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WORTH FORM CHART CHARTWORTH WORTH ILL May 3 First day Worth Jockey Club SpringMeeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge M N Macfarlan Starter Richard Dwyer Racine starts at 215 p m A O FIRST RACE 34 Mile Purse 500 575 to second 25 to third Ht O O O 3yearolde and upward Allowances Ind Horses A Wt 8t M Vt StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 245472BONEY BOY 5114 2 1 221 2H 1 Coburn Mrs R Bradley 1153 3 45 245443SEVOY 6 114 4 221 li 13 22 Robertson John Call 95 95 85 35 3524547W 24547W J DEBOE 3 105 3 4 42 SH 3S Qormley J Arthur 11521 21 35 35244288HUT 244288HUT UP 3 100 INK 555 4H C Booker V Hughes Co 15 20 20 5 24460 JOE MARTIN 4 115 5 3J 33 43 5 Crowhnrst MannionConnoll7 71 7 21 21Time Time 1224 47 l13i Winner Ch g by Blitzen Sue B BWent Went to post at 220 At post 24 minutes Start good Won in a terrific drive of two Boney Boy was well ridden and ran a smashing good race Ho won simply because Coburn had sense enough to hug the rail on the stretch turn thereby saving much ground On the other hand Sevoy swung extremely wide on the turn otherwise ho could not have lost The early pace was terrific Several competent timers caught the half in 47 seconds flat W J Deboo was badly outrun iu the first part of the race but closed stoutly on the rail in the stretch Joe Martin ran off about a furlong at top speed in a false break Crowhurst in trying to pull him up broke his bridle and fell oil The horse was caught however before he ran far and the chances are the mishap did not interfere in any way with his race It was a very close finish and one of those that only the judges could decide the angle from the stand across the track being very bad badBoney Boney Boy show out Sevoy show 1 to 4 W J Deboe show 1 to 4 O I ± ± SECOND HACK 5 13 Surloiiss Purse 400 75 to second 25 to third 1 tt O O tt 4yearolds and upwards Selling Ind Horses A Wt St M W 3 StrFin Jockeye Owners O H C P 246022CORA HAV1LL 11 5 104 2 Hi 13 15 14 c Booker G B Havill 6 10 10 3 24571 DSTERSWIVEL 6 109 3 42 45 2ii 20 Robertson John Call 44495 244283AVATAR 4 103 2 5 4 4i i 31 Otis K J Murphy 10 15 15 5 24520OLEKMA 4 96 6 32 2 3 4 Davisson V Hughes Co 3 4 4 85 24520 GREY JOHN 6 106 51 51246302BARNEY 55 311 52 r5 Coburn M Kahn 6883 246302BARNEY SAAL 5 101 8 71 6 61 6 Gormley J Arthur 2 2 85 710 24598 MARTHA FOX 5 101 1 61 75 7 75 R Narvaez P J Moss Co 20 20 20 8 21G02LOOSE SLEEVE 4 96 7 8883 Birkonruth L H Ezoll 30 33 20 8 Apprentice allowance Time 12 24 49 1 Winner PqstmaidWent Blk m by Kingston Pqstmaid Went to post at 305 At post 8 minutes Start good Won easily second whipped out third fourth and fifth drivine hard Cora Havill II got away fully in her stride had the most speed and was never fully extended She is a fairly good mare of the improving kind Donsterswivel had no mischances Robertson drove him hard to the eighth post then seeing ho had no chance let up on the gelding a trifle Avatar met with interference on the far turn He was bumped into and almost knocked down Olekma was raced into subjection in trying to catch Cora Havill II in the first part of the race and hung at the end Martha Fox got away in the lead but was dull of speed and soon dropped out of contention Barney Saal ran away about a quarter at top speed in the first false break This ruined whatever chance he had and Gormley never made a move on him during the journey Grey John ran a good race raceCora Cora Havill II show 8 to 5 Dousterswivel show 9 to 10 Avatar show 2 to 1 Olekma show 4 to 5 