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TODAY A GOOD THING CUT LOOSE TODAY TODAYWill Will be played for a killing all over tha country and will win aaily rag irdlesa of odds or track condition rain or shine Aly yesterdays good thin S3ABP BISD ran s coad oaly baatan a nose 3 to 1 place As usual I will be at watermelon stand The baat of handicappara bay my sheet for the conditions of horsas I aim to giva spacial information oa one or two norses daily as specials Commencing July 22 will furnish direct information on Sc Louis Kinlosh Park races NOTE My St Louis office is closed RATES 100 DAILY 103 WEEKLY WEEKLYChicago Chicago and St Louis Moat TV inPICV P DDITTfiy ROOM 610 Successful 610Successful Handicappar CAJULmLI Vlll dill I I lift 225 DEAR80 N STREET