St. Louis Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1901-06-02


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ST LOUIS FORM CHART 81 EOUIS MO June 1 Twentyeighth day St Louis Fair Association AssociationSpring Spring Mooting Weather threatening track fast Presiding Judge P A Brady Starter W F Brnen Racing starts at 230 pm g pr f I FIRST RACE 78 Mile Pnrse 300 3yearoIds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St K StrFin Jockeys Ownora O H 25393 BEN FROST 6101 2 31 32 33 23 11 Givene E F Smith 688 25537 SUE JOHNSON 4 100 1 11 2H 2 12 2io T OBrien FizerCo 656565 25459 FRED HESSIG 3 105 5 51 53 55 3 32 Bloss R R Rice 10 10 10 102553DLAWTON 2553DLAWTON 3 91 9 8 8 830 45 46 R HendsonP tl Civill 5 5 4 25537 ALLEVIATE 6 105 3 21 12 IS 512 55 Enos W F Schnlte 665 25321 JENA 4 103 7 7 61 62 72 6 McCann Massoy Fagin 12 20 20 8 21789 JIM TURNER 4 102 4 41 41 4 62 73 S Johnson K ith PaUon 50 100 100 30 JUDGE KEMP 3 88 8 9 9 9 9 82 Lowo C Roberts 60 15015040 25173 ELLA MARTIN 4 97 6 6 7 71 85 9 ONeil J Persinger Co 60 100 ICO 30 Time 121 241 36 49i 1 02 1 15 1 28 28Winner Winner Ch g by Fanstus Volturo VolturoWent Went to post at 230 At post 25 minutes Start good Won cleverly second easily Ben Frost was much the best His last race did not show his form Sue Johnson rau her race Fred Hessigs performance was an improvement Lawton had plenty of speed and closed strong but was away badly Alleviate was high showed a flash of speed and stopped The others cut no figure figureScratched Scratched 25534 Ransom 107 25316 AlvinW 104 255753Tho Singer 102 25531 Regatta 102 255752Elbe 100 25389 Mandamus 97 97Ben Ben Frost show 6 to 5 Hue Johnson show out Fred Hessig ehow 2 to 1 Lawton show 4 to 5 K SECOND RACK 58 Mile Purse K50 2yearolds Allowances s A Wt St H fc StrFin Jockeys Owners O 255132 H ELEN PK1NT 107 6 51 52 31 13 X OBrien J Huffman 85857535 85857535255133KING 255133KING DALY 99 8 8 62 75 2 ONeil Mrs S Lncaa 8 15 15 5 5253922TRIO 253922TRIO 107 5 41 4 5 3 McCann L Goldblatt 488 488253923KALOMA 253923KALOMA 107 4 21 2 2 41 Dale RE WatkinsCo4 41 41 85 8525353LEMUEL 25353LEMUEL 103 1 11 1 12 52 A Weber H JGerhardyCo 20 40 30 10 25513 OLD HUTCH 107 7 7 31 42 62 Houck Turney Bros 4 5 41 85 25460 WAKITA 106 3 3 72 62 75 WedstrandStnbbs Bros 8 15 12 5 25069 POTHEEN 107 2 61 8 8 8 Tnrbiville S W Street 200 400 400 100 100Time Time 1212436 48 1OH 1OHWinner Winner B f by Argyle Mannetta MannettaWent Went to post at 319 At post 4 minutes Start good Won easily next four driving hard Helen Print ran her race for the first time in five outs Kintf Daly well ridden came through a email hole very fast at the end and nipped the placa ONeil is a very daring boy Trio out to the last ounce got third place gamely in the last stride Dale allowed Kaloma to be pocketed and thrown out of it by a very bad ride Throw the race out for Kaloma Lemuel showed sur ¬ prising early speed on a fast track the mud being his forte Old Hutch was short but showed speed Wakita failed to show her early speed speedOverweights Overweights Wakita 2 pounds Potheen 4 4Helen Helen Print show 1 to 3 King Daly show 2 to 1 Trio show 6 to 5 25616 THIRD RACE 34 Mile