Fort Erie Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1901-08-01


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FORT ERIE FORM CHART CHARTsFORT sFORT KKIK ONT July 31 Twentyfourth day Fort Erie Bacing Association AssociationSummer Summer Meeting Weather clear track slow Presiding Judge Francis Nelson Starter Mars Caeeidy HaciBg starts at 2 30 p m O rT 1 K fi FIRST KACB 6 1S Furlongs Purse 250 3yearolds Maidens i JLO4fc Allowances Ind Horsos A Wt St M K 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 27023 hi AON KTIO 109 1 41 2 HI 11 W Morris V Hallar 65 65 45 25 27003 BADGE BKLL 100 6 5 41 21 2 Adams W T Baldwin 10 10 10 4 27026 MARGRTSTEELE 107 2 31 3 41 S L Jackson 3 ODowd 44475 27006 TENARIO 105 7 7 61 5 43 Blake WFPrasgraveAgt 2 8 3 65 27103 ffUNKUR 109 5 1 In 3i 510 Houck JMaiden 7883 27106 ZIEGFELD 109 8 6 7 7 65 May G W Wilson 10 12 12 5 27005 NONPAREIL 107 4 2 51 6 7 Troxler O L Richards 6662 28925 KAOLIN 100 3 8888 LThompsnW K Cleveland 30 SO 30 10 10Time Time 21 50 11611231 11611231Winner Winner B g by Tenny Magnetism MagnetismWent Went to poat at 252 At post 5 minutes Start good Won under a pnll second easily Magnetic went to the front with hardly an effort when called on and was only cantering at the end Badge Bell was easily the bast of the others ran in improved form and finished stontly when it came to a drive Margaret Stoele tired Flaneur was used up in setting the pace Tenario boRHn slowly and cat no figure This was not his race Kaolin went the circuit of the track in a false break breakBcratched270843Choir Bcratched270843Choir Master 109 109Mngnetio Mngnetio ehow out Badge Boll show 2 to 1 Margaret Stoele show 3 to 5 Tenario show 1 to pr K SECOND RACE 4 12 Furlonge Purse 5250 2yearolda Maidens O O Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St i W i StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 26596 GARLAND 110 1 12 21 1 Troxler W Jennings 5 7 7 21 21270833ARTIFICIAL 270833ARTIFICIAL 115 6 5 41 2 H Lewis W Woir Co 32 32 1 12 12HAPPY HAPPY MAY 110 7 62 52 3 Poatel H P Headley 32 32 1 12 26726 MARATRISA 110 2 2 1 4 J Daly M Byrnes 33365 27022 PERONELLA 110 3 31 31 5 L Jackson G J Walters 44485 27087 SILVER CHItlES 110 5 41 61 63 Wonderly W Oliver 4552 26902 IMPRESSIVE 103 4 7 777 LThompanN Dyment 5662 26763 NAUGHTY 110 8 8 888 McQuado J8CWWadswth20 40 40 12 Coupled in betting Time 24 24i 50 57 57Winner Winner B f Atlantic Lou Rhott RhottWent Went to post at 324 At post 11 minutes Startgood Won in a drive second the same sameGarland Garland came again after making a wide turn into tho stretch and finished gamely under a hard drive Artificial saved ground at all turns and made up a lot of ground but bung in the last fifty yards Happy May was prominent in all the breakaways She ran a good race and should do better when next out Maratrisa showed early spaed but quit as if short shortOverweights Overweights Artificial 5 pounds poundsGarland Garland show 6 to 5 Entry show out Maratrisa show 3 to 5 Peronella show 4 to 5 THIRD RACE 1 Mile Purse 250 3yearoldE and upward Selling 27156 Ind Horses A Wt St M ii 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 270252QB3TIN HIMON 5 105 7 5 5 311 21 IH Wonderly H F Myers 1 65 65 1 127110PBNCEOF8ONG3 27110PBNCEOF8ONG3 84 4 22 21 Hi 1 21 Bedfern F 8 Nelson 10 12 12 5 27052 ALG1E M 3 88 2 3 41 2 33 3 J Daly W Weir 2 2 85 710 71027025KA8LO 27025KA8LO 4 100 1 411 3 4 4 LThompsnA D Simon 3 4 4 85 26966 WATERHODSE 5 97 3 7 7 61 5 51 WashingtnR E L Rice 10 10 10 4 27015 TODDY LADLE 5 94 5 8 8 8 6 620 Adams J 8 Wadeworth 6662 26054 BOCA PA 3 91 8 6U 6 5 7 7 L Jackson J McNanght 10 25 25 10 10270S2L 270S2L POWHATTAN 7 94 6 1 1 7 8 8 Fitzgerald Bomervilla Co 10 25 25 10 10Time Time 24 491 11611431 11611431Winner Winner B h by Himon Magns Persistence PersistenceWent Went to post at 358 At post 1 minute Start good Won driving second the same Obsti ¬ nate Simon wore his field down and fought it out all through the last furlong with Prince of Song and Wonderly outrode Rodfern when it came to a drive Prince of Song ran a good race and finished strongly Algie M hung near the