Barney Saal show 2 to 5 C THIRD RACE 1 Mile Purse 5500 75 to second 25 to third O 3yearoldu and upward Allowances Ind Horses A Wt 8t M H X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 20593 OPERATOR 3 92 1 U IH IH IB Hi Donnelly H B Durham 8 3 21 1 24568 BOOMERACK 3 101 2 2H 221 2 20 25 Dominic J H Arthur 85 2 3 89 3 53 5 4 42 31 Beaton J Grinin C6 8 20 20 8 24571 PLEAD 3 87 4 6 6 6 5 43 Timms J S Rothort 4772 24568 AARON 3 94 6 4 3 33 31 53 R Jackson S S Bender Co 4 4 18575 24522 GUY H 3 92 51 3 42 52 6 6 J Baker J E Gushing 3662 3662Time 42igWinner Time 12 24g 4 115 1 42ig Winner Blk c by Victory Thanks ThanksWent Went to post at 340 OS at the first break to an excellent start Won with something loft at the end after an early drive second driven out Operator appeared high in flesh and not ready but he raced as though in excellent condition He and Boomerack had it hammer and tongs all the way and Boomerack was the first to crack Donnelly rode a clever race on Opera ator keeping his wits about him and hugging tho rail all the way Bobmerack is only an ordin ¬ ary selling plater and that is all Eocrys made a good showing Ho was mossed about consider ¬ ably on the first turn and the reins were flapping on his neck all down the backstrotch Plead was completely shut out on the first turn Aaron seemed to be running well in hand when he collapsed at the threeeighths post Guy H does not count for much Overweights Boomerack 4 pounds poundsOperator Operator show 1 to 2 Boomerack show out Eocrys show 21 to 1 Aaron show 3 to a O I L ± L ± J FOURTH RACE 1 116 Miles 3yearolds and upwards Handicap 5tttOO Worth Jockey Club Stakes 2000 added Ind Horses A Wt St M V M StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 24460 T CONQROR II4 105 3 It IH 15 is 15 Coburn B Vincent 6652 665224466JR 24466JR WADDELL 3 108 2 4 ox 32 23 211 Seaton Mrs R Bradley 4662 466224546LOUISVILLE 24546LOUISVILLE 4 109 1 3 3i 51 3H 3 Crowhurst C E Mahone Cc4 662 66224245STAR 24245STAR CHAMBR4 110 8 71 73 6H 51 42 See P Dunne 4993 19087 MERITO 4 105 5 5 41 7 62 53 J Mathews H B Durham 6 6 6 21 21245462OHNET 245462OHNET 4 104 6 8 8 8 8 6 1 R Narvaez M J Maloney 8993 899324522BRANCH 24522BRANCH 6 108 71 61 62 4 71 71 Corner M C Moore 5 12 12 5 524569POSSART 24569POSSART 3 101 41 2H 2 21 4 8 Dominick MrsFZuehlkeCo4 4 1351 1351246293ANDES 246293ANDES 5 96 Left at the post Gormley J Arthur 7 ° ° ° Time 24 49 1 15Jg 1 42 1 4S 4SWinner Winner RepeatWent Blk c by Sir Dixon Repeat Went to post at 4 10 At post 12 minutes Start good for all but Andes Won easing up eecoud driving hard third fourth and fifth also driving hard The Conqueror II regained his speed suddenly and made a runaway race of it Ho appeared every inch a racehorse on the way to the post and proved to be one on this occasion Coburn wasted no time getting to the front and hugging the rail closely made every post a winning one Considering tho amount of weight Robert tVaddell was conceding to the other starters he stamped himself a grand threeyearold He got a poor ride was bumped into and almost thrown at the threequarters post but with all this handicap was right there Louisville ran gamely every inch of the road She dropped out of it for an instant on the far turn but under severe punishment came again in the stretch Star Chamber was slow in getting to going well but finished like a whirlwind Mark him for early action Merito acted badly at the post as did Possart who ran his race there The first break made by starter Dwyer was a beauty but was spoiled by Saaton who pulled Robert