Oakland Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1901-06-02


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OAKJOAND ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Race Futurity Course 170 foot short of 34 mile mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Ind Horses Age Wt Hdcp 25627 Bagdad 4 115 685 25627 Hilary 4 115 675 23432 Pidalia 4 113 665 25184 Lindo 4 110 670 25590 Elkarn 3 108 675 25630 Carlonian 3 108 690 25519 Spindle 3 103 700 Marinouse 700Marinouse 3 103 25409 Bonitary 3 101 680 25588 Tinkle Tinkle 3 101 685 24903 Abba L 3 101 670 24903 Edith O 3 101 665 665Second Second Race 78 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling 25590 Mike Rice 8 Ill 705 25521 Prejudice 4 Ill 725 17587 Odd Eyes 5 109 720 24660 Grand Sachem 6 109 705 705254783Formatus 254783Formatus 4 107 715 25627First 71525627First Shot 4 107 710 25593 Kickumbob 4 107 700 700255613Alas 255613Alas 4 105 710 710Third Third Race 5 13 Furlong Furlong2yearolds 2yearolds Selling 25441 Huachuca 110 710 25520 Irma A 107 715 71525562Vassalo 25562Vassalo 107 725 25150 Torso Maid 107 720 25589 Quadra 107 705 255923 Hainanlt 107 715 715Fourth Fourth Race Futurity Course 170 feet short of 34 mile mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Ind Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp 24904 Frank Woods 4115 705 705256272Gold 256272Gold Finder 4 115 725 25632 Canejo 4 113 710 71025442Katie 71025442Katie 25442Katie Walcott 4 113 705 25558 Follow Me 2 108 700 7002S068 2S068 Bob Palmer 3 108 695 25409 Count Hubert 3 108 710 71023455Thracia 23455Thracia 3 106 720 25409 Matilda 0 3 106 700 24972 Triple Cross 3 106 695 695254093Aphrodis 254093Aphrodis 3 106 715 715El El Rey ch c by Rey del delSierras Sierras Alice N 3 103 Fifth Race 34 Milo Milo3yoarolds 3yoarolds and upward Selling SellingFillies Fillies and Mares MaresInd Ind Horeoj Ago Wt Hdcp Hdcp255223Mocorito 255223Mocorito 6 124 725 25180 Foul Play 4 117 715 25561 Dollio Wiethoff 5 114 710 25561 Clarando 5 114 705 255883Qalone 705255883Qalone 4 112 700 25590 Homage 3 105 720 25628 Lucera 3 100 700 700Sixth Sixth Race 1 116 Miles Miles4yearolda 4yearolda and upward Soiling 25558 Cromwell 9 110 715 2559Q3Rio Chico 5 107 25563 Tom Calvert 6 107 255593Sunello 4 107 25411 The Buffoon 4 107 25478 Rainier 5 107 255633Burdock 4 107 25558 Pat Morrissey 7 107 25563 Sylvan Lass 5 105 255592Lost Girl 7 105

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901060201/drf1901060201_5_3
Local Identifier: drf1901060201_5_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800