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FORT EttltH JSNJCKIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Kaoe 34 rflle rflle3yearolds 3yearolds belling lad Horsss Arf VYi Hicp 26804 3t David 105 715 26725 Young ilenry 101 710 71026iOU 26iOU tfaau 102 726 7262oSi7j 2oSi7j Fiances Reis 102 710 7102bti9j 2bti9j Free flay 102 695 6952t 2t 80l Punctual 9d VUO VUO268i7 268i7 Drugueaa 99 720 720263j63iinrry 263j63iinrry 97 716 26857 Atmn 9t 70o 70oSecond Second Kace 4 12 furlongs furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Maidens Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horses color BOX pedigree Wt Hdcp 24499 Athelstay 110 71 71268i8 268i8 Peioueiia HO 705 705ZttSUjiLiUCrUdtel ZttSUjiLiUCrUdtel 110 7JO 7JO263Woauta 263Woauta rfonita 110 725 725Latcu Latcu dtring b f by Logic Lmdy neliet 110 26781 Vivmui 110 710 71026Sd3Artmciai 26Sd3Artmciai 110 715 71526SJ6 26SJ6 ImprsBaivo 110 710 7102o56 2o56 Natalia a 110 700 25026 anna Liouise 110 6tj 6tjStiBOj StiBOj Irkutsk 110 705 26800 oiivor Owl 103 690 26878 Oliver chimes 103 7uo 7uoThird Third Knee 1 116 Allies 4yuarolds and upward Belling 26683 Waterhonse 5 102 700 700Zb785Flag Zb785Flag of 1ruce 5 102 72a 72a2t58a 2t58a itaufurd 4 102 710 7102632a 2632a Ubotinata Simon 51U2 720 26783 Bellcourc 51UO 7lo 7loFourth Fourth Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Sailing 26696 Mies Lobster 10S 700 70026ss53Edwin 26ss53Edwin Keuton 1U8 720 268552 Liemuel 103 725 72526855J 26855J afly dtreet 108 710 7102t 2t 6tftf tfeu Cotta 103 700 70026S48J 26S48J Patrick 103 710 2683 rfunrbonKing 100 700 70026iai 26iai lugo 99 70j 26818 Muddy 96 715 26835 Consme 9t 715 715Fifth Fifth Race G 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Hailing Hailing26762NonaB 26762NonaB 6 110 720 72026i84 26i84 Jamarin 4 107 690 69026s8l3Uy 26s8l3Uy Gdorge 5 106 7l5 26854 Kittle Jourt 6 106 700 700268JtliliDUBter 268JtliliDUBter 7 106 715 71526d03jOpurs 26d03jOpurs 5 106 705 705267tt7 267tt7 1oddy Ladle 5 104 7iO 7iO26tJ3S 26tJ3S Little oallie 6 104 696 69626iSi 26iSi aucebud 5 104 710 71026S82Euciaira 26S82Euciaira 4 102 705 70526a56jiua 26a56jiua Penzance 3 V9 725 72526o56 26o56 Umuibus 3 98 690 2 Ioo Luue Tommy Tucker 3 98 700 70026Sd9 26Sd9 Uue Urotuer 3 98 706 706tixth tixth Kace 78 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Sailing Sailing26877Royal 26877Royal Salute 5 107 720 26683 Dick Warren 9 107 70j 70j26tj88 26tj88 Mauiliau 4 107 690 26817 Minute Gun 4 107 69i 69i2e8u93Daryl 2e8u93Daryl 4 107 685 26866 Easter Lily 41o5 705 7052J807 2J807 Mtuoaka 5 105 7CO 7CO2ti52a 2ti52a Templar 4 102 69j 26856 Li Y 7 102 710 26 6j Orange and Black 4 100 690 2paJ73xiibs 6902paJ73xiibs ohuiiley 4100 725 26687 Jixit 5 100 710 7102o7652miuple 2o7652miuple 41LO 715 Kitijidiasug 715Kitijidiasug 4 ljQ 700 7002o762 2o762 oauce Boat 4 100 715