Harlem Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1901-09-06

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HARLEM FORM CHART. CHICAGO, ILL., pt ember 5.- Sixteenth day, Harlem Jockey Club. Mid-summer Meeting Weather oloudy: track fait. Presiding Judge, Col. A. W. Hamilton. Starter, Richard Dwyer. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. t QAQA FIRdT RACE-3 4 Mile. Puree 1400; 5 to second; 5 to thirdi m O J tj J 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt Bt H ft 16 BtrFln Jockeye Owners O H 0 P 2779PDELLA OBTRND4 1124 91 41 44 ii is J it kfleldT K Barrett 4 4 I 85 26659BA1DEE 3 95 8 H 14 21 21 DflvisBon B V Prather and Co 20 20 16 7 2772B1V1BDALE 4 101 1 3 34 52 32 TJDean J Brenock SO 80 80 30 27859 PAY M E 3 110 121 84 81 6 5 OHb J McDonald 10 10 8 44 275E0 ALLlE H. 4 106 5" 72 71 74 51 Bbort Mrs B Bradley 12 12 10 4 27151 B1BIB TBEE 3 103 21 21 24 S" 61 T Knight R McMillan and Co 8 8 6 2 27835U3IL1ZE 4 101 6 5 52 41 7" Bice George Foster 80 20 25 8 25E61 HAN8WUB8T 3 111 7 124 121121 8" Cobnrn T Licalzi 8 12 12 5 26026 MABIAM 3 100 131 9 4 9U 84 91 Bansom J Welsh and Co 10 10 10 4 27863UNCIE JACK 4 101 4a 6" 6 91 1C" BirkenrnthT Shoemaker SO 60 60 20 2SC31 LABLOV1NQ1AN3 118 101 131 Iandb 101 114 Alexander H E Howell 10 15 15 8 278 9BUBE 3 95 H" 141 142 11b 124 Nelson J D Hooe 50 50 40 15 27725 MABY MOOBE 3 1C6 173 152 151 151 134 Narvaez P J Moss and Co 20 20 20 8 26194 Bl PAY 4 16 15 lln 104 132 H4 vVeir E 8 V illard and Co 30 60 60 25 27657 EblBKB BIGGS 3 100 1414 101 114 141 i3 y jcrje8 Vater 50 60 30 12 2692 MAI G. ELLEN 3 10241H 171 16b 164 162 R Sullivan J Rodegap SO SO 30 12 2H03LADY A1NTHEE4 10118 18 171 m 172 R Steele F Fersch and Co 8 8 8 4 28031 BA1T1E JUNE 3 100 164 16a 18 18 18 Mnnro Mrs Conway and Co 30 40 40 20 Apprentice allowance. Time, 12J, 24, 36, 49, 1:14. Winner B. f, by Cavalier Herecbel. Went to post at 2:15. At post 11 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second handily. Delia Octrand off none too well worked her way gradually to the front by the time the last eighth had been reacbea and the reBt was easr sailiLg. Baidee was right there all tbe way bat was tiring badly in the last sixteenth. Eiverdale htd a fine torn of spaed bnt began to quit a furlong out. Pay Me made up eome ground down the last quarter. He got away rather poorly. Birch Tree ran well fur five furJoLgo and then died away. Overweights Maty Moore, 3 pounds; Delia Ostrand, 34; Margaret Ellen, 24. Delia Ostrand, snow, evens. Maiden, show, 3 to 1. Hlverdalo. show, 20 to 1. 4QlQ 1 BECOND RACK 8-4 M le. Purse 500; 5 to aecond; 5 to third. jtml Qyt JL 3-year-old3 and upward Allowances. lua Horees A Wt Bt ft X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P" 279703BUBN1E BUNTNS 103 14 12 12 n 12 Dominick J F Newman 2 3 3 35 27890HEADWAlEB 5 104 2h 32 224 26 2 T Knight H L Jones and Co 3 4 4 4-5 269512THE LADY 4 1004 314 43 43 33 ,38 Coburn S C Hildreth 1 1 4-5 3-10 2770 ANNA BAlN 4 1024 520 24 314 45 48 R Sullivan Baker and Gentry 7 13 13 3 25808 ALFBED C. 4 101 4 50 550 ,50 550 otis JO Flaherty 100 200 200 50 28031 ONOTO 4 98 6 6 6 6 6 Rice E Fitzgerald 150 500 5C0 100 Tim, 24,48,l:12g. Winner Ch. f, by Hancocas Dead Cinch. Went to post at 8 :C0. At post 1 minute, btart good. Won easily; second the same. Burnie Bunton waB at her best and smothered her field with speed. Headwater ran bis race and closed fast, but had no chance to beat the winner. The Lady ran as if short and tbe race should do her good, bhe was outrun the entire journey. Anna dain ran well for a half mile and then fell away Scratched 27833 Constellator, 104; 278033Charley OBrien, 101; 27492 Harry Hewndeen, 95: 2797024 oney Muss, 95. .Overweights The Lady, 24 pounds; Anna Bain, 14. Burnie bunton, show, ont. Headwater, show, 1 to 3. The Lady, show, out. friQOCW THIRD KACE-1 Mile and lO Xard . Purae 00; 5 to second 5Tto jUKDJJ l third. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Ind HorseB A Wt St H ft X BtrFin Jockeys .Owners O H O P 279692J1M1NEZ 3 101 4 13 124 114 12 14 Gormley F J Kelly 7-5 7-5 1 3-10 28002JFEDEKAL 5 102 2a 22 22 234 2 25 Coburn 8 C Hildreth 6-5 8-5 7-5 7-20 27fc033uHAU. OBRIEN 4 90 1h 4 4 4 4 3 Ransom Mrs M Abadie 20 50 50 20 29l6ABGHEGOR 3 100 3 3a 34 3a Sh 4 T K ight OT Boots 3 5 5 4-5 23, 48, 1:13, 1:38, 1:42. Winner B. c, x. by mu The Commone: birdie T. Went to post at 3:20. At post 5 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second the same. Jiminez ran a high-class race tmd was simply luxuriant of spaed. Coburn on Federal tried hard t close on Jimini z in the last quarter, but without avail, Charley OBrien and Argregor ran lapped the entire journey, the foimer ontgaming the latter in the closing strides. The time of tbe race was thirteen-twtntietbs of a second faster than tbe track record, and was a new American record. 8cratched-2809isihe Lady, 101; 2800? Vulcain. 100. Jiminez, show, out. Fidaral, thow,ont. Charley OBrien, show, 3 to 2. OQeOQii FOURTH RaCJS i-3 mile. 2-year-oide. AUnwances. The Sapling 8takes. OVtU 81,000 added ; 00 to second ; 8100 to thirq. Value to winner, ,210. ind HorseB A Wt Bt 34 ft X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H f P 280351NEL. WADDELL 118 324 12 13 13 Uaywood T Carey 8-5 9-5 8-5 1-3 27465 MAGI 118 1 2 22 214 T Knight W E Applegate 4 8 8 9-5 27918 ED AUSTIN 123 5 814 3 32 Coburn G O Bennett 1 7-513-101-2 278i9 EMATHION 115 2 4" 41 41 J Wink field P Dnnue 15 20 20 5 279182ROaEWAR 118 4a 5 5 5 Dominick Burnsand rVaterhse8 16 16 84 Time. 12,23, 31, 47. w Winner B. nfTi- f, by Julian vr May Wagner. Went to post at 3:10. At post 6 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second handily. Nellie Waddell got off folly in her stride and simply ran away f r m her field. Magi ran her race and bad no leasts, ha Austin, Blow to get going, closid etroLgiy but had no chance to beat Magi for second 1 lace. Emaihion ran right to the mark. Bosewar was always outrun. The time marks a new track rcord by three-tenths of a second. bcrandtcbed 27724Janbert, 121; 21793 Berodiade, 118; 27830 Harry New. 118; 279992Pronta, 115. Nellie Waddell, show, ont. Magi, Bhow, 3 to 5. Ed An tin, show, out. . 28094r Alfowances-1 Jail!" ,PurBa 54005 575 8eoond; 525 to thira A11 ages. laa HorseB A Wt Bt ft X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 27999 MIRACLE II 2 72 Ib 12 is 13 13 12 w Knapp Mrs B Bradley 20 25 20 6 2789C3 ANTHRACITE 4 109 2h 34 2a 22 2a R bulJivan T W Moore 24 5 5 8 5 2786l3rtPUTAL 3 91 3a 6 5a 51 3 31 Bansrm A Poniatowski 7-5 9 5 7-5 3-5 280342KUNJA 5 101 6 2 24 3a 52 414 Gormley J Desha 5 5 34 1 27761 w YETH 2 84 4a 55 42 41442 51 J alsh T H Stevens and Co 4 12 12 4 277273MAJOR DIXON 4 102 5a 4" 6 6 6 6 J Mclnerny J T Stewart and Co 5 54 5 2 , Time, 25. 