Fort Erie Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1901-08-04


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FORT ERIE FORM CHART CHARTFORT FORT ERIE ONT August 3 Twentyseventh day Fort Erie Racing Association AssociationSummer Summer Meotina Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Francis Nelson Starter Mars Cassidy Racing starts at 230 p m FIRST RACE fi8 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Selling 27247 Ind Horsea A Wt St M Vi BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 7175 SILK CORD 109 2 12 12 12 12 L Jackson K P Shipp 1 1 1 out out77175L4C 77175L4C 115 1 23 21 23 23 H Lewis E Peters 45 1 1 720 97173 QDIXADA 107 5 31 33 33 36 R Bender J L Skiles 8 12 12 4 25861 tiALUA B HO 3 55 42 42 Corner TCook 10 20 20 6 71072APPOINTEE U 34465U 101 4 4 4 5 5 Wonderly J Wild Co 34465 Time 24 481 1011 Winner CD c by Lazzarono Gold Mint Went to post at 253 At post 10 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Silk Cord showed the most speed went to the front with hardly an effort and was under restraint for ihe entire journey Lac would not extend himself over the hard track Qaixada made a wide turn and lost about three lengths The other two were outrun all the way SECOND RACE 34 Mile Parse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling 27248 A Wt St K S BtrFin Jockeys Ownnra O H O P 3 105 4 36 33 25 1 Woaderly W Jennings 27177 MAGGIE W 3 105 2 14 1 11 23 Redfern F S Nelson Co 3 27085EXIT 5 111 3 41 52 4 3 Hayden Nagle fc Mannix 6 I 26955 IE LIA BAHR 3105 5 51 4 51 4 Fitzgerald H L Johnson 21 3 3 1 1mooslOCONEE mooslOCONEE 4 111 1 2 21 3n 53 L Jackson L Smitha 2 1151151 S 1151151S MINNIE B 5106 6 61 63 610 616 Minder Deeha Co 6 7 7 21 27154 KAOLIN 3 102 7 7 7 7 7 Meaney W K Cleveland SO 40 40 15 15Time Time 231 48 1132 1132WinnerB WinnerB f by Dutch Roller Valetta Went to post at 328 At post 20 minutes Start straggling L m Won in a drive second easily M MWent Inniscara caught Maggie W tiring in the last furlong and boat her out when it came to a drive Maaeia W ran a good race but was used up in setting the pace Exit was coming strongly at ihe end and closed a big gap in the last quarter Oconoe stopped almost to a walk Lelia Barr is a bad actor at the post and so is Kaolin KaolinScratched26700 Scratched26700 The Laurel 106 27086 Award 100 100InuYscara InuYscara show 1 to IC Maggie W show 4 to 5 Exit show 3 to 2 Lelia Barr show 1 to 2 Oconoo show 1 to 2 THIRD RACE 7 13 Furlonci FurlonciSelling i Pnrae 250 3 yearolds and upward Selling A Wt Bt 34 W 5 BtrFin O H C P 7054 CBAPPAQDA 5 116 5 21 32 2U 23 1 H Lewis P M Civill 271573BURMISE 3 102 1 1 13 l 1 26 W Meanoy AL Aste 97159 BLUE VICTOR 3 98 4 31 2 31 3 31 Hayden E Ferguson 85 85 85 35 26963 RATHLIN 4 107 7 41 5 4 4 410 McQnade B AC Craig 4 552 2717 DOMINICK 3 98 3 52 4 510 53 51 L Jackson B Hums SO 30 20 8 7156 BOCAPA 3 98 2 62 63 615 520 65 Minder J McNsusrht 30 50 50 20 207026TYHUSHA 7026TYHUSHA 3 85 6 7 7 7 7 7 W Daly JASykes 50 10010040 10010040Time Time 25 481 1141 1331 1331Winner Winner Br h by Iroquois Hilda HildaWent Went to post at 412 At post 2 minutes Start poor Won easily second the same Chap naana wore Surmise down in the last quarter got up in the last sixteenth and was going away at the end Surmise was off running with the rest of the field tangled up Blue Victor was car lied along at too fast a clip and tired Bathlin closed a big gap but the effort