Waddellup WaddellupScratched Scratched 24663Boney Boy 112 24546 Charley Moore 106 24367 Strangest 97 216632Sevoy 106 24462George Lee 101 24488 Moroni 101 101Overweights Overweights Possart 3 pounds Louisville 1 1The The Conqueror II show evens Robert Waddell show evens Louisville show evens Possart show 1 to 2 O i A T FIFTH BACK 5 13 Furlongs Purse 400 75 to second 25 to third ttOO i 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St M H 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 24119 OUR LIZZIE 6 104 6 6 6 4 Hi J Mathews W H Ketchiman 2662 2662244903RIVAL 244903RIVAL DARE 5 112 3 2 3 i 52 2 J Baker Bolich Sweat 5 12 12 4 24429 BH AW LAD 7113 1 3li 2 2 3 Crowhurst J O Keene 4 4 31 6 5 18386 FIRESIDE 7110 2 52 52 3 4 Cobnrn G C Bennett Co3 3 7512 7512246301NCANDESCENT 246301NCANDESCENT 5 99 SB 41 41 H 50 Timms J S Rothert 30 40 40 12 1224521EMMA 24521EMMA M 4 96 4 II li 6 6 Gormley H A Cotton 44465 44465Apprentice Apprentice allowance Time 12 24 49 1 09 09Winner Winner B m by Cavalier Vim VimWent Went to post at 4 50 At post 8 minuted Start good Won cleverly second third fourth aud fifth were under full sail Our Lizzie was ridden with rare judgment and coming with a rush on the inside from behind won going away Rumor had it Rival Dare ran away previous to the race This is what made the long price on her She received a poor ride but ran right to her form Braw Lad showed his usual amount of speed but his dickey legs got hot under him and at the end he bung a trifla Fireside appeared high in flesh bat had plenty of spued and will be hard to beat from now on Incandescent skinned the rail at the head of the stretch and for an instant seemed liko a winner but could not stand the pressure at the end Emma M quit after running a fast three furlongs furlongsOur Our Lizzie show evens Rival Dare show 2 to 1 Braw Lad show 3 to 5 Fireside show out Emma M show 3 to 5 O A f fc Q SIXTH HAGS 1 18 Miles Purse 600 75 to second 25 to third iattOOO 3yearolds and upwards Soiling Ind Horses A Wt St St K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H U P 24601 TREBOR 6 109 4 41 51 21 32 21 1 Otis K J Murphy 8 20 12 5 524S67RHINELDH5 24S67RHINELDH5 103 1 2 21 32 22 1 22 Dominick LHEzell 65656512 6565651224319IEL 24319IEL CANEY 4110 5 H 1 Hi 1 32 31 Coburn G C Bennett Co 4 552 243522FREELANCE7 112 3 7 61 61 41 41 421 J Mathews W H Ketchiman 5883 24312 AZIM 3 92 8 8 8 8 6 52 50 Daviseon R M Westerfield 40 50 50 20 20244623KY 244623KY BABE 4105 1 6 3 41 51160 6 H Jackson J B Lewman Co 6 9 9 3 243703PAPA HARRY6 109 2 3 7 71 8 8 71 Robertson H ACottou 10 20 20 8 243673H BR1GADE4 104 6 51 41 53 7 7 g Gormloy J Arthur Co 4 4 31 75 Apprentice allowance Time 13 26 51 1 17 1 44 1 56 56Winner Winner B g by Barnes Bettie W WWent Went to post at 5 20 At post 5 minutes Start good Won in a drive second the same Trebor came to life suddenly and after being heavily backed ran a surprisingly good race He was well ridden by Otis who sat still and looked Dominick square in the eye all through the stretch Tho latter made altogether too much use of Rhinelandor iu chasing El Cauey in the first part of the race El Caney found the route too far and finished out to tho last ounce Mathows got shut oil ropoatedly with Free Lance whan going down the backstretch Kentucky Babe was lucky to get through on the first turn but after that showed nothing Hoods Brigade took the longest route all the way Throw this race out for him He can do better betterTrebor Trebor show 2 to 1 Rhinelander show out El Caney show 4 to 5 Hoods Brigade show 3 to 5