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OFFICE 1512 ASH BLOCK CHICftCO ILLINOIS Tlie regular monthly meeting or tlic Itoanl 01 Stewards will lie Ifcld in Room 1512 Ashland Block on Monday May G RACE MEETINGS 1001 1001Louisville Louisville Jockey Club April 29 May 11 11Latonia Latonia Jockey Club May 13 25 25Worth Worth Jockey Club May 2 25 25Chicago Chicago Jockey Club May 27 June 8 8The The Ingalls Park Co June 1 15 15Harlem Harlem Jockey Club June 10 21 21Washington Washington Park Club June 22 July 20 20Chicago Chicago Jockey Club July 22 August 3 Kinloch Park Jockey Club July 22 August 26 26Harlam Harlam Jockey Club August 5 17 17Chicago Chicago Jockey Club August 19 31 31Harlem Harlem Jockey Club Sept 2 14 14Chicago Chicago Jockey Club September 16 October 5 5Kinloch Kinloch Park Jockey Club Sept SO Oct 26 26Harlem Harlem Jockey Club October 7 26 26Latonia Latonia Jockey Club October 28 November 13 Lakeside Jockey Club October 28 November 9 Worth Jockey Club November 14 November 30 Attention of owners trainers and jockeys is called to theollowing important racing rules 1 These rules shall go into operation and be effective on March 18th 1901 and any other rules of racing shall be annulled as from that date dateColors Colors Must lie Registered 25 Racing colors must be registered with the Secretary of the Western Jockey Club and when thus registered shall not be claimed nor used by others except in case or death or after five years withdrawal from the turf A fee of five dollars shall be charged for registering colors and alcertificato of registration shall be issued In cases of conflicting claims owners having colors registered previous to 1901 with any then recognized turf authority shall have prior claim to such colors Colors bearing letters or sym bols of an advertising nature shall not be reg ¬ istered isteredA A list of colors shall be officially published Registration of Horses 34 The office of The Jockey Club is desig ¬ nated as the Registry Office OfficeThe The Registry Office is established for the pur ¬ pose of the identification of all horses whether foaled in the United States or in other coun ¬ tries and the certification of their pedigrees i Horses foaled in the United States or Canada must be registered with the Registry office by November 1 of the year in which they were foaled foaledThe The registration shall comprise the name if any the color and marks if any whether a horse mare or gelding and the names of its sire and dam If the dam was covered by more than one stallion the names or descriptions in full must be stated statedThe The registration fee shall be 2 for each ani ¬ mal which will include certificate certificateOnly Only horses are eligible for registry under this rule which have either five uncontaminated thoroughbred crosses or which authentically trace through or to animals recorded in the first six volumes of the American Stud Book or in a recognized Stud Book of another country countryIf If it bo proved to the satisfaction of the Stew ¬ ards of The Jockey Club that the failure of registration bo unintentional or accidental such registration may be permitted by the pay ¬ ment of a fine of 10 if such application be made on or before December 31st of each year and if after said date upon payment of a line of 50 for each registration registrationNaming Naming of Horses 35 A name must be claimed through the Registry Office of The Jockey Club for each and every horse on or before the 1st day of March of its twoyearold year yearIn In case a horse is not named prior to March 1st of its twoyearold year it may bo duly named upon payment of a fine of 50 if name is claimed and allowed at least two days before date of starting startingNo No name that has been employed during the previous five years either in the stud or on the turf shall be duplicated nor can a name be claimed for any horse not registered as a foal foalNo No horse will be allowed to start unless duly registered and named namedThis This rule shall apply only to horses foaled in 1899 and thereafter 36 After a horse has run under a name in a public race that name shall not be changed And no Association racing under these rules shall receive the entry of or allow any horse whose name has been so changed after July 20th 1894 anywhere or upon any course to run upon its course courseApprentice Apprentice Allowance in Selling1 Itaccs 161 Boys who while under age have of their own free will and with the consent of their par ¬ ents or guardians bound themselves to owners or trainers for a term of not less than three years by a written instrument certified copy of which has been lodged with the Stewards of the West ¬ ern Jockey Club shall be permitted to claim a fivepound allowance in all selling races except ¬ ing selling handicaps They shall be entitled to this allowance for one year after the issuance of their license Allowance under this rule must bo claimed at the time of entry and the owner 1 shall not be permitted to waive such allowance except by consent of the judges judgesTrainers Trainers Jockeys and Apprentices Licenses 179 Every person who trains or rides a horse whether his own or the property of another must obtain a license from the Stewards of the Western Jockey Club to so do as trainer jockey or apprentice respectively and no horse unless so trained or ridden shall be permitted to start In cases of emergency a jockey or a trainer may bo permitted to pursue his avoca ¬ tion pending action on his application but a jockey or trainer having been suspended or ruled off and subsequently reinstated after the expiration of his license shall not be permitted to pursue his avocation until a license has been issued An apprentice shall not be required to apply for a jockeys license until after he shall have ridden si winner A boy who has never ridden a winner may be granted an apprentice license for one year or until he does ride a winner to and upon the application of his employer and the apprentice shall not be permitted to ride for any one except his employer without his permission The license shall bo prima facie evidence of the em ¬ ployment of tho apprentice 180 No person against whom there are out ¬ standing forfeit orders or other arrears shall receive a trainers or jockeys license 182 a Every license shall bo for not more than one year and shall expire on tho 31st day of December after its issuance The fee must accompany the application and shall bo fifteen dollars to a trainer or jockey and one dollar to an apprentice apprentice1enalty 1enalty for Racing at Unrecognized Meetings 203 An owner or trainer running horses or jockey riding the same at any unrecognized meeting shall bo disqualified for all races to which these rules apply Such horses and all other horses under tho control of such owners and trainers shall also be disqualified A person acting in an official capacity at an unrecognized meeting shall also be disqualified