told on him at the thend nd Scratched 27172Tyrba 105 27156 Waterhonse 98 26961 Gallienno98 271593Cogswell94 Chappaqua show out Surmise show 3 to 5 Blue Victor show out Ck n Ch K S FOURTH RACE l 18 Miles Syearolde and upward Selling la Sellingla I O U The Niagara Stakes Vaue 1COO tod Horses AWtStSt X K X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 27055 TALALA 4 102 3 11 HI 12 13 12 l Wonderly G Hendrie 85 85 85 out 27054 AVARGRAVE4107 1 21 2 2 22 2 2 By tin F Brnhns 35 45 45 put 27110 L T TUCKER 3942333333L Jackson P M Civill 2 31 81 45 45Time Time 241 50 1 15 1 40t 1 33 33Winner Winner Ch f by Tammany Wood Violet VioletWent Went to post at 4 36 At post 5 minutes Start good Won easily second the name Talala was never troubled She was allowed to take the lead and opened a gap m the first half which ehe never relinquished Alfred Vargrave appeared to be tied up and was tiring at the end FIFTH HACB ° 8 M8 2yearolds Selling 2 7 2 T Ind Horses A Wt St 14 M X StrFin Jockeys Own Owners rs O H O P 27087 PAPER MAKER 110 2 15 112 it i is Byan p Bruhna 65 85 85 35 27107 VIVIANI 102 1 21 2 22 21 Redfern Baker fc Gibson 22235 26351 B4LM OF GILEAD 105 3 5 5 41 3 W Meany A L Aste 6 12 IS 4 27173 INGO 110 4 3 = 3 31 42 L Jackson L Bmitha Co 4 41 41 85 26057 DE MILSOM 102 5 44 41 5 5 Wonderly E Moore 65 65 65 12 Time 23t 481 lK2i lK2iWinner FrogmoreWent Winner Ch c by Himyar Frogmore Went to post at 5 05 At post 3 minutes Start bad Won easily second handily Tha start gave Paper Maker the race He was off dying and was a half dozsn lengths in tha lead before the others pot to running Viviani sras aleo well in motion at fltg fall but she was made too much ueo of in trying to catch th leader and had to ba hard riddin all through the last quarter to hold second place Balm of Gilead closed a big gap from bad beginning and would have won with an even break Wonderly did not persevere with Da Milsom Paper MilsomPaper Maker show out Viviani show out Balm of Gilead show 3 to 2 De Milaom show out T O O SIXTH RACE Ab ut l 34 allies Purse 300 4yearolds and upward l fl 41 J i Handicap Stesplechase I IInd Ind Horses A Wt 8t 3 6 9 12 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 27082 MBS BDBW 10 129 4 21 31 31 I HI 14 Kelly H L Johneon 3 4 4 P5 27057FIFIELD 8150 2 3S 26 42032 22 26 Gallagher J8C W Wdswrth65 65 65 12 26616 TEB HANGER 5 138 3 1 1 21 350 350 330 Gormley W 8 Trevy 1 32 32 12 27176 8IL FRIEND 4 1S9 1 4 5 5 4 4 4 J Johnson J Milton 4 4 34 32 32270573INTFERENCE5 270573INTFERENCE5 138 5 5 41 1 Fell Shields K R Marshall 3662 3662Time Time 330 330Winner BowlingWont Winner B m by Pirate of Penzanca Annie Bowling Wont to post at 527 At post 2 minutes Start ood Won in a drive second easily Mrs Bradshaw went to the front at the twelfth jump and Kelly skinned the rail when coming into the homestretch on the main track and was hustling his monnt along all the way Gallagher lost one of his stirrups at the eighth inmp and rode the last turn of the field with one stirrup and was crowded into the guard rail by the winner at the last jump Terry Ranger was carried along too fast and quit Interference appeared like the winner when she foil at the tenth jump jumpMrs Mrs Bradshaw show 1 to 2 F ifiald show out Terry Ranger show out Silent Friend show 7 to 10

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Local Identifier: drf1901080401_5_1
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