Purse 100 3yearolds and upward Handicap Ind Horses A Wt St J4 Vi S StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 25461 WAX TAPEK 4124 7 61 56 41 HI C Combs R R Rice 85 85 32 710 710J 252702 HI NOCKEK 4 104 6 42 31 31 2 Enos J D Lucas 1153 3 1 1W 24956 NOBLEMAN 5 101 2 32 42 56 32 Louden W Clark 12 15 15 6 6G 255172 BEN LED1 5 97 5 2H 22 211 42 A Weber G W Scott 3 3 21 45 45J 17910 MYRTLE VAN 7 92 4 IKK IK 12 si Bell J Persingei Co 50 50 50 12 12B 19113 KGS HIGHWAY 6 96 3 3252703TOM 5n 62 61 6 ONeil B Rathbon 12 20 20 6 6FizerCo 252703TOM COLLINS 6 100 8 7 8 8 71 T OBrien Fizer FizerCo Co 8 15 15 i 25319 TULLA FONSO 5 108 1 8 72 7n 8 Tnrbiville J 1 VfnfTmHn Huffman Barred in betting Time 12 231 351 48 1 OOJ 1 131 131Winner Winner B c by Candlemas Utility Went to pcet at 348 At post 3 minutes Start good Won easily second driving Wax tTapar was much the best Hi Nocker ran a good race and closed stoutly Nobleman was off in a tangle but ran a fine race Ben Ledi had speed for five furlongs So had Myrtle Van Tulla Fonso got away badly and sulked all the way Scratched wayScratched 25390A D Gibson 98 98Overweights Overweights Hi Nocker 4 pounds poundsWax Wax Taper show 1 to 4 Hi Nocker show 2 to 5 Nobleman show 3 to 1 Ben Ledi show out 6 J K f 1 T FOURTH RACK I 14 Allies 3yearolds and upward 5OO i The Club Members Handicap Value 52500 A Wt Bt St J4 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 254613 HOTTENTOT 4 93 5 1 IH 12 12 12 is ONeil F W Holtgrewe 4 7 7 21 254363V HREBEKE4 100 6 51 5 42 31 22 21 J T Woods J Huffman 15 40 40 15 1525437CHAPPAQUA5 25437CHAPPAQUA5 108 3 42 41 51 43 32 SN Dale P M Civill 5 15 15 8 8219093PINK 219093PINK COAT 6 119 4 7 61 31 22 41 46 C Combs T P Hayes 3 3 135910 25356 DISSENTER 4 102 7 6 71 7 6 51 5 Houck Tnrney Bros 2 85 85 35 25461 MINT SAUCE 5116 2 31 3 6 7 7 6 Foncon A R Cowser 4 6 6 21 21255162WALL 255162WALL 3 91 1 22 23 2 51 6 7 A Weber W W Darden 8883 Time 8883Time 241 36J 49 1 02 1 14J 1 271 1 411 1 53i 2 071 Winner 071Winner Ch c by St Charles Furbelow FurbelowWent Went to post at 419 At post 10 minutes Start good for all but Dissenter Won in a mild drive next three driving hard Hottentot was best at the weights and ran a good race Van Hoorebake ran above his mark He was aided by the sharp pace and finished strong Chappa qna finished very strong getting Pink Coat in the closing strides Pink Coat made a great effort at the seven furlongs but could not get up Dissenter off badly and bumped at every turn had hard luck Mint Sauce was short Wall was outclassed outclassedScratched Scratched 25319 Blink 101 25536 Linden Ella 95 255163 Callear 93 93Overweights Overweights Wall 4 pounds poundsHottentot Hottentot show evens Van Hoorebeko show 4 to 1 Chappaqua show 3 to 1 Pink Coat show 1 to 3 Dissenter show out Q pT I Q FIFTH RACE 1 316 Miles Over 5 Hurdles Pnrse 100 4yearolds and i 13 JL O upward Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St 1 2 3 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 25514COLON DfilE6 134 1 111 H H 12 13 12 c Combs B Schreiber 32 85 32 25 25255142MR 255142MR ROSE 4 131 2 22 21 2n 21 2 2 Casey P H Dale Co 333 710 25514 HAP MEDIUM4 130 