untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1901-08-04


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N S HAND AUTHOR OF THE ORIGINAL American Handicapping System and of Hands System of Handicapping and Turf TurfSpeculators Speculators Guide GuideHas Has opened extensive offices in New York and Saratoga f r the purpose of conducting a strictly highclass and legitimate handicapping and cirnmiesion bcmness on the eastern races and is prepared to supply tho BE3T INFORM VTION AND HANDI ¬ CAP FIQDKE3 POSSIBLY OBTAINABLE OBTAINABLEOur Our Way is the Only Right Way to Play the Races RacesSPECIAL SPECIAL PROPOSITION PROPOSITIONIn In order to increase our business and show the public that we are ON THE LEVEL und have confidence in our own ability we havo decided to issue in addition to our regular Handicap Sheets a SPECIAL CABD indicating the BEST BET3 only each day aa they appear on onr handicso fliror s after careful analysts rnarardlnos of odds nr othor conditions md GUARANTEE 60 PER CENT OF THESE BETS TO WIN OR REFUND OUR FEE to each weekly subscriber subscriberWe We will also accept commissions of not lees than 100 and play 20 per cent of same on each selection at post tim1 and mail subacribars a copy of such selections not later than 1 pm each racing day charging a commission of 25 par cent of the NET PROFITS at end of each week as pay for onr services in FULL your money being at all times subject to your order orderWe We are here to stay and build up a strictly highclass and permanent handicapping and com mission business ON MERIT through our satisfied patrons patronsSend Send for our laat monthly statement and investigate our record and manner of doing business businessTERMS TERMS 5 PER DAY OR 25 PER WEEK N5 9 H 1 klVm SCARPERS CO EXPERT AiMD AiMDTURF TURF ADVISERS ADVISERSRooms Rooms 804 805 806 Park Row Bldg New York YorkOR OR KENSINGTON HOTEL SARATOGA SARATOGAN N B Mr Hand will have personal charge of our Saratoga office in The Kens ¬ ington Hotel during the present month to which place all communications should be addressed in order to save time

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901080401/drf1901080401_2_10
Local Identifier: drf1901080401_2_10
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800