St. Louis Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1900-08-25


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ST. LOUIS FORM CHART. ST. LOUIS, MO.. August 24.— Eighty-sixth day. St. Louie Fair Association. Summer Meeting. Weather clear ; track fast. Presiding Judge, Joseph A. Murphy. Starter, William Bruen. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. *Tf*¥ii * FIRST RACK— tt 1-3 Furlongs. Purse 00. 8-year-olds~and upward/ ind Horses A Wt St J4 hi H StrFin Jockeys Owners" O H L C 301223THE LIGHT 4 101 1 V Vi H V May J K Hughes 3-2 3-2 4-5 1 20157SE1GHT BELLS 5 99 3 2H 23 2» 21 1 Dominick M S Hughes and Co 16-516-521 13-5 20182 KINDRED 3 97 I 31031 • 3 3" J T Woods E and L Bohlman 15 30 12 30 20155 LORD NEVILLE 5 109 5 5 I* fti 41" J Mathews Hutchinson and Co 3-2 21 3-2 21 20156 GUIDE ROCK 5 103 4 41 5 5 5 Wilson F W Johnson 15 30 15 30 Time, 111, 24, 481, 1:13*, 1:20. Winner— Ch. f, by Uncle Jess— Barbary Maid. Went to post at Z :34. At post 5 minutes. Start good. Won easing up ; second handily. The Light showed great speed, held the race safe throughout and won as she pleased. It was a rank form reversal, as Lord Neville beat her off in her last previous start. Eight Bells ran a corking good race. Kindred ran to his mark. Lord Neville was outrun from the start, and his race was below his true form. Overweights — Lord Neville, 5 pounds. The Light, place, 2 to 5; snow, out. Eight Bells, place, 7 to 10; show, 1 to 3. Kindred, show, 8 to 5. Lord Neville, place, 4 to 5; show, 2 to 5. h/ ktW* A SECOND RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and up- JuVj Ax 4b ward. Selling. iud HorsoB A Wt St % StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 2t 208*JOE DOUGHTY 4 107 2 1U V 13 V I* Dale J J Hirth 21 3 2 21 202113LEO PLANTER 4 111 1 4» 3» 3 V M Vandusen W W Dardeu 2 21 9-5 2 20120 EUGENIA S. 4 102 6 oi 52 4 4* 3 May J K Flnley 3 8 14-58 A20631RON CHNCLR 4 107 3 2" 4 2" 33 4* J Mathews F R Meyer 6 20 6 15 -.J0207 GOOD KNIGHT 4 104 5 U 6 6 6 53 Gilmore J H LaKue 12 SO 10 25 20119 HARY B. 6 104 4 31 1 2" 51 5" 6""1 Cochran J M Reese 60 200 50 150 19305 GREY FORGE 393777777 Dominick George J Long 5 6 5 5 Time, 12, 24i, 491, 1 :151, 1 :42i, 1 :471. Winner— B. c, by Ragnarok— Ollie Bird. Went to post at 3 :00. At post 9 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second the same. Joe I Doughty got away and easily held the race safe from start to finish. Leo Planter was well ridden and did his best. The race should improve him. Eugenia S. received a poor ride. Iron Chancellor ran his race. Grey Forge ran a mile in a false breakaway. Overweights— Leo Planter, 4 pounds. Joe Doughty, place, 4 to 5 ; show, 1 to 3. Leo Planter, place, 3 to 5 ; show, out. Eugeuia S., show, 6 to 5. fcf*£i K THIRD RACE— 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 2-year-okU. MaidensT Allowances. ind Horses A Wt St g jj X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 20181 ATHARA 110 1 1H Vi HI HI J Mathews George J Long 6-5 9-5 6-5 9-5 20181 EMPYREAL 110 7 42 38 23 22 Frost Christy and Co 34 4 3 31 19607 GLEN BOW 113 8 71 51 43 31 Vandusen H J Scoggan 8 12 8 12 20089 KATE FREEMAN 110 3 9* 95 9* 411 Hinkey Keith and V atton 10 10 8 9 i0i8t DO AN HEARTED 110 6 51 7* 51 5* Paretto W F Schulte 30 100 30 60 20181 MISS PRATT 110 10 Sh 61 62 6h Corner Edward Pratt 30 30 20 25 20181 SHOTOVEH II. 110 5 23 21 31 7 1 Gilmore G Mueninghaus 8 15 7 12 201813 HARRY K. 113 2 63 81 7« 8« R Smith Joseph Isatt 41 6 4 41 19714 FLYING EAGLE 110 9 upoioanduiosu 9* Dominick Schwartz and Miller20 30 20 25 20181 HONOR BRIGHT 11.110 4 31 4 1 81 1030 Dale J C Ghio 30 60 30 40 EOTRAM 118 11 11 11 11 11 Fallehey William Price 50 100 40 109 Time, 121, 24i, E0, 1:03*. Winner — B. g, by Sabine — Thelma. Went to post at 3 :35. At post 6 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second the same. Athara was much the best of a poor lot and was lucky and well ridden. Empyreal and Glen Bow ran their races. Kate Freeman finished strongly after a rough journey. Miss Pratt was shut off and pinched on two occasions. Scratched— 20181 Ramsburg, 110 Athara, place, 3 to 5 ; show. out. Empyreal, place, 6 to 5; show, 1 to 2. Glen Bow, show, 6 1 to 5. O /A %/»/* FOURTH RACE— 2 Miles. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. lnd~" Horses A Wt St lA lm 1% IX StrFin Jockeys Owners ~ O H L C 20I803G1LBERT 3 87 3 3103101a * 13 1H Dominick Talbot Bros 3 31 3 3 20206 RANSOM 8 103 5 41 51 6 6 4* 214 Dale O W Boardmau 3-2 8-5 1 6-5 198852 ROUND TURN4 99 4 6 6 ►» 41 3- 32 May D L Snow 15 25 12 25 2U0912OHH1S 3 89 2 52 4« 31 2 2 4 J T Woods T H Btevens 7-5 9-5 7-5 8-5 20H82RGEETNOIR3 82 1 2- 2" 41 3" 5» 5" Cochran F W Holtgrewe 60 100 40 100 20177 LURDAN 4 99 6 1 |» 22 52 6 6 Redfern W W Redferuand Co50 100 40 100 Time, 27, S3, 1:20, l:46i, 2:14J,2:27, 2:40.3:071,3:35. Winner— B. c, by Brutus— Ramona. Went to post at 4 :03. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won handily; Becond the same. Gilbert proved himself a stayer and was best at the weights. He gained such an advantage early in ; the last mile that Ransom or Round Turn could never catch up when they made their runs. Orris quit badly and ran below the mark. Gilbert, place, 7 to 10; show, out. Ransom, place, 2 to 5; show, out. Round Turn, show, 7 to 5. Orris, place, 1 to 2; show, out. OfO£i7 FIFTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Ind "Horses A Wt St _ j* % StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C " 201793SEETHING 110 2 6»* 5»« 31 1* Dale G C Baker 6 10 5 10 1 20181 LA DESIROUS 110 4 1" l» 2H 2» Vandusen W W Darden 6-5 1 6-5 1 SO0922MARGARET F. 110 6 2» 2* 1»* 35 Corner L J Haas 3 31 21 31 202103SECUNDUS 110 5 4« 4" 41* 4« Dominick W F Schulte 4 4 12-524 20179 SCORPOLETTE 110 3 8 1« 5 5 J Mathews S T Gaines and Bro 10 15 10 12 18715 ON OGEN 113 1 32 3U 6« 61 Wilson Christy and Co 30 100 30 0 20179 MRS GRANNAN 110 8 5"* 8 7 7- Gilmore T H Stevens 10 20 10 15 20210 LILL SPARKS 110 7 71 61 8 8 Fallehey T J Davenport 10 30 10 25 Time, 12, 241, 491, 1 :02i, 1 :10. Winner— Ch. f, by St. Julien— Emma Primrose. Went to post at 4 :30. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second the same. Seeth-ng was well ridden and brought up with a timely rush. La Desirous ran her race and finished i Btrongly. Margaret F. seemed best and with a stronger finisher up would have won. Seething, place, 3 to 1 ; show, evens. La Desirous, place, out. Margaret P., show, 3 to 5. Secundns, place, 9 to 10; show, 2 to 5. ~ 4T k/_»0 SIXTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind Horses A___B__ _ X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C - 20153 BEN HAM 7 109 2 21122 23 12 Fallehey SLSeass 5 6 41 6 20153 OSTRA 4 109 6 31 3" 53 21 J Mathews Middleton and. Co 3 31 3 3 20211H.OFTSTAMRE5 109 4 78 53 31 3" Corner J U Strode fe Co I 2 3-2 9-5 20003 RAN DAZZO 5 112 8 6« 4h 4h 4« Vandusen Burch and Jones Zi 3 12-513-5 - 3 202U2DORAL1CE 8 107 1 12 1- 11 51 Cochran J Kearville 15 20 12 15 20207BONAQUA 4 109 5 44 61 6* 6" Gilmore P J Kelly 15 40 12 So 20207 ON HAND 4 107 9 9 83 83 1M Abel P M Sullivan 60 100 50 60 20064 OMEL1A 5 107 7 8 9 9 81 Watson M Rice 60 200 60 200 20211 VERY LIGHT 4 107 3 5 7* 7» 9 Dominick M S Hughes 15 40 12 20 14J44 BESSIE EWING 4 107 Threw boy at start. Haas M P Mattingly 20 40 15 30 Time, 12i, 24 J, 50, 1 :02, 1 :15i. Winner— Ch. h, by Flambeau— Gerhardine. Went to post at 5:00. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; Becond driving. Benham 1 regained form suddenly, was much the best and came away at his riders pleasure in the stretch. Ostra finished like a wild horse. Henry of Trastamare received a bad ride. Randazzo got off 1 ■ badly and had a rough journey. Scratched— 193012 Alvin W., 112; 20207Mountain Dew, 107. Overweights— Ostra, 2 pounds. Benham, place, 2 to 1; show, evens. Ostra, place, evens ; show, 2 to 5. Henry of Trastamare, ■ place, 3 to a ; show, out. Randazzo, place, evens ; show, 1 to 2.

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Local Identifier: drf1900082501_4_1
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