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OAKLAND ENTRIES Probabilities Weather cloudy track heavy heavyFirst First Race 78 Mile 3 yearolds and npward Selling SellingInd Ind Horses Age Wt Hdcp 24695 Guilder 6 121 670 24354 Whaleback 5 121 675 675244453Eetro 244453Eetro 6 121 700 7002i4233Rainier 2i4233Rainier 5 121 680 24621 Sam Dannebaum 4 119 690 24445 Faunetto 7 119 6S5 6S5239S8 239S8 Kastaine 5 119 665 20878 Honor Bright II 3 117 660 24303 Faversham II 5 114 675 24423 Sylvan Lass 5 114 685 24536 Senator Matts 5 Ill 660 660Second Second Race 4 13 Furlongs 2yearolds Maidens Allowances 24556 Senator Bruce 118 690 690245922Estado 245922Estado IDS 715 24422 Hon Peter Sterling 108 700 24187 Remele 108 695 24556 Pepper Sauce 108 725 24622 Yellowstone 108 705 24624 Achilles 108 715 715246223phil 246223phil Crimmins 108 710 23793 Lento 108 705 23773 Botany 105 710 24332 Dan Collins 105 720 720Third Third Race O 13 Furlongs 3yearolds Selling Selling24593Eonic 24593Eonic 107 725 725244873Invictus 244873Invictus 105 705 70523896Moonbright 23896Moonbright 105 720 720245933Andrattus 245933Andrattus 105 710 710216622Dnnfree 216622Dnnfree 103 715 715Fourth Fourth Race 1 14 Miles Miles4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling 21560 Go To Bed 6 103 715 715246612Gauntlet 246612Gauntlet 5 105 720 72024625Malay 24625Malay 5 103 725 24390 Twinkler 6 102 710 710Fifth Fifth Race 34 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling Selling242672Midlove 242672Midlove 5 103 705 24626 Mocorito 6 105 725 24517 Foul Play 4 105 720 24557 Valencienne 6 105 705 24211 Nnllah 4 105 710 710245393Claraudo 245393Claraudo 5 103 700 24265 Vantine 4 105 710 24623 Canejo 4 103 690 690246263Qood 246263Qood Hope 5 105 715 715244472Jingle 244472Jingle Jingle 5 105 700 70021662Heigh 21662Heigh Ho 6 105 715 24538 Nettie Clark 4 105 695 695Sixth Sixth Race 78 Milo 4yearolds and npward Selling Selling245932Horton 245932Horton 5 116 715 71524541Goldone 24541Goldone 4 114 720 720245412Donator 245412Donator 6 113 710 71024626Handicapper 24626Handicapper 4 Ill 725