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Harlem Jockey Club ClubHARLEM HARLEM PARK CHICAGO CHICAGOSUMMER SUMMER MEETING BEGINS AUGUST 5 SIX OR MORE RACES DAILY BEGINNING AT 230 P M STAKE AND SPECIAL EVENTS EVENTSSATURDAY SATURDAY AUGUST 10 Austin Selling Stakes 3yearolds and upward Steeplechase Races 1 116 miles 1500 added addedTUESDAY nusic by byBanks TUESDAY AUGUST 13 Aspirant Stakes 2j earolds 58 mile 1000 added addedTHURSDAY Banks Cregiers CregiersOrchestra 5 THURSDAY AUGUST 15 Riverside Selling Stakes 3yearolde 1 mile HI 5Friday Friday 1500 added addedSATURDAY Orchestra SATURDAY AUGUST 17 Harlem Handicap 3yearolda and upward 1 18 miles 4000 added ADMISSION 10O 10OHneclal Hneclal Illinois Central trains leave Bandolph street at 12801255 115 and 140 pm stop Metropolitsn I leaves Pacific avenue end Yen Furen street at 111 121 and 181 pm luff at Van Bnren street Park Bow B aisled street and Ashland avenue Returning first train stopping at all Loop stations Balsted street and Warebfiold avenne 4iqn nther trains directly after tbe races racesLaLa LaLa Street Elevated leave Clark and Lake street at 1244 12 58 1 05 1 12 1 19 126 and 140 12th Street Electric from Tan Burea and State streets direct to track without change from atoDDinK at all Loop stations leaving Bandolph street and Fifth avenue 14 minutes later 1245 to 130 p a at short intervals Sirant tn tradk without stop Bctnrning first train after fifth race stops at all stations other raine after races stopping at Ashland avenne and Halsted street Madison Street Cable connecting with surface electric at 40th street direct to track Fare on Specials Round Trip 2Bc M NataonSecy 815 Merchants Loan and Trust Bldg