Fort Erie Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1901-08-31


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FORT ERIK ENTRIES Probabilities Weather cloudy track good goodFirst First Race 5 18 Furlongs Furlongs3yaarolds 3yaarolds and upward Belling BellingInd Ind Horsos Age W Hdcp 27959 Cheval dOr 5 112 710 27926 Lanreatoa 4 107 705 27767 Incandescent 5 107 700 27336 Our Lizzie 6 107 725 27740 Coralis 6 107 705 70527903Glad 27903Glad Hand 5 107 710 27614 Ahamo 4 107 695 27733 Northumbria 4 107 700 700276653Jim 276653Jim Nap 3 105 690 21470 Xsrxes 3 102 685 27871 Chairman 3 102 690 69027503SRemark 27503SRemark 3 102 715 27926 Frances Reis 3 100 720 27682 Alaora 3 100 715 21065 Chinchinooka 3 100 685 685Second Second Raca 68 Mile 2yearolds Selling 279222 Moderator 112 725 725279223Frank 279223Frank Becker 110 710 71027899Cormac 27899Cormac 105 720 27637 Silver Owl 105 695 695279022Bonrbon 279022Bonrbon King 103 700 700279023Lathrop 279023Lathrop 103 705 705279243Viviani 279243Viviani 102 705 27922 Silver Chimes 100 700 700278992Elizabsth 278992Elizabsth Jane 100 715 27768 Yetta P 98 700 700Third Third Race 58 Mile MileThe The Iroquois Stakes Value 1000 10002yaarolds 2yaarolds Belling Belling278093Messina 278093Messina 122 715 27809 Lemuel 101 720 27813 Appointee 101 705 705258092Pilaster 258092Pilaster 98 710 710278092Bed 278092Bed Robe 98 725 725G G Hendrie entry entryFourth Fourth Race 34 Mile All Ages Allowances Allowances2774tInvasion 2774tInvasion 4110 720 72027873Erema 27873Erema 3 102 725 725278732dpry 278732dpry 3 102 715 715278742Flintlock 278742Flintlock 2 71 710 710Fifth Fifth Race1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Sailing 27700 Waterhouse 5 107 710 27923 Dr Fannie 4 104 715 715279002Tyrba 279002Tyrba 5 104 705 705277332Toluca 277332Toluca 5104 715 715279593Rnsh 279593Rnsh Fields 7 103 725 72527923A11 27923A11 Saints 3 102 720 265833 Warranted 3 95 700 700Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile 3yaaroldi and upward Sailing Sailing275932Jena 275932Jena 4 102 710 26303 Tekla 4 100 725 27745 Handy 4 100 700 700278983Frandoo 278983Frandoo 4 97 705 27876 Ziegf eld 3 97 700 27810 Prince of Song 3 92 720 7202784731dle 2784731dle Chat 3 90 710 27847 Saragamp 3 84 715 715Seventh Seventh Race Sshort Course CourseSteeplechase Steeplechase 4yearolds and upward Balling 27811 Mrs Bradshaw 10 144 665 665Domaine Domaine 5 141 278113Coley 4 141 670 6702781121nterferance 2781121nterferance 5 139 675 27846 DeweyD 4 128 660

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Local Identifier: drf1901083101_3_3
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