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 Ellis F G Kirwan 30 30 30 10 25514 VERY LIGHT 5 133 4 31 32 330jckeyfelloffJJohnstonJ S Bratton 21 21 8535 25514 TOWERS 8126 Fell D Johnson Harrison Rogersl2 15 15 4 4Time Time 2171 2171Winner Winner B m by Faverdale Stately StatelyWent Went to post at 4 50 At post 3 minutes Start good Won driving Colonial Dama was the best with Very Light out Mr Hose ran a good race Happy Medium refused every fence at which he raced but was taken back and went the course Towers was killed by his fall J Johnston fell off Very Light when the horse had a good chance chanceOverweights Overweights Happy Medium 5 pounds poundsColonial Colonial Dame show out Mr Rose show out Happy Medium show 2 to 1 Very Light enow out rt K C 1 i SIXTH RACiS 1 Mile aud 20 Yards Purse 5300 3yearolds and upward SaOOiy Selling Ind Horses A Wt St X X X StrFin Jockoyu Owners O H 0 P 255153CHOP1N 5 108 1 21 4S 415 23 U A Weber J C Ferris Jr 4 8 8 21 2125515ZONNE 25515ZONNE 4 107 3 3 32 2 32 2 Dale R Haase 41 41 4 75 75255353MEDDLESOME 255353MEDDLESOME 5 100 2 1 1 1 I2 3 T OBrien J S Bratton 222 710 710251372QUIDE 251372QUIDE ROCK 4 105 5 42 2 3 48 41 Plnnkott F W Johnson 2 11511545 21115 ADMPLSCHLEY 4 104 4 52 52 52 53 55 Givens G R Williams 30 30 30 10 25321 MARGHAGEMAN5 98 6 6 6 6 6 6 ONeil H Talbot 6882 6882Time Time 13 25 371 49i 1021 1151 128 142 113 113Winner Winner Gr h by The Bard Victress VictressWent Went to post at 5 18 At post 3 minutes Start poor Won in a sharp drive of three Chopin waa lucky got away well in front and finished strongly Dale gave Zonne a bad ride He could have won with a strong ride at the end Meddlesome ran hia race in front Guide Rock had eomo early speed speedScratched Scratched Dr Bradley 94 25537 Spinning Rock 79 79Overweights Overweights Zonne 3 pounds Guide Rock 5 5Chopin Chopin show evens Zonne show 3 to 5 Meddlesome show out Guide Rock show out SEVENTH KAO15 1 Mile Puree 5350 3yearolds Allowances 2562O led Horses A Wt St H Vt 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H I 2553628AHNER 97 2 2 4H 3H 21 H ONeil W W Finn 65 75 75 25 2525536FABMB 25536FABMB BENNETT105 5 6 51141 32 23 J Mills J W Schorr 21 13513545 13513545255163CALLEAH 255163CALLEAH 105 6 51 3 2 1 31 McGann L Goldblatt 5 5 41 85 217823KINGR UNE 104 4 41 6 6 51 43 Enos K Stone 10 20 20 8 25531 ROBERT JR 100 3 32 2 5 6 53 T OBrien HWWallhserCo40 75 75 20 20255372SARD 255372SARD 97 1 Hi li HI 41 6 A Weber J C Cahn 67585 42KWinner Time 67585Time 121 25 37i 50 1 03 1 16 1 29t 1 42K RidgeWent Winner Ch c by Kingston Park Ridge Went to post at 545 At post 2 minutes Start good Won hand ridden second easily Barner was beat He likes weight off Both he and Farmer Bennett have been running right to the mark Farmer Bennett was pocketed and interfered with on the backatrotch and ran a good race Callear ran an improved race Sard has speed but weakened when challenged Overweights poundsSarner challengedOverweights Kingraine 4 pounds Sarner show out Farmer Bennett show out Callear show 4 to 5

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Local Identifier: drf1901060201_4_1
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