2017HL. T. CATON 6 107 4h h 32 42 51 41 Tully D W Kelly and Co 3 16-53 3 20110 JOSEPHINE B. 4 107 84 9U «■■ V 4 52 Bloss T E Barrett 6 7 6 6 201142OXNARD 5 106 51 !■« V •" «J V Dupee E Harding and Co 6 7 6 7 •.0205 SISTER FOX 4 102 9" Hi 2 fr« Jl 71 W Kiley C K Burdean 40 75 40 75 fc0#2*TILDY ANN 3 98 6" 7- 82 91 8- 8* Bassinger E March 6 6 6 6 11,879 MISS LIZA 4 105 10 10 92 fr- 92 9" WWaldo L Young 30 50 30 30 20023 LA PR1NCESSA 6 99 1» 2*-i0 10 10 10 Bradford Bryan and Bnrline 15 20 15 20 1 ime, 124, 2f i. 5C1, 1 :17, 1 :"01. Winner— Br. c. by Pirate of Penzance— Wrong Went to post at 4:!0. At post 3 minutes. Start fair. Won handily; second, third and fourth weie hard at it. Pirate J. came out of the ruck at the head of the stretch and after a brief struggle won going away. Jim W. had clear sailing, showed the most early speed and hung on longer than usual. Lady Britannic had no excuses and ran one of her best races. The going did not suit L. T. Caton and besides he was badly ridden. Josephine B. got into a jam at the start and after that never had a chance, Oxnard was shut off and interfered with at every turn. Tildy Ann showed but little speed and ran a miserable race La Princessa broke in front and did not show speed enough to outrun a fat man. Scratched— 20204 Dagmar. 109; 202053 Aloha n., 100. Overweights— Sister Fox, 4 pounds ; La Princessa. I. Pirate J., place, 3 to 1; show, 3 to 2. Jim W., place, 2 to 1 ; show, 4 to 5. Lady Britannic, show. 4 to 1. L. T. Caton. place, evens; show, 1 to 2. OfeOA 1 FIFTH RACE— 1 MileT Purse 00. 5 to second ; 5 to third. £ij ~iJ L. 3-year-oldB. Allowances. ~ Ind Horses A Wt 8t %, H %, StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 20144THE UNKNOWN 110 1« 1»« |I 13 11 1h Vititoe T P Hayes 8-5 2 8-5 2 212032OHNET 99 2h ftn 4 i 2U P 2" Buchanan F M Arthur 7-5 8-5 7-5 8-5 ■2t205OWENSBORO 102 4" 5« 3" |* 3- 3* Tally AC Clark 8 12 8 12 14520 PRAIRIE DOG 96 6" 4W 2»« U 4 4 Ransom W W Clark 50 200 50 200 201452HANSFORD 106154 8 52 5« 5- 5" JWinkfield W H May and Son 5 5 16-516-5 20174 JACK TELLING 99 8 7»» 7i 7 6- 6 - Bradford T T Reese 30 1C0 30 100 2020" MOUNTEBANK 101 71 6118 8 8 7- T O Brien Miles Finlen 1C0 200 100 200 20176 A1LEEN WILSON 94 3" 21 6" 6 17* 8 Seaton Mrs R Bradley 50 200 50 2C0 Time, 121. 251, 511, 1 :17J, 1 Mi. Winner — Br. c. by Pirate of Penzance — Romana. Went to post at 4 :t0. Off at the first break to a good start. Won in a hard drive of two. The next four were driving also. The Unknown is a colt of fair clasB and was cleverly ridden. Vititoe rated him with judgment in front and when the pinch came rode a strong finish with his 1 hands. At the weights and as the race was run Ohnet was the best. Buchanan seemed weak, , however, and allowed the gelding to swerve in the deep going in the stretch. The first two outclassed the otherB and beat them away off. Owensboro ran his usual honest race. Hansford «. 1- badly outrun in the first part of the race and does not seem to amount to much. Prairie iJog was up in the first flight for about five furlongs and i deserving of attention in cheaper company. Scratched -20144 Dissolute, 107 ; 20145 1 Frangible. 99. Ovrweights— Mountebank, 2 pounds; Haneford, 41. The Unknown, place, 7 to 10: show, out. Ohnet, place. 2 to 5: show, out. Owensboro. show, ■ evens. Hansford, place. 6 to a ; -how. 2 to 5. . V 7i» /**1 SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse 0o7 5 to second -"jfiS to . f tZt JL third. 4-year-olds and upwards. Selling. Lud Horses A Wt St 4 H~ "X~~8trFin Jockeya Owners O H L ~C~ •02 4-7P.THEFIDDLER4 1061 *« 31 3* 11 1" l»« J W iukfield G Landry 4 4 31 31 202332HANDPHESS 5 106 2» in lj 2i 2h 2» Tally J F Schorr 4 4 31 31 20145 L. MEDDLSOMEl 100 31 2* 2* - 3" 32 3" Buchanan A G Blakeley 13-513-52 2 202331BLUE LICK 4 114 11 4-* 4- 4 1 4* 4 Caywood G W Poole 4 7 4 7 19938 THE DEVIL 5 106 51 8* 6" 6U 5 5-« Dupee WdrdandAndersou 15 40 15 40 20204 HUB PRATHER 4 961 8»" 61 Si 4 V 6" 6* Bassinger John Arno 15 20 15 20 202052 PLANTAIN 5 97 6" 5i In 82" 7" T« Seaton J E Hittick and Co 10 15 10 15 20146 PITFALL 8 100 71 7**74 7$ 8- 81 • R Jackson E Harding and Co 40 200 40 200 19938 FALSE LEAD 4 95 999999 Flick J Clerico and Co 50 150 50 150 Tima, 12i, 25, 50i. 1:16, 1:42, 1:481. Winner— Br. g. by Major Domo— Arilla. Went to post at 5 :15. At post 4 minutes. Start good. Won hand ridden and out to the last ounce; second and third were under keen pressure. Pay the Fiddler is a handy selling plater and under a fine ride ran perhaps th« best race of his career. Handpress was much used in racing with Lady Meddlesome in the first part of the race and was tired enough to lie down at the end. Lady Meddlesome improved wonderfully since her last start, and after being heavily backed came near landing. This filly was ridden with poor judgment and, taking everything into consideration, perhaps should have won. Blue Lick was carrying too much weight. The Devil ran a fair race. So did Hub Prather. The others were beaten off. Scratched-86462Cant Dance. 97. Overweights— Blue Lick. 2 pounds; Hub Prather. 11; Pay the Fiddler, 21. Pay the Fiddler, place, 6 to 5; show, 7 to 10. Handpress, place, 6 to 5; show, 3 to 5. Lady Meddlesome, place. 4 to 5; show. out. ______