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ST LOUIS FORM CHART CHARTST ST IOUIS MO June 11 Thirtysixth day St Louis Fair Association Spring Meeting Weather clear track slow Presiding Judge P A Brady Starter W F Brnen Racing starts at 2 30 p m 9 QO1 FIRST RACE 58 Mile Pnrse400 2yearolds Maidens Allowances ind Horses A Wt St M H S StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 25023 BALDO 100 1 63 51 53 IH J T Woods B Schreiber 15 15 15 6 6CLARENA CLARENA 107 2 4 41 45 2 Dale J C Calm 10 30 25 8 25791 PRECISELY 110 4 2 21 22 31 WedetrandAdams Co 95 2 65 25 25791 POTHEEN 103 3 1 11 li 43 Hafley 8 W Street CO 100 50 15 15257913PHONOLITE 257913PHONOLITE 107 6 36 3 31 53 A Weber J R Lewis 6 7 7 2 256773 JOHN STORM 104 5 72 6 63 63 ONeil Talbot Bros 2 3 2t 45 25791 ADD1PHONE 103 8 92 95 910 73 T OBrien T H Stevens 12 20 20 8 8OION OION CLAY 107 10 82 71 81 83 Givens Martin Patton 15 30 30 10 25791 COLONEL FLYNN 103 7 51 812 710 91 Kuhn J H Boyd Co 60 100 100 30 LOUIS 30LOUIS WAGNER 110 9 10 10 10 10 L Rose L Thompson 10 12 12 5 5Time Time 12 244 37i 501 1 05 Winner B c by Balgowan Cornet CornetWent Went to post at 231 At post 14 minutes Start fair Won driving and going away Baldo has always shown speed but an inclination to run out The change of boya from Golden to Woods helped him He came around his Held wide at the turn and won with lots left Clarena ran a capital race for a first ont Precisolys mouth is so sore he has to be gingerly handled Phonolite showed line early speed speedBaldo Baldo show 2 to 1 Clarena show 4 to 1 Precisely show out John Qtorm show out 25902 SECOND RACE 5tf Mile Purse 400 2yearolds Allowances Ind Horses A Wt 81 St y StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 25790 SATCHEL 100 5 5257903M 52 55 43 IN A Weber B Schreiber 12 12 10 4 4Haley 257903M WANDELOHR 104 2 H H4 H 21 ONeil Haley Bros 4 4 18 575 575H 25571 W1SSEND1NE 109 1 1125676MAG 4S 32 2 33 Overtoil H M Ziegler 85 2 65 25 25J 125676MAG CLOPTON 109 4 4DOESKIN 2K 214 33 43 Bloss J JBurrovs Burrov s 4662 4662Martin DOESKIN 104 3 3CADDIE 32 43 52 5 Givens Martin Pa Patton 15 60 60 20 20JEBasqnil CADDIE F 101 6 62 7 7 61 Morse J JEBasqnil E Basqnil 15 40 40 10 1025533MARIA 10JCGhio 25533MARIA ELENA 115 7 7 61 63 7 Knhn J JCGhio C Ghio 2i 41 44 85 85Time Time 121 241 361 50 103 HighlandWent Winner B f by Sain Highland Went to post at 310 At post 4 minutes Start good The first three were driving Satchel came very fast at the end and was well handled ONeil got rattled and let Miss Wandelohrs bead drop That boat her Wisseudine was outrun Scratched 25723 Talpa 109 Satchel show 3 to 2 Miss Wandelohr show 3 to 5 Wisseudiue show out 25903 THIRD TflIRDRA RACE IMile Puree 400 3yearolds Selling Ind Morses A Wt St 54 H X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H i 25828 COGdWELL 104 2 SNK 43 lu is 12 Li Rose P J Miles 21 3 115 45 25794 SALINE 104 3 61 51 32 23 2io J T Woods Gaskins Sou 2331 25750 DIAZ 101 4 8io sis 720 65 32 Plnnkett W Mulkey 30 30 20 7 25826 PRAY TELL 101 1 41 OH 61 511 4s ONeil G H Moore Co 20 20 15 4 25750 WM BOYER 101 6 22 31 414 41 5 Earl R R Rice 10 15 15 6 25681 BYNCOF BANDY 107 314 1 22 33 T OBrien P Kuykendall 1 2 85 12 25660 DR BRADLEY 101 7 71 7 85 7 71 Knhn J H Boyd Co 50 100 100 20 25614 JUDGE KEMP 101 8 U 2 55 812 812 Lane C Roberts 50 100 100 30 25678 BUCK ODOWD 101 10010030Time 9 9 9 9 9 9 Givens Kyrnes Rogers 30 10010030 Time 131 20 381 51 l01i 118 133 1461 Winner 1461Winner Blk c by Jim Gray Leola LeolaWent Went to post at 340 At post 8 minutes Start good Won easily second tho same Cogs ¬ well much the best was beautifully ridden Saline ran right to her mark Plunkett messed Diaz all about the track Ho was bumped at the first turn and allowed to drop out of it Syncopated bandy has not been going to his New Orleans and southern circuit mark here He showed speed today but stoppad as if short shortOverweights Overweights Cogswell 2 pounds Diaz 5 Dr Bradley 2 Buck ODowd 3 Cogswell show 2 to 5 Saline show 1 to 2 Diaz show 3 to 1 Syncopated Sandy show ont OKQfY1 FOURTH RACE 1 31 G Miles Over 5 Hurdles Pnrso 400 4yearolds aOtyVJrdb and upward Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St 1 2 3 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H J P 24897 TITUS 5 140 5 SH 21 2 23 IH H J Combs Hntchinson