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CTA.Bt.IXg3 IQLD, The Fasig Tipton Co. Bold.the yearling from J. N. Camdens Hortland Stud, together with consignments from other breeders, at Bheeps head Bay last Saturday for the following prieos: Brown colt, by Eeher Aorots the Baa; J. Tabor 00 CheEtnnt filly, by St. Saviour Bouissie; H. Overton E0 Brown colt, by Esher Feiseen; J. J. Mo Cafferty 400 Chestnut colt, by Esher Furbelow; J, G. Follansbee 1,200 Brown filly, by Esher Intacta; W. C. Fob- senden SCO Chestnut filly, by Esher Josie W.; Capt. B. a. Brown... 1,100 Chestnut colt, by Esher Lullaby; C. B. Kllistn 1,700 Bay colt, by Eeher Mies Hera; C. B. Elli- Bon ...... 500 Brown filly, by Esher Mies Liberty; Capt. 8. S. biown L700 Chestnut colt, by EBher Falmetto ; J. Tabor 500 Chestnut colt, by Esher Fhillippa ; J. J. Mccafferty 1,100 Bay filly, by Esher Sparkle ; J. J. McCaf- ferty 900 Bay filly, by St. Saviour Van-a-Clar; W. Jacobs 175 Brown colt, by Lord Hartington Adria; C. Oxx 75 Bay filly, by Lord Hartington Bonnie Lou; W. Jackson 50 Chestnut colt, by Kinglike-Fenella; C. B. Ellison ... .. 5C0 Bay colt, by Linden-Kit Cat ; H. Overton 550 Bay colt, by St. Saviour Mona Lisa; W. H. Timmons ....... 150 Chestnut filly, by Einglike-Potina ; C. B. Ellison 50 Bay colt, by Bt. Bavlour Princess Fred- iika;C.B. Ellison 200 Chestnut filly, by Bir Dixon Alarm Belle; W.L. Powers 4C0 Chestnut filly, by Fljing Dutchman Chi- oora II. ; F. B. B. Davis 800 Bay or brown filly, by Bramble or Sir DixonMary Mctiowan; W. L. Powers..- 400 Chestnut filly, by Flying Dutchman Vie ; W.J.Arkell , 550 Bay or brown filly, by Sir Dixon Conjecture; J. B. Bespass 600 Bay filly, by St. Saviour Einloch; G. C. Johnson 75 Bay colt, by St. Saviour Pantomime; H. Overton 50 Brown colt, by Kinglike Scarf Dance; C. B.Ellison .... ... 700 Chestnut filly, by Kinglike Stamboula; J. M. Minnu 100 Brown colt, by Kinglike Vanadis ; C. B. Ellison. 100 Bay colt,- by Sir Dixon Arcadia ; C. B. Ellison 3,500 Brown or bay filly, by Sir Dixon Merry Maiden; D. Gideon 800 Total for 82 head 0;175 Average. 9630,46. The well known horse Prince McClurg was also sold to dissolve a partnership, going to J. H.McAvoy for ,600.