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WINDSOR ENTRIES Probabiliti 6 Woaihcr clear track fast fastFirst First Race 7 18 Furlongs 3yoarolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Age Wt Hd Hd27124Dr 27124Dr Clark 4 113 26281 Dr Fannie 4 Ill 21073Pretty Bosie 5 107 26974 Bed Apple 3107 i6978 Nelae Morris 3 106 26918 Pine Chip 3 104 27129 Brown Vail 5 102 21064 Bnth Park 3 101 Second Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 27129 Jim Gore II 6 117 720 26944 John Todd 4 117 700 27081 Hound 0 4 117 705 7052691l2Mnrat 2691l2Mnrat 6 115 725 26529 Micou 3 115 700 27124 Colonel Borer 3 113 690 26996 Athara 3 112 710 27129 The Geezer 5 Ill 715 25537 Cupa 3 110 695 27129 Poily Bixby 4 109 705 27143 Bengal 3 108 710 710271432Iempt 271432Iempt 3 104 715 715Third Third Race1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Allowances 27146 Senator Beveridge 115 720 27144 Callear 110 715 715270783Longflo 270783Longflo 102 710 710271463San 271463San Andres 95 725 27077 Me Williams 92 705 26592 American Pride 92 700 700Fourth Fourth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Soiling SoilingThe The Dash Stakes 700 added added269742Himtine 269742Himtine 5 101 720 7202G996EdBoth 2G996EdBoth 5 101 700 70027129Trebjr 27129Trebjr 6 100 715 715246752Clorita 246752Clorita 3 100 715 715270673Eapionage 270673Eapionage 5 89 725 72526974aea 26974aea Apple 3 87 705 705270692Velma 270692Velma Ulark 3 87 715 715S S LHommedieu entry Fifth Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances Allowances26994Nellie 26994Nellie Waddell 115 725 27125Huntrasfla U5 715 27065 Lacrimae 115 7H 7H27079Erne 27079Erne HO 705 27125 Elglva I 107 TOO TOO27U2LaBt 27U2LaBt Knight 101 72 72Sixth Sixth Baee 1 MOe MOe4yoarolde 4yoarolde and upward Selling 87078 John McBlroy 7 103 T16 T1627081lBan 27081lBan OFallon 6 107 700 27080 Rotterdam 7 105 710 26910 Tolnca 5104 723 270812Laiy 723270812Laiy Cnrzon 4 103 705 26992 Osmon 7 94 700 27128 Bequeath 6 88 720