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LOUISVILLE FORM CHART CHARTLOUISVILLE LOUISVILLE KY May 2 Fourth day New Louisville Jockey Club ClubSpring Spring Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge W F Schulte Starter H D Brown Racing starts at 230 p m i lOrrpT FIRST RACE 5 13 Furlongs Pnrse100 3yearolds Selling Ind Horses A Wt St H X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H U P P246143LIL 246143LIL PANTLAND 107 3 11 12 Hi 12 Irvin 8 T Gaines Bro 6 8 8 2 24611 3524614LYROR CLORITA 107 2 53 4H 31 2 Winkfleld W H May Son 2 21 21 35 24614LYROR BELL 109 6 4H 31 4 3 Cochran J D Smith 459101514 21619 FRANCES REIS 107 7 2 21 2 46 M Hill M Rodgars 15 40 40 8 196S8 GREAT STAR 107 1 3 5 52 5 R Murphy C F Buschmeyer 15 25 25 7 18802 OLLIE BELLE 111 4 7 63 65 63 Dupee H P Hoadley 12 20 20 6 24613 QUEEN QUALITY 107 8 8 8 7 7 J Adams Muir Hunter 60 200 200 40 MACHUSKA 107 5 6 7 8 S Gilmore H Gibson Co 20 60 60 20 Time 20Time 23148 1OU 1081 Winner 1081Winner B f by Fonso Lillie M MWent Went to post at 238 At post 7 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Lillie Pantland improved amazingly in two days was well in motion at the start shook off Frances Reis in the first quarter and was never afterward in trouble Clorita went all around her field finished fast and about ran her race Lyror Bell got away tangled up but ran below her form She caught Francos Reis tiring and beat her out in the last stride strideLillie Lillie Pantland show 3 to 5 Clorita show out Lyror Bell show out vAf Yft SECOND RACE 4 13 Furlongs Purse 100 2yearolds Selling Ind Horses A Wt St VA K 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 246102HANS WAGNER 101 1 INK HJ is irvin C E Jeffers Co 2 2 85 35 2161 03JAU BERT 103 8 4n 3 2 Britton H J Scosgan 488 443244123BACCIE 245S3 488245S3 MAN O WAR 96 2 23 2 3s Cochran J J McCafferty 443 244123BACCIE 103 6 520 55 41 J Woods RobinsonLeach 2 1352i 1 24610 20IBOLD DR LOVEJOY 90 3 33 43 52 Frederick S T Gaines Bro 25 60 60 20 IBOLD 106 7 6 6 6 Callahan G H Whitney 10 60 60 20 24205 AUDI PHONE 96 5 72 75 76 J T Woods T H Stevens 20 50 50 15 24355 BRONZE 15HARGIS MEDAL 106 4 83 82 83 Gilmore W R Baker Co 25 40 40 15 HARGIS 106 9 999 Winkfielcl S K Hughes Co 6 12 12 4 Dieqnalified for foul Time 24 491 551 551Winner BelleWent Winner B c by Longstreot Tommie Belle Went to post at 318 At post 10 minutes Start bad Won easily second the same Hans Wagner raced Man o War into exhaustion in the first quarter and came away without being fully extended in the stretch run Jaubert was pulled up at the start He then swerved over into Man o War at the furlong post and the latter had to be pulled up Baccie and Dr Lovejoy also suffered from the interference Jaubort was disqualified The last four were as good ae left leftScratched Scratched 24610 Colonel Anderson 103 103Overweights Overweights Ibold i pound Bronze Medal J Hans Waenor show out Man o War show 1 to 2 Baccie show 2 to 5 OOrrrT THIRD RACE 1 Mile Purse I400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St U 1A StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 245S12CHORUS BOY 5 111 1 12 16 is 12 14 J Woods H Robinson 1 145 25 22151 WHITF1ELD 3106 6 41 41 3a 33 2 Winkfield 8 K Hughes Co 4 10 10 3 24611 BECUNDUS 3 88 4 6 7 42 2 31 Ransom W F Schnlto 10 15 15 4 24581 PAT GARRETT 5 105 2 31 61 7 51 45 Cochran J J McCafferty 3 18531 1 24611 POLLY BIXBY 4 99 3 511 51 61 41 53 R Murphy Wells Co 15 30 30 1CK 246113TOM 1CK246113TOM MIDDLETNS 108 5 2 2 5 7 62 Irvin C E Jeff era Co 7 882 882SURVIVE SURVIVE 3103 7 7 31 21 6k 7 Todd WCHayes 30 10010040 10010040Time Time 251 50 l15f 142 Winner 142Winner Ch g by Chorister Vivid VividWent Went to post at 358 At post 3 minutes Start good Won pulling up second driving Chorus Boy was much the bast and made a show of his field Whitfleld ran well and outgamed Secundus when it came to a drive The latter closed a big gap but tired in the run home Tom Middloton withScratched quit