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HAWTHORNE ENTRIES Probabilities Weather cloudy track sloppy First Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yoarolds 2yoarolds Allowances Ind Horses Ago Wt Hdcp 27462 Huzzah 112 715 715257802Emmet 257802Emmet Orr 112 725 27552 Pompey 112 655 27491 The Way 107 695 27552 Burnett Wallace 107 715 27653 Gold Medal 107 700 27462 Dandola 107 675 27462 Crescent City 104 670 25986 Foray 104 720 27462 DigbyBell 104 695 695Second Second Race 34 Mile 3yearolds Selling Selling276572If 276572If Yon Dare Ill 715 24090 Small Jack 102 690 276542About 690276542About 100 705 70527657Educate 27657Educate 98 725 27725 Ural 97 705 27586 Lenox 95 680 680Third Third Baoe 1 18 Miles 3yearolde and upward Allowances 27693 Hermencia 4 Ill 715 27655 Bangle 6 109 725 27692S8trangeat 72527692S8trangeat 5 109 720 27728Oxnard 72027728Oxnard 6103 715 27694 Dan Cupid 5 106 705 705Fourth Fourth Race 6 13 Furlongs Furlongs3yearoldi 3yearoldi and upward Balling 27657 Pupil 4 104 725 26027 Bright Night 5 104 700 25601 Senator Thompson 5 101 670 27192 Mattie Bazar 4 99 685 18332 Isabey 6 99 715 2765S2PrairieDog 7152765S2PrairieDog 4 19J 720 27654 Slips S 9J 710 27691 fit Bluff 3 89 690 27693 Pencil Me 3 89 705 271023Sortia 705271023Sortia 3 S3 715 715Flftb Flftb Race 34 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Hdcp276533Harry 276533Harry Wilson 115 705 26873JWyeth 70526873JWyeth 115 725 27689 jAmirante 112 720 27552 Miracle II 107 700 Spanker 700Spanker ch f by Top Gal ¬ lant Faginia 102 27433 Blessed Damozol 102 710 710Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mllo and 7O Yards Yards3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Ind Horeea Ago Wt Hdcp 27658 Falso Lead 5 109 700 276M2The 700276M2The Bondman 5 109 710 27556 Chauncey Fisher 6 109 690 27728 Martha Fox 5 107 695 27619 Baird 4 103 700 275853Harry 700275853Harry Preston 5 101 705 27728 George Lee 6 101 725 725275862Zacatoao 275862Zacatoao 5 104 710 27691 Rasselas 3 101 685 27551 Virginia Wilcox 3 94 680 27693 Zack Pholpfl 3 91 690 276902Little 690276902Little Duchesa II 3 89 720