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HARLEM FORM CHART CHARTCHICAGO CHICAGO Ilili August 17 Twelfth day Harlem Jockoy Clnb Hammer Meeting Woathor clear track fast Presiding Judge Col A W Hamilton Starter Richard Dwyer Racing starts at 230 p m pT Gf FIRST RACE 34 at lie Purse 400 875 to second 25 to third 2rj 4 O O J 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St 4 X StrFin Jockoya Ownora O H C P 27492BN1E BUNION 3 100 2 13 12 12 li Hansom JF Newman 18 17 1 18 out 27463 TRIADITZA 4 112 62 41 2i 23 25 Gormley J W Schorr 6 12 1 12 35 27527 ROLLICK 3 107 4a 51 42 32 J Ranch BurneWaterhee 10 20 20 2 25142 TEMPTRESS 3 95 8 8274G3 6 65 5 411 Arvin George J Long 10010010012 10010010012274G3 274G3 ALLIE H 4 102 3 32 3 3 57 Seaton Mrs R Bradley 100 300 300 50 27192 LIT BOY BLUE 4 104 1 72 71 H 6 R Sullivan J Sweeney 100 100 100 25 18493 UTILIZE 4 102 51 2 4 715 720 Otis Q Foster ICO 800 300 50 27132 HATT1E JUNE 3 95 71 3 8 8 8 R Steele Mrs Conway Co 100 300 SCO 60 60Time Time 21 48 114 Winner Ch f by Rancocas Dead Cinch CinchWont Wont to post at 230 At post 2 miuntes Start good Won easily second the same Bnrnie Bunton simply galloped unextended all the way and won under slight restraint Triaditza fin ishod resolutely and was much the beet of the others Rollick had no trouble in getting the third furlongsScratchcd27522 place Allie H ran well for five and a half furlongs Scratchcd27522 My Chicken 102 27492 Harry Herendeen 110 110Triaditza Triaditza show 1 to 4 Rollick show 9 to 20 2T PI Q 1 SECOND RACE 1JJ Mile Purse 400 75 to second 25 to third fi O O JL 2yoaroldj Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St X K StrFin Jockeys Ownara O H O P 27345ED AUSTIN 118 6 22 U 12 Cobnrn G C Bennett Co 35 35 35 out 27491 MABEL WINN 107 H SB 3 = 21 T Knight J B Hespass 3551 27552 JACK RATTLIN 106 22 B 52 3 J Ranch J D Smith 3 41 41 710 27133 HAT MITCHELL 95 41 IH 21 4 R Steele J J Ogles 30 50 30 8 27491 THE STEWARDESS 95 3 52 4i 52 Saaton Mrs R Bradley 10010010040 27433 MOLLIE T 95 5 41 61 65 Raniom 8 Bryant 100 100 100 40 27495 ZIBIA 981 8 72 72 72 Mewes Jageman Weil 100 200 200 50 27402 JOE BROWN 95 7 86 86 81 Doss JEVogt 30030020080 30030020080THE THE RABBIT 961 9 999 Dibble B E Gansel 300 300 300 150 150Time Time 12 24 47J Winner Blk c by Wagner May Kennedy KennedyWent Went to post at 255 At post 2 minutes Start good Won in a canter second handily Ed Austin was much the best and came away without much effort after shaking off Hat Mitchell at the head of the stretch Mabel Winn showed her usual early speed and ran a good race Jack Rattlin was cut off badly just before the head of the stretch had beou reached He lost ground but made it up in the last quarter and finished with a rush Hat Mitchell showed early speed bat furlongsScratched died away when the pinch camo Mollie T ran well for three furlongs Scratched 27257 Coacoa 95 95Corrected Corrected weights Jack Rattlin 106 106Overweights Overweights The Rabbit 11 pounds Zibia 31 31Mabel Mabel Winn show 1 to 5 Jack Rattlin show 1 to 5 f H K Q 4 THIRD RACE 1 Mile Parse 100 75 to second 25 t l i O 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St M J4 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 27434H Strode27467BANISH OF TRSTAME6 104 2 52 41 32 31 12 Qormley J U Strode 3 7 27467BANISH 5 100 IH 