after going a half and was not persevered with Scratched 215842Locust Blossom 103 103Chorus Chorus Boy show out Whitfield show 3 to 2 Secundus show 6 to 5 Pat Oarrett show 2 to 5 FOURTH RACEC i Purse S400 3yearolda and upward Ind Horses A Wt St K H 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H i 24614 PCESS OTILLIE 3 104 10 73 76 INK n J Woods H Robinson 2 1152 45 246092 BEUTY BOOKER 4 105 5 31 1 2 2 Ransom FBVanMetrBroi 1152 45 24611 ROOD 4 1011 7 6 5 4 32 J Adams G Foeter 50 50 15 6 24379 ASSESSMENT 3 91 4 51 61 65 4 WedstrandT H Stevens 8 10 10 4 23834 FARRKLL 6 10ii 1 2H 2 6 51 Gilmore V Hughes Co 10 12 12 4 24614 CRINKLE 5 104 3 Hi 31 3 6 Cochran W Krafft 455 22419 NELSE MORRIS 3 95 6 4n 4 7 7 J T Woods Wells Co 30 100 100 40 243SO 40243SO UHLER 5 118 2 8 8 8 8 J Combs Fizer Co 30 100 100 40 21609 PROSPER LA GAI3 95 9 10 9 9 9 Irvin W M WallaceCo8 13 13 5 21584 ELSIE VENNER 4 96 8 9 10 10 10 J Walker S T Gainos Bro 30 30 30 10 10Time Time 244911151122 Winner 244911151122Winner B f by Wawekus Bink BinkWent Went to post at 4 31 At post 3 minutes Start good Won easily second driving Princess Otillie was practically left went all around her field and found an opening at the stretch turn where she came through on the insido and was going away at the end Beauty Booker barely managed to last long enough to stall off Rqdd The latter met with a lot of interference and Adams quitScratched rode a weak finish Farrell and Crinkle showed early speed but tired and quit Scratched 21646 King Elkwood 100 100Overweights Overweights 31Princess Princess Otiillo 2 pounds Rodd i Assessment 2 Farroll 31 Princess Otillie show 2 to 5 Beauty Booker show 2 to 5 Rodd show 3 to 1 O f f CTO FIFTH RACE 7 mile furse 100 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St X Vt 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 22405JTRINITY BELL 3 95 3 5 43 4 a 3H H R Murphy J Welch Co 10 10 31 32 23640 MISS SOAK 6 109 2 4si 5 5 1 2 Coibran WLHazelip 3 7 6 2 22368 ETHEL WHEAT 3101 4 IH 2n H 22 36 J Woods Vince Weir 2772 215792THE L IN BLUES 109 1 22 311 3 4n 43 Gilmore A B Barnes 2 2 95 710 71024609SUAVE 24609SUAVE 4 107 5 31 1 21 5 5 Winkfield H Bensinger 4431 4431Time Time 241 481 115 1281 Winner 1281Winner B f by Rossington Famine FamineWent Went to post at 504 At post S minutes Start bad Won handily second easily Murphy on Trinity Bell caught Cochran napping and coming with a rush on the outside won going1 away Misa Soak ran a good race but Cochran was busy watching Ethel Wheat and did not see Trinity Beir until it was too late Ethel Wheat was short and this race should improve her The Lady in Blue pulled up lame lameOverweights Overweights Ethel Wheat 2 pounds Trinity poundsTrinity Boll show 1 to 2 Miss Soak show 4 to 5 Ethel Wheat show 4 to 5 The Lady in Blue show 1 to 4 Suave show 2 to 5 2468O SIXTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 400 3yearolda and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St X H 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 246142SIM W 8 106 2 32 2 11 13 Cochran Leopold Pascoel2 12 12 ont 21673 THE BUTCHER 3 101 1 4 i 42 3 2 J Woods J F Schorr 5 5 4i 65 65245793MOSKETO 245793MOSKETO 3 105 3 2 33 48 38 Callahan G H Whitney Co4 15 15 2 24613 BIRCH TREE 3 100 6 55 55 5 4 J T Woods J D Smith 4551 24609 ONLY ONE 3 88 4 HI 11 21 52 Ransom W J Clark 15 50 50 10 24356 VIE LAMONT 5 95 5 6666 Chambers J B Shea 50 200 200 50 50Time Time 24 49 1 15 Winner 15Winner B g byCortez Mary Williams WilliamsWont Wont to post at 540 At post 6 minutes Start good Won easily second driving Sim W was best and came away with hardly an effort when called ou The Batcher and Moaketo fought it ont closely through the last furlong and Woods outrode Callahan at the end Only One showed early speed but tired and quit in the stretch run Scratched runScratched 246502Onomastns 109 23081 Flenron 102 Overweights 102Overweights The Butcher pound Only One 2 The Butcher show 1 to 2 Mosketo show 3 to 5