finish Toddy Ladle sulked Lady Powhattan showed early speed but was carried to defeat by Prince of Song SongScratched Scratched 27003 Idle Chat 104 27110 Tyrba 99 2703 Pando 86 86Overweights Overweights Watorhouse 1 pound poundObstinato Obstinato Simon show out Prince of Bong show 21 to 1 Algie M show out Kaslo show 7 to 10 IfuUKXU jiALfi furao 250 3y ar nat ana upward ceiling 27157 Ind Horace A Wt Bt Vt 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 26928SNARK 3 93 I H 12 12 15 Wondorly W Oliver 2 11511545 27026 6PRY 3 89 5 35 2 33 23 JDaly J E Lano Co 2 3 a 1 26826 SURM1RE 3 94 7 61 42 41033 Fitzgerald A L Aste 5 26928 LITKIUM 3 81 2 226S79 3 2 42 L Jackson W K Cleveland 75 75 1 25 26S79 PIGEON POST 3 104 6 5 6io 520 550 R Bendor M 8 Stiles 10 15 15 6 25684 JDGE WARDELL6 100 3 7776 May J B Gibbs 5773 13393 JULIA OWENS 4 103 4 42 5 6 7 M Hill F White 6 30 30 12 12Time Time 24 49 115 115Winner Winner B g by Lisaak Unadilla UnadillaWent Went to post nt 426 At post 19 minutes Start bad Won easily soeond the same Snark broke running and sproadeaaled his field He was under restraint to the final furlong but he aam9 away when given his head Spry did her best apparently Surmise closed a big gap while Pigeon Post tired Judge Wardoll was used up at the poat poatOverweights Overweights Snark 2 pounds Julia Owens 5 5Snark Snark ehow out Spry show 2 to 5 Snrmisa show 3 to 2 Lithium show out 9 m Q F1FTH HACJS34 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Belling led Horses A Wt Bt M V4 K StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 27054 ULEDI 3 100 1 211 IKK H is it Jackson J W Hall Co 85 2 2 12 12S7054JALBULA S7054JALBULA 3 100 3 3 2 33 2 Wonderly Lamasney Bros 71071035 out 26879 FONEDA 4 100 4 45 4S 410 31 LThompsnL Bmitha 5662 5662270553GOLD 270553GOLD LACK 4 102 2 11 33 2 410 Furman E Peters 6882 688227084BT 27084BT DAVID 3 104 5 5555 Blake L J Fnlmer 15 20 20 5 5Time Time 24 481 1141 1141Winner Winner Ch c by Fonso Eva R RWent Went to post at 509 At post 2 minutes Start good Won easily second driving Uledi showed much the most speed raced Gold Lack into exhaustion and drew away from her field without much of an effort at the end Albula was outrun down the backstretch and camo wide at the stretch turn He was under a hard drive in tho last sixteenth Foneda finished strongly nd would have boon second in a few more strides Gold Lack was sore in his warmup He was well ridden and had no mishaps mishapsUledi Uledi show out Foneda show 7 to 10 SIXTH HACK 1 Mile Purse J250 3yearolds and upward Selling 27159 Ind HorsoB A Wt St K K 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 27056 WINE PRESS 5107 8 71 4 3 1 12 LThompsnH McCarren Jr 55485 5548526966MONTREAL 26966MONTREAL 3 92 2 41 5 5 46 2 L Jackson H Alexander 65323212 6532321227110JCOG3 27110JCOG3 VELL 3 90 3 33 3J 41 3 33 Wonderly P J Miles 2i 3 3 65 6526925BLUE 6526925BLUE 26925BLUE VICTOR 3 94 4 22 21 2 211 4 Fitzgerald E Ferguson 2 01 31 01 31 ° 32 27082EA8TER LILY 4 102 6 61 6 410 62 5 Gough W T Baldwin L 30 50 50 15 27054 J H SLOAN 4 116 7 8 8 8 8 615 Houck C J Quick 10 10 10 4 27032 M AGNUS TROTL 4 114 1 U 1 11 5 7 H Lewis H Lewis 10 10 10 4 427006JKITTLE 27006JKITTLE COURT 6 103 5 51 7 7 7 8 Blake J Clay 8 12 12 5 5Time Time 241 49111511411 49111511411Winner Winner B m by Btrathmora Pomona PomonaWent Went to post at 535 At post 2 minutes Start good Won easily second driving Wine Press was sideways when the Sag fell bat Thompson hugged tha inside rail saving a lot of ground at all turns and came away easily at the finish Montroal lost ground by coming wide at the stretch turn She was off well but was outrun in tho early part of the race Cogswell Blue Victor and Magnus Troil were made too much use of in the first part of the trip The latter was cased up when boaton J H Sloan showed but little speed speedOverweights Overweights Magnus Troil 5 pounds poundsWine Wine Press show 4 to 5 Montreal show ont Cogswell show 1 to 2 Blue Victor ehow 7 to 10

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Local Identifier: drf1901080101_5_1
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