4 a 6 4i 2 Otis F M Arthur 4 41 41 1 27377 QAWAINE 3 101 3 2 31 41 51 33 T Knight W E Cotton Cotton27389SAN 6 8 8 21 Gardne274663CONSTELLATOR4 27389SAN ANDRES 3 89 41 6 6 5 6 41 R Steele E 8 Gardne 8 12 12 3 274663CONSTELLATOR4 103 6 Hi 11 21 2 55 J Ranch T H Ryan 111 25 27484 RED APPLE 3 95 5 32 211 1 1 6 Birkenrnth E Trotter 20 30 30 8 Apprentice allowance Time 24 49 1 14 1 41 Winner Br g by Fonao Reveal RevealWent Went to post at 325 At post 6 minutes Start good Won easily second driving Henr Henrrt rt Trocfomtno mmraA nn foot in fl aloof nirrVifVi nnr rrnt nlnni nt Klnflnll 11 I yards He was going away at the end Banish finished fast next to the inside rail in the last sixteenth Gawaine came with a rush at the end and would have captured the second place in another ouiOf stride Constellator ran far below expectations quitting badly when a quarter oui Of A nnlA wnn vrrnll f ft t O1V n VI r3 nt Vinlf f r wl nn rc n A Mn Sll I n L t lators defeat defeatScratched Scratched 27525 Elmer L 101 274062Evelyn Byrd 102 27527Searcher 95 271653Odnor 94 Overweights 94Overweights Gawaine 1 pound poundHenry Henry of Trastamare show 4 to 5 Banish show 2 to 5 Gawaine show evens Constel ¬ lator ehow oat 61 rj K O O FOURTH RACK 1 18 Miles 3yearoldt and apward Handicap The Har j 4 OOP lem Stakes 4000 added 600 to second 250 to third Value to winner 4940 Ind Horses A Wt St St fc K 5 StrFin Jockeys Ownsrs O H C P I 27343JG ARNOLD 7 106 3K 2H 21 21121 21 1 J WinkfleldJ W Fuller 8 8 41 95 27464 PINK COAT 6117 41 3 31 31 32 33 21 Dupee WdfordBncker75 85 85 12 273163 VEBUVIAN 4104 1 IH H 11 IH U 3 J Ranch W B JenningsCo 5 81 81 3 27316 ADV GUARD4 124 2n 5 5 5 5 5 42 T Knight CartherBShields85115 95 25 274923VULCAIN 4 106 5 4 4 41 41 41 5 R Sullivan B C Hildreth 8 13 13 31 Time 13 25 50 115 1 28 1 4Q3g 1 53 53Winner Winner DipneWent Ch h by Sir Dixon Dipne Went to post at 355 At post 6 minutes Start good Won in a fierce drive second the same Wintfleld rode a powerful finish on George Arnold the horse staying well and showing more gameness than usual Pink Coat finished fast and strongly and would have won in another stride Yeenviau ran in much improved form and hung on longer than usual He falterod slightly in the closing strides Advance Guard was cut off twice during the first six furlongs but it hardly made much difference in the result as he failed to show his usual brilliant stretch ran Ynlcain was always outrun outrunScratched Scratched 271932Robort Waddell 110 27042 John Bright 108 267958idney Lucas 116 27193 The Conqueror II 107 107Overweights Overweights George Arnold 2 pounds poundsGeorge George Arnold show 7 to 10 Pink Coat show 1 to 4 Yesnvian show 9 to 10 Advance Guard show 1 to 5 O TJ pT Q I FIFTH BAGS 1 Mile Purse J500 75 to second 25 to third i OOtt 3yearolds and upward Owners Handicap A Wt St M K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 27404THE PRIDE 5 102 1 H 1U 11 1 1 Dominick T H Ryan 1 65 71012 27554 FEDERAL 5102 3 41 21 22 2 22 Gormley L Marion Co 3 16516545 27466ANTHRACITE 4 100 51 6 51 56 41 31 T Knight T W Moore 6 8 8 21 27525 TELAMON 3 911 6 51 3 3 32 4 Ransom 8 C Hildrath 20 20 9 3 27464 SCOTCH PLAID 6 102 4n 21 42142 58 58 J Ranch BurnsWaterhse4 7 27527 BONEY BOY 5 102 2 31 1 6 6 6 6 Beaton Mrs R Bradley 30 60 60 12 12Time Time 24J 4 1 13 1 39 Winner B g by Dundee Beeswing BeeswingWont Wont to poet at 435 At post 5 minutes Start good Won in a hard drive second easily The Pride oil well held a commanding lead up to the last eighth where he began to tire bat Dominick rallied him and managed to hold him together long enough to win Federal finished resolutely and would have been returned the winner in a stride or two more Anthracite outran in the early part of the race came strongly at the end Telamon was pocketed badly when going down the backstretch and also pinnedin on the inside rail in the last eighth With clearer sail ¬ ing he might have been closer up Scotch Plaid fell gradually away after running well up with the leader for the first half mile mile8cratched27583George 8cratched27583George Arnold 102 102Overweights Overweights Telamonll pounds Anthracite 3 fcj rj K Q K SIXTH RACK 1 38 allies Pursa 400 75 to second 25 to third j t t OlJ 3yearolds and upward Selling ind Horses A Wt St St V H StrFin Jockeys Ownora O H 0 P 27437 aERMNCIA 4 101 In 32135 36 37 22 Ul J Ranch W Carroll 3535112014 3535112014Hold 27437FHANGIBLE 4 101 4 221 H 11 IB IH 21 R Steele Hold Bros Bros27437H 5 6 51 65 65P 27437H PRESTON 5 95 5 IH 22 22 22 35 32 Gormley P J Garrigan 6 12 12 3 3R 274013 CHANCE 4 100 2 5 5 5 42 45 412 Munro R M Westerfi Westerfield 66632 66632F 275222 FOX BARD 4 97 SH 41 42 41 5 5 5 Otis F Grady Co 10 16 16 4 Apprentice allowance Time 13 25 50 1 15 1 tl 1 55 2 21 21Winner Winner Ch g by Hermence Grecia GreciaWent Went to post at 505 At post 5 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Her mencia was never called upon until at the head of the stretch where he cam away as he pleased Frangible was easily the best of the others Harry Preston ran well for a mile and a sixteenth and then tired badly Ben Chance and Fox Bard wore never contenders contendersHermencia Hermencia show out Frangible show 2 to 5 Harry Preston show i to 5 SEVENTH RACK 1 Mile Pursa 400 75 to second 25 to third Ind Horses A Wt St H X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 1 27289 ANCHOR 4 103 IH 41 4n 41 42 11 J Ranch J Rodegap 275242ZACATOSO 5 105 61 32 SH 22 2 21 Gormley J B Grimes 2 Si 81 1 127S733THE 27S733THE PHNICIAN 6 108 10 53i 55 5 3 S Alexander H E Bowell Si 31 116910 27524 EMMA C L 3 92 4 2 22 12 1 410 Darieion D V Grace ft Co 21 6 6 2 27191ST BLUFF 3 87 3 6n 66 68 61 55 H Steele J P Sherman 20 20 20 8 825606DEPENDING 25606DEPENDING 6 100 7 76 7 80 7 6 Apperson E M Bergen 20 30 SO 12 1227041HEL 27041HEL PAXTON 5 100 SH 9 810 71 g20 720 H Morris J J Ogles 8 15 15 6 27523 LENOX 3 95 5 1 = 12 3 52 8 Seaton E Renz 60 60 SO 10 27407 SISTER MAMIE 6 103 9 81 9 9 9 9 Weir H Furat Co 60 60 60 20 27407 DAGMAS 6 10 10Apprentice 105 2 Fell Otis H T Wright Co 6 9 9 S Apprentice allowance Time 12 24 49 1 15 1 41J Winner B g by Julien Gracio R Went to post at 535 At post 5 minutes Start good Won driving second the same Anchor closed up faat in the final eighth and was going away at the end Zacatoso faltorad out of the race In the jam at the first turn where Dagmar went down Emma C L showad more sameness than usual and was knocking on the door at the end Lenox showed speed for iix furlongs and then died away awayOverweights Overweights The Phoenician 3 pounds poundsAnchor Anchor show evens Zacatoso show 1 to 2 The Phoenician show 1 to 2