Co 7 10 10 31 25618COLN 3125618COLN DAME 6 144 2 2 32 33 33 3 25 Clancy B Schreiber 21 16 516565 25514 ZUFALLIG 8 133 1 43 42 4 42 43 3 Casey L Hamilton 3552 25271 ARTEMU8 9 128 4 12 U 10 l 23 45 Scholl Look Melvin 10 30 30 10 255143EVA 10255143EVA MOE 4 148 6 SG 50 512 512 510 53 T Corbley J Fleming 21 16516565 25618 VERY LIGHT 5 131 36 6 6 6 6 6 McAnliile J S Bratton 33245 Time 33245Time 217 217Winner SunlightWent Winner Ch h by Ban Chief Sunlight Went to post at 410 At post 1 minute Start good Won in a hard drive Titus a good jumper and best on the flat seemed a bit short of work He was all out at the finish Colonial Dame ran a much improved race is as yet short of work Zufallig was eased to his fences and ran well on the flat Artemus had good speed but was almost stopped to take each jump He was poorly ridden all the way Eva Moe does not like weight She was ridden on tho outside of the track The boy seemed afraid of others falling Very Light went to post lame and ran as if broken down downScratched Scratched 256182Mr Rose 131 131Titus Titus show 8 to 5 Colonial Dame show 1 to 2 Zufallig show 2 to 3 Eva Moe show 1 to 2 Very Light show out OprQrApT FIFTH RACK 1 IIO Miles Purse400 3yearolds and upward Ind Horses A Wt St X ft J StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 25748 LIT T TUCKER 3 93 2 6 51 IN HI INK Gough P M Civill 6 10 8 3 25658 VEDA8 3 90 9 113 101 71 31 22 RHndersnT H Stevens 25536 THE CAXTON 3 92 4 44 71 45 21 31 ONeil Talbot Bros 25213 81DTILLA 5 109 1 IHH n 21 52 43 Morse Badinelli 25793 COLONEL GAY 7 104 5 21421 314 4 52 Plnnkett TAGay 10 12 12 5 25751 DEPONAN 4 107 6 3 61 6 73 68 Gilmore Vestal Co 34 4 18575 25795 SADIE BURNAM 4 104 10 81 10 61 72 Givens O D Laird 80 150 150 60 257513BWORDSMAN 7 114 3 73 42 81 83 81 T OBrian Fizer Co 8 10 10 4 25680 ICE 4 102 12 103 91 93 96 94 Earl L Thompson 15 20 20 8 25826 HAH PULLIAM 3 90 11 12 12 11 11 105 D Shaw J P Hirth 4552 25679 PBEbTOME 4 107 8 5 34 53 10 11 A Weber J Fleming 7993 25663 PAROLE DOR 7 109 7 92 11 12 12 12 L Rose J C Heman 20 25 25 10 25679 KAFTAN 4 lOO Left at post Wnwright W K Cleveland 100 200 200 60 Time 60Time 13 25 38 501 1 03l 1 171 1 32 1 45i 1 5H 5HWinner Winner B c by Belvidere Stiletto StilettoWent Went to post at 447 At post 3 minutes Start fair for all but Kaftan Won in a hard drive Little Tommy Tucker was beautifully handled by Gough taken inside on the rail through the bunch and saved a lot of ground Vedas came like a wild horse at the finish and would have won could Henderson have held him together The Caxton finished strong Deponan ran a poor race He likes a soft track best Harry Pallium had no speed Prestome ran a dull race Scratched raceScratched 25724 Kid McCoy 105 105Overweights Overweights Little Tommy Tucker 3 pounds Sadie Burnam 4 4Little Little Tommy Tucker show 8 to 5 Vedas show 3 to 1 The Caxton show 1 to 2 Deponan ebow 7 to 10 9 9lQOft lQOft SIXTH RACE 78 JUlie Purse 400 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St M StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 25681 BRULARE 6112 7 61 52 24 12 11 Bloss T B Watts Co 85858535 85858535256813REDUCER 256813REDUCER 6 106 6 71 72 42 33 28 Dale HTBatchelerCo 44485 4448525751BEN 25751BEN FROST 6 106 3 2 1 IH 23 31 Givens E F Smith 45485 25517 8KILLMAN 6 109 1 31 4 51 41 4 Tuberville MenninghausCo 10 10 10 4 4257932BUE 257932BUE JOHNSON 4 102 4 5i 6 64 62 514 T OBrien Fizer Co 4552 25681 TOM GILMOHE 4 107 2 IH 8 82 92 64 Bloss J J Whitesides 30 100 100 40 21764 TEH INCOGNITAS 109 89 9 9 83 73 Knhn L Lemp 20 60 60 20 25793 MEDDLESOME 5 106 5 42 24 32 52 820 ONeil J 8 Bratton 7883 21713 FIDDLER III 5 106 9 8 34 71 7 9 Hardy J B Berry 200 300 300 100 100Time Time 13 254 37 491 102 1154 129 129Winner Winner Br m by Bradford Hard to Tell TellWent Went to post at 5 16 At post 15 minutes Start fair Won in a hard drive Brnlare had all the speed of party Reducer finished very strong and would have been closer had he not been al ¬ lowed to swerve near the end Ben Frost quit when Brulare got to him Skillman ran as if short Meddlesome stopped in the final eighth t tScratched Scratched 25826 Ben Boy 109 25748 Alvin W 109 21439 De Blaise 106 25658 Engano 104 25575Miss Patron 104 25748 Elsie Barnes 104 104Brnlare Brnlare show opt Reducer sbowrS to 5 Ben Frost show 3 to 5