untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1901-08-23


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Jaubert Goal Runner Lennep Oxnard WERE OUR WINNERS THURSDAY THURSDAYMonday Monday we had Ed Austin Boney Boy Santa Teresa Espionage Tuesday Mursesca MursescaSchool School for Scandal Malay Vulcain Educate Wednesday Amirante Sam SamLazarus Lazarus Esq Boney Boy Odnor Odnorfl7 fl7 WINNBRS ITIF IN FOUR DAVS IT IF YOU CAN PICK THEM TV Ji f L TT lidIF 48 GOOD AS THIS ilATI T ATDATA lid IF UUiTION YOU CAN BUY INFOBMA JWA 1Uil I v UUlliU VAAAV uv LU UUi vrui TION AS GOOD AS THIS CD ID A V n flrst faco 6 to 20 to 1 shot Onr advice on this ia to pluaa Fifth ram our nllJI JIAI exparta at tho track advise us thic this is absolutely thi biggest clach of tis tmyear III toff r nAn 11K The n nl only l mn for it 4 to lose 1 is i II J T II 4L L 1 specialsYoi year way to fall down Doat miss th ji twi specials Yoi can go tho biggesS bet of the year on both of them Form Lattar Handicap oa all racaj on aale onaale 9 am We hava baon established ten yoara and considered tha bast handicappora ia Atrurica SATURDAY WE HAVE A CINCH AT S TO 1 1Thia Thia good thing will win easily FBEEI FBEE For one woek if our Saturdavs Rood thing dont win 100 DAILY 40O WEEKLY WEEKLYRsaee Rsaee Traok Information Bureau BureauSUITE SUITE 500 3G3SG9 DEARBORN STREET Also STREETAlso sold at KOLMANS Cigar Stora 257 Dearborn St UCC8SS A VALUABLE BOOKLET TO ALL TURF FOL ¬ FREE LOWERS HOW TO BECOME SUCCKSSFUL ON FREE THE TURF MAILED IN PLAIN ENVELOPE Mudlarks I AM NEXT TO SEVERAL Mudlarks 1501010 THIS ONE AVILL BE 123 SURE 31504010J 21 SHOT GUARANTEED TO WIN OR MONET REFUNDED 21 SHOT SHOTI I am also next to several more Todays card much better than yesterday yesterdayPairoon Pairoon 2 pi Jaubert 45 Goal Runner 52 Lennep 45 Fly Torpedo 45 show showREMEMBER REMEMBER ON SALE AT RACE TRACK FRUIT STAND For tho benefit of all thoai who cannot call at ofBco My Spocial Shsot is for sale at Morrison and Saratoga Hotel cigar stands Palmer House cigar stand also at cigar stars 121 Washington St and at Baca Track Batting Bing Fruit Stand RATES 100 DAILY 400 WEEKLY WIRED 11 A M TO ANY CITT CITTChicagoand Chicagoand Bt Louis Most CV inPtfPY IIf1 RQITTflM ROOM G1O Successful G1OSuccessful Handicappor s kAJUvmLI 5JU Dill I I Uil 225 DEARBORN ST BUNCOBRONCHO INFORMATION CO COTODAV TODAV TWO TODAY TODAYAS AS USUAL THBEE TO SIX WINNEB l DAILY LISSOME cant loose EVENING 8TR place and show good thing GOAL BUNNEB and WALLENSTEIN show good thing LEN NEY LENNEY G W W SAN ANDBE8 FOURTH AND SIXTH RACESSPECIALSGOOD ODDS TODAY TODAYSlX SlX OIA SnPPiaN vptilildlb ffir IUI S 3IU I 0 Ul Or 5 1 for IUI One UlICi W6 to aQy P rt of the world May require two weeks to deliver aa only wiro horses of oddsnot hot favorites favoritesON ON SALE AT RACE TRACK RED HOT STAND IN BETTING RING H J Allard always at office to explain any matter I with my track man every morning as you know Office 176 H Clark St in ticket office On said at 1130 am at nowsatand southeast corner Clark and Madison Sta COL J C WOOTERS MOR 94 L1NCOLX AVK PARK ROW BUILDING BUILDINGRoom Room 1932 13 to 21 Park Row New York City CityHOW HOW CAPITAL OF 35 MADE 135 135CAPITAL CAPITAL OF 5O MADE 250 250SEND SEND FOR PARTICULARS EDWARD BORST Manager

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901082301/drf1901082301_2_10
Local Identifier: drf1901082301_2_10
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800