Saratoga Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1901-08-18


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SARATOGA ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Race 34 Mile 2yearolds Handicap HandicapInd Ind Horses Age Wt Hdcp Hdcp26794Endurance 26794Endurance by Right 122 750 27137 Gunfire 117 730 7302756S2 2756S2 Whiskey King 113 725 27442 Bolloa Commoner 110 735 26754 OHagen 106 710 71027B04Tribes 27B04Tribes Hill 106 730 27563 Grail 104 740 7402737023iater 2737023iater Juliet 103 735 73527563Lady 27563Lady Starling 99 725 725267943Old 267943Old Hutch 98 730 275 3Lady Godira 93 720 Second Race 78 Mile 3yearolda and upward Belling 27509 Dr Riddle 4 120 725 27507 Bold Knight 4 110 720 23950 Cherries 3 106 700 70026S55 26S55 Lee King 4 105 705 2758 Mercer 4 105 715 27529 Speedmast 5 100 700 27528 Gueas Work 3 100 715 27509 Connie 3 98 710 710Third Third Race 1 116 Miles Miles3yoarolds 3yoarolds Belling The Mohawk Stakes 1000 added added26957Colonal 26957Colonal Padden Ill 750 27509 Glade Bun 106 720 27470 Maltster 106 7S5 2 72732Lone Fisherman 106 740 74027592Nitrate 27592Nitrate 106 725 27587 Rowdy 103 730 730275322Arak 275322Arak 103 735 27528 Barbara Frietchie 96 750 750Fourth Fourth Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Maidens Fillies Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp 26462 Bine Blood 112 700 700275662Chickadee 275662Chickadee 112 715 27469 Step Onward 112 705 705275663Batyah 275663Batyah 112 710 710274S9 274S9 Past 112 705 Katherine C 112 275043Lady Godivi 112 715 27563 Rose of May 112 720 26802 Ohio Girl 112 685 685Tippatoee Tippatoee b f by Long Is ¬ land Trialto 112 27089 Clipper 112 690 27589 Queens Messenger 112 710 27394 Tenagra 112 695 695Happy Happy b f by Hastings Feiecia 112 27504 Torchlight 112 700 27439 RoyalSne 112 725 26546 Fontenix 112 705 705Trauer Trauer br f by Bain Ohio OhioBelle Belle 112 27439 Maxille 112 700 27504 Feme Sole 112 695 695Fifth Fifth Race 1 14 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Handicap HandicapInd Ind Horns Aga Wt Hdap 27590 First Whip 4 126 755 27587 Caviar 4 121 750 750275082Kamara 275082Kamara 4 117 750 75027443Decanter 27443Decanter 6 114 735 73527391Trigger 27391Trigger 3 105 740 740271393Latson 271393Latson 6 100 725 725275643Alsike 275643Alsike 5 93 710

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Local Identifier: drf1901081801_3_5
Library of Congress Record: