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EASTERN TUBE1 TALK Concerning affairs of current interest to the turfmen of New York and viciiity the Sun of Monday eays Owners and trainers for an in ¬ explicable reason appear to be imbued with a desire to escape defeat without taking a chance Some persons say this is due to a lack of true sporting blood while others assert that the motives are prompted solely by business reasons Whatever the cause may be the fact remains that because of this snrprieiDg apathy the pub ¬ lic which supports racing is being deprived of rare sports The fizzle iu the Brighton Cup ou Saturday is a striking example Instead of a race providing interesting situations it was a farce yet by its conditions and the money hungup by tho Brighton Beach BacingA gscoiation the event CONTINUED ON SECOND FJLGH EASTERN TURF TALK Continued from First Page had corns to bo regarded as one of the most im ¬ portant of the year Taking his performance into carofnl consideration Prince of Melbourne would not havo had such a walkover with Bines Bonnibert The Parader and others had they started Tho Bramble colts wellknown ugly disposition cropped out to such an extont that it is a wonder that he beat Rochester Aa a matter of fact it was gossip yesterday that if McCne had ridden Rochester in strict accordance with instructions given to him by Trainer Donahno before the race there might have been a great tumble for some body Donohne told McCne to hold Rochester way back and let the Prince run himself out In other words allow plenty of rope to the Bramble colt with the idea that he would hang himself As all trainers knew full well that the Prince when working alone was wont to show a tendency to run out at the turn by the pad ¬ dock and stop Donahues idea was that if loft alone the Bramble colt was liable to stop stock still and then would bo the time to go on with Hochestor As it was McCue made the mistake of going ahead with the Potomac gelding too soon for the moment the Prince found that there was another horse in the race to go out in front of him he ran with good will and plenty of speed On the strength of what the Prince did therefore it is not at all surprising to hoar that several owners are sineerly sorry now that they did not start their horses horsesTho Tho Neptune Stakes to ba run next Satur ¬ day may produca a Sold of interesting quality and proportions as among the oligiblo two yearolds aro AllanaDale Compute Cunard De Reszke Faranlaes Golden Cottage Gold ¬ smith Hyphen Nasturtium Otis Peninsula Port Royal Sun Shower Telescope The Rival Yankeo and others It is probable however that Nasturtium trill not be seen as he has been on the sick list ever since ho won the Double Event at Shoepshead Bay on Suburban day Mr Whitney ia reserving the groat colt for the Futurity the richest twoyoarold evont of the year Though that race is sis weeks off the candidates are already under discussion and according to present indications it will be a flold of the highest quality William CWhit ¬ ney and John E Madden appear at present to have the beat chance to win tha great race Mr Whitney has Nasturtium Goldsmith and King Hanover among the entries while Mr Madden can start Blue Girl Yankee City Bank Peninsula Flywheel Gunfire Black Stock and Heno Outside of these however there aro dangorona factors especially A H D H Morris Compute winner of the 15000 Fozhall Stakes Green B Morris Cnnard who has not been soon since he won the National Stallion Stakes A Featherstones crack filly Hatasoo and others It is a cause for regret that J G Follansboes Cameron is not eligible as the colt appears to be one of the best seen this year Incidentally Mr Follansboes Roe hampton is anothor horse who would perform well in some of the more important stake events Roehampton with six consecutive vic ¬ tories to his credit has demonstrated quite clearly that there are few threeyearolds in training who are his master His remarkable race last Friday whan ho ran a mile and an eighth in 151 which equaled the bast record ever made in this country showed his worth in no unmistakable manner mannerIhe Ihe accident to Jockey Wilkerson last Friday proved among other things that there should be a rnlo prohibiting boys under a certain weight from riding Wilkorson is too small and lijht to be entrusted with the handling of all kinds of horses He lacks physique and strength and for that reason alone he has had two narrow escapes from death Just why such midgets are put up when large boys can oasily fill the same requirements is a mystery There are sev ¬ eral other youngsters riding at local tracks who are irresponsible and should be kept on the ground Wilkereon will never bo allowed to ride again if his halfbrother H T GrifHn has anything to say The boy will be laid up for some time with u dislocated shoulder and a cracked collar bono as a result of his fall from Merriment Only a weak ago a boy named Olandt received a mount at Brighton Beach and was prompily thrown at the post He was BO Email and inexperienced that the stew ¬ ards decided that he could not ride again until he was more fit for the duties required of him Some day one of those little fellows will be killed Then there will be a hue and cry about it and action will ba taken But it would bo bettor to step in now with a mandate that would effective put a stop to a practice that is endangering human life and limb each day There aro many stories afloat regarding the new racetrack to be backed byTammany poli ¬ ticians including Stato Senator P H McCar ren and Timothy D Sullivan While it ia a fact that the land has baen purchased at Jamaica and work on the plant will begin soon nobody seems to know at what time of tho year tha track will do business under the law Some have asserted that the course would supplant Aqueduct but President Rellly of the Queens County Jockey Club by making arrangements j for new stands and other improvements killed j that yarn some time ago Others have mado tha statement that thero would bo racing at Jamaica during the Saratoga meeting next month and that such an arrangement would not be in any way detrimental to oither track While this might ba the plan under considera ¬ tion it is said that thero is still another Tho latest report is to the effect that the Brooklyn Jockey Club track at Gravosend will soon have streats cut through it and that the property will ba cut up into building lots If such should Drove to be the case there would bo dates enough left to allow the now Tammany track to run a spring and fall meeting Just what the politicians do in the matter will bo watched with interest