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DELMAR PARK FORM CHART. WT. LOUIS. MO., September 1. Sixty-second day. Delmar Park Jockey Club. Summer MMtiag. Weather threatening; track slow. Presiding Judge, P. A. Brady. Btarter, A. B. Dade. Racing starts at 2:80 p. m. FIB8T BACK 3-4 Mile. Parse 00. 3-year-olds. Maidens. Allowances. 232X4: Ind Horace A Wt St hi hi X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P "28142 FITZEANET 107 5 12 16 iio 112 Howell W M Hogars 2-5 2-5 1-3 out 27868 CHU8CHILL 104 2 62 5 3U 22 W Narvaez T G Watkins 4 6 51 7-5 23765 FOBD 104 9 81 6a 43 32 Lindsay Doolan and Bray 12 15 15 4 28045 HABBY K. 104 3 52 43 23 46 GivenB Izatt and Boberts 15 20 15 4 27904 CAPTAIN GBA8ETY 104 4 71 88 7 51 PoweU L Lewis 30 50 50 12 STB AT H ZONE 107 1 41 73 6 63 Fauntleroy PerkinB and Co 12 20 20 8 28046 DB. MNALLY 104 7 3 21 52 78 Bell CJKuhs 30 60 60 20 24921 HILLIABD 106 10 9 91 91 88 Dngan G Land and Co 25 25 25 10 27149 HONOR BRIGHT 11.104 6 2 Sit 8 915 T Walker M J Hayes 20 60 60 30 CHANTER 107 8 10 10 10 10 Wainright F W Holtgrewe 50 60 60 30 Time, 13, 251,51,1:20. Winner B. c, by Fitzjames Sekanet. , Went to post at 2 :30. At post 7 minutes. Start fair. m Won m a canter; second easily. Fitz-kanet ti was in a soft spot. He seemed to like the going, winning off by himself all the way. Churchill was quite as easily second. He was ridden poorly and floundered a good deal in the soft spots. Ford, away poorly, finished with great determination. Harry E. was poorly ridden by Givens, who took him all ovar the track looking for dry spots. He did not seem to relish the mud. Scratched 27931 Thalia Black, 104; 27949 Fairbury, 104. Overweights Hllliard, 2 pounds. Churchill, show, 3 to 5. Ford, show, 8 to 5. SECOND RACE 0-8 Mile. Puree 00. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Allowances. 23215 Ind HorseB A Wt Bt hi hi X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 281662 BART HOWE 110 3 4 2" 12 11 Powell W Medlin and Co 8-5 3 14-51 27950 BENDOBA 108 9 73 71 71 23 T OBrien B B Bice 5 5 5 2 -28166 MORO 100 7 5 31 23 31 Neeley F Smith 40 50 50 12 28166 GOODY GOOD 10! 6 91 81 81 42 Watson H M Ziegler 4 4 18-53-2 28048 FLOBBIE B. 105 1 111 9 101 51 Lindsay C P Kennedy 10 15 15 6 28140 DR. LOYEJOY 103 10 32 51 91 63 W Narvaez B T Gaines and Bro 15 20 