49,1:15, 1:40. w Winner hl Ch. g, l by Miracle r Annie L. Went to poBt at 4:20. At post 8 minutes. Start good. Won easily; next two driving. Miracle 1 II., with his light impost, held tbe lead for the entire route and stood a mild drive at the end. Anthracite ran a go d rac and tnishcd fast and strongly. Brutal was undoubtedly tbe best, but Ran torn got bim cut off at tbe first turn and before he could gain control of the gelding be was almost hupeles-ly beaten off. Be made up much ground from the half-mile post, but had nothing lelt to finith with. Bansom could not do the geldincr justice. Kunja flniBned fast, but slightly swetvoo in the closing strides to the outside rail. Weth ran a good race considering the weight he carried. Mbjur Dixon closed ground in the last quarter. fccrstched-27972 Muid Hagine, 101. Oveiweights Mejpr Dixon, 1 pound. Miracle ll., show, 3 to 1. Anthracite, show, 3 to 5. Brutal, show, out. Kunja, show, 9 to 20. fciQCiPC SIXTH HAVti5-H naiie. Purse00. 5 to eecond; 5 to third. OwO 2-year-olds. 8e ling. Ind Horses A Wt St M ft X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 2701BELLE OF M1NCO 97 71 51 61 64 U Does C B Campbell 30 50 40 15 280S0 DOD1E h. 102 52 31 34 32 21 Coburn SCHildrBth 4 6 5 2 27915TEP ONWABD 92 101 101 81 72 ! Baviason Mrs L Griffin 10 10 8 S 278f0SHAT MITCHELL 92 6" 71 51 5 41 Hope J J Ogles 20 20 20 8 27692LADY LIKE 92 11 lis 102 102 52 GormlKy F Lightfoot 10 12 12 5 27712 PLY MAID 103 34 62 72 9" 62 Dominick E Trotter and Co 9 12 12 5 27P47LADY B1BD 94 22 42 41 82 71 BirkenrnthL H Fzsll 30 40 40 15 279I7IMAFEL WINN 109 4k 22 22 la 8a T Knight J B Respass 3-2 24 11 51 27860 PYRRHO 105 91 92 113 41 91 Otis T Licalzi 5 10 10 4 27999 THE WAY 1C0 81 824 9?4112 10a Ransom H J Pcoggan 10 100 100 40 27842BUZZKR 104 1" la la 22 112 R gullivan T H Ryan 3 3 24 6-5 280i0AS5EHY 92 12 12 12 12 12 Nelson J D Hooe 30 80 80 30 Apprentice allowance. Time, 12, 36, 1:01. WinDer Ch. f, by Mtrdotte La Jota. N ent to prst at 4:55. At post 12 minutes. Start good. Won handily ; Becond the same. Belle of Mir co finished with a rush and was going away at the end. Dodie 8. tired in the closing strides, feltp Ot-ward ran a fine race, rc tiling from far buck at the bead of the stretch and running past LorteB at the ei d. Landdy Lite ctme fast in the last eighth. Lsdy Bird had enough when a furlong c ut. M sbel ir n and Btzzer both quit when the pinch came. Pcratcbd-28C60Bnzzh, 105. Belle of Minco, show, 8 to 1. Dodie 8., show, evens. Btep Onward, show, 4 to 5, Mabel Winn, how, S to 5. Bnzaer, show, 8 to 6. Q Q AQ Ct SEVENTH "BACE1 1-16 Allies. Purae 00; 5 to Beeond; 5 to third. Ci O J j J 3-year-olds and -upward. Belling. . , . . . nd Horses A Wt St X ft X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H , C P 28nS3D. THOMP80N 3 99 S 82 42 St 24 1 Otis F 0 Moshler 24 24 11-511-20 . 27919HAVILAND 4 102 5 44 21 12 11 21 Qnrmley F Cook 8-5 4-5 S 5 out 28004 GAWAINE 8 101 2 1 H 2" 3 8 T Knight W E Cotton 4 8 8 8-5 2-9?0PRAIBIE DOG 4 104 4" 5 5 42 4 40 R Sullivan W W Clark 15 80 80 6 27892 ANCHOR 4 102 1 22 82 5 5 5 Coburn J Bodegap 10 25 25 6 Apprentice allowance. Timp, 12, 24, 48, 1:13, 1:S9,1:45. , Winner B. g, by Dpceiver Bamona, by Ten Broeck. Went to post at 5:30. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won easily; second the same. Den-man Thompson came with an irresistible rush in the last eighth and easily ran past Hsvlland at the end. The latter showed great early Bpeed but tired, and faltered in the oloBlng strides. Gawaine jnst lasted long enough to beat Prairie Do? on the post. The latter ran a good -race and is ready to win in soft going. Anchor ran woll f ir six furlongs. The winner, entered for ,700, was run up to IS.COO and bought by R. C. Bildreth. Scratched-2S026 PiecurBor, 1C5; 27948Laureate, 104; 279483Elmer L..98. Penman Thompson, show, ont. Gawaine, show, 3 to 5.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901090601/drf1901090601_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1901090601_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800