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THOMAS H. WILLIAMS, JR., President. R. B. MILROY, Secretary. CHARLES F. PRICE, Gen. Manager. J. W. BROOKS, Racing Secretary. PW CALIFORNIA JOCKEY CLUB Racing Season ot 1901-1902. Commencing at Tanforan November 2, I90I. OAKLAND INGLESIDE TANFORAN The Following Stakes will Close on September 16, 190L tot be Run jPrioipjThe Following Stakes-Entry Blanks for which will be issued later-will be Run after Januaryil, 1902.; Jaiiary 1, 1902. ,500. The Opening Handicap; 3-year-olds and upward. One mile. 0,000. The Burns Handicap; 3-year-olds and upward. One and One-Quarter Miles. 1,500. Produce Exchange Stakes; 2-year-olds. Six Furlongs. 3.00O. The Thornton Stakes; 3-year-olds and upward. Four Miles. 1,500. Golden Gate Selling Stakes; 3-year-olds and upward. Seven Furlongs. 3.000. The California Derby; 3-year-olds. Oae and One-Quarter Miles. 2.500. The California Oaks; 3-year-old Fillies. One and One-Eighth Miles. 1,500. The Crocker Handicap; 3 and 3-year-olds. Six and One-Half Furlongs. 2,500. The TVaterhouse Handicap; 3-year-olds and upward. Two Miles. 3,000. The Palace Hotel Handicap; 3-year-olds and upward. One and One-2,500. The Thanksgiving Handicap ; 3 -year-olds and upward. One and One- Eighth Miles. Eighth Miles. 2,000. The Bell Stakes; 2-year-olds. Five Furlongs. 2,000. The Pacific Union Handicap; 3-year-olds. One and One-Sixteeath 1,500. Burlingame Selling Stakes ; 3-year-olds and upward. One and One- Miles. Sixteenth Miles. 1,500. The Adam Andrew Selling Stakes- 3-year-olds and upward. One- and One-Sixteenth Miles. 1,500. The Trux. Beale Handicap ; 3-year-olds and upward. One Mile.J 1,500. The 1 issak Handicap ; 3-year-olds and upward. One Mile. 1,500. The McLaughlin Selling Stakes; 3-year-olds and upward. One and 1,500. The Junior Stakes; 2-year-olds. Seven Furlongs. One-Eighth Miles. 1,500. The Naglee Selling Stakes; 4-year-olds and upward. Six and One-Hair 3,000. The Christmas Handicap; 3-year-olds and upward. One and One- Furlongs. Quarter Miles. 1,500. The Gunst Handicap ; 3-year-olds. and upward. One Mile. 1,500. The Folhmsbee High-Weight Handicap; 3-year-olds and upward. 2,000. The New Tears Handicap ; 3-year-olds and upward. One and One- Seven Furlongs. Eighth Miles. 2,000. The Gebhard Handicap ; 2-year-olds. Futurity Course- 6,000 IN STAKES. Overnight Handicaps and Special Races with 00 to ,000 Added. Harlem Club - Jockey - HARLEM PARK, CHICAGO. Mid-Summer Meeting Begins September 2. SIX OR MORE RACES DAILY, BEGINNING AT 2:15 P. M. STAKE AND SPECIAL EVENTS. Steeplechase : Music by TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, Junior Handicap. 2-year-olds. 3-4 mile. ,500 Races added. Banks Monday THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, Cicero Stakes, Selling. All Ages. 1 mile. r.poffiape Wednesday ,000 added. vreander s Pr i day Orchestra . "- Saturday, September 14, Mav wood Handicap. 3-year-oids and upward. B 1 mile 100 yards. ,000 added. ADMISSION .00. Bpocial Illinois Central trains leave Randolph Btreet at 12:15,12:40. I:f0 and 1:30 p.m., stop- Metropolitan "L" leaves Pacific avenue and Van Bnren street at 12:49, 12:59 and 1:C9 p.m. ting at Van Bnren Btreet, Park Bow, Balsted Btreet and ABbland avenne. Returning, first train stopping at all Loop stations, Balsted street and Marehfleld avenue, at 4:X0: other trains directly after the races. Lake Btreet Elevated leave Clark and Lako streets at 12:50,12:44,12:51, 12:58, 1:05, 1:12 and 1:26 12th Btreet Electric from Van Bcren and Btate streets direct to track without change from p.m., stopping at all Loop stations, leaving Randolph St. and Fifth avenne 14minnteB later, 12:30 to 1:15 p.m. at short intervals, direct to track without stop. BeturniDg, first train after fifth race stops at all stations; other trains after raceB, stopping at Ashland avenue and Hals ted street. Madison Street Cable connecting with surface electric at 40th street direct to track. ACpppi A I FXPRF TR A IN on ihe Lpke ptl "L" leave Lake and Clark 8ts. daily at 2:08 p.m. stopping at pll Loop stations, leaving Fifth Ave. oi Lv.nL ii00 I lrll l and Eandtlph Bt. 14 minutes later, for the acccmmcdatitn of paticns who are unable to meet the earlier race trains. Fare on Specials, Round Trip, 25c, M. Nathanson, Secy, 815 Merchants Loan and Trust Bldg,