Coney Island Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1901-08-31


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CONEY ISLAND ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst First Race Short Course Course4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Handicap HandicapThe The Inaugural Steeplechase 800 added Ind Horses Age Wt Hdcp Hdcp267322Sacket 267322Sacket 6 155 700 27816 Bnllingdon 7 148 685 685268963Magic 268963Magic Light 4 147 690 690273202Fnlminate 273202Fnlminate 5 140 680 18950 Judge Caldwell 4 187 670 670275652Zinzibor 275652Zinzibor 4 136 685 1970 Wythe 5 135 670 67027049Fabins 27049Fabins 4 133 675 27468 Miss Mitchell 5 132 680 26750 Orman 4 152 665 665W W C Daly entry entrySecond Second Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdc Hdc27236Ogden 27236Ogden 7 126 750 278793 Kinnikinnick 7 113 735 27171 Margraviate 3 111 780 78027199Ethics 27199Ethics 3 Ill 725 26 68Outlander 3 108 740 27771 Alsike 5 108 690 26753 Belle of Troy 5 106 710 710Wealth Wealth br f by Rain ¬ bow Prosperity 3 96 Third Race 34 Mile MileOn On Main Track Track3yearolds 3yearolds and Howard HowardThe The Fall Handicap Value 2000 Ind Horses Age Wt Hdcp 2610iVotor 7 140 800 27236Ogden 7 129 770 262682Ton Candles 4 127 760 278943Coburg 4 119 750 273673 King Pepper 3 118 760 27713 The Muaketeer 3 Jit 775 273102Reina 3 108 6208 Musette 4 108 740 74026S982Isia 26S982Isia 3 107 770 770277J52 277J52 Paul Clifford 3 100 735 26753 Balleof Troy 5 ICO 725 27713 Sly 7 99 750 23768 Henry Clay Bye 3 95 700 700Fourth Fourth Race Futurity Course 170 feet less than 34 mile mile2yoarolds 2yoarolds Allowances AllowancesTho Tho Futurity 8750 added addedInd Ind Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Hdcp277152Goldsmith 277152Goldsmith 131 725 72527715King 27715King Hanover 129 760 760274102tBlue 274102tBlue Girl 128 775 27115 Flywheel 125 750 260VnNasturtium 750260VnNasturtium 122 790 272372 Hyphen 122 750 26 03Port Royal 122 730 OJ7442tYankee 730OJ7442tYankee 119 800 26818 Pentecost 119 740 26848 Carroll D 119 650 26S232D 65026S232D Reezko 117 735 276313tGanQre 735276313tGanQre 114 725 27589 Baron 112 720 278l428aturday 720278l428aturday 112 760 24737 Tho Talisman 112 700 27814 Caughnawaga 112 735 Hono 735Hono br c by Henry Young Quiver 112 27589 Lux Casta 109 770 W 770W CWhitney entry fj E Madden entry entry3Flfth 3Flfth Race Last 58 Mild MildNew New Futurity Course 2yearolds Maidens Allowances 26420 Brnff 115 705 27089 Graden 115 690 27089 Happy Cross 115 695 25234 Glen Water 115 700 278403 Knapsack 115 715 26576 Valley Forgo 115 705 Betanket 705Betanket br c by Lord Hart ington Hartington Marr Green wood 115 Juvenalifi b c by Juvenal Misa Maud 115 271973Cast Iron 115 720 27770 Chickadee 112 715 27840 Batyah 112 710 276342Rpyal 710276342Rpyal Sue 112 725 Bigotry 725Bigotry ch f by Juvenal Biggonet 112 275042Deatitute 112 710 710Sixth Sixth Race 1 116 Miles MilesOn On Turf 3yearolds and upward Belling Belling275672Kilogram 275672Kilogram 4 112 715 213693Autolight 715213693Autolight 3 106 710 272013 Fatalist 4 104 700 27739 Dolando 8 101 715 27839 Blneaway 6 101 710 27660 Eloim 4 101 705 Quantico 705Quantico b c by Poto ¬ mac Kittie Clark 4 101 27933 Lee King 4 98 700 70027877Astor 27877Astor 6 98 720 27238 Himself 3 98 705 27716 Louisville 4 96 725

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Local Identifier: drf1901083101_2_5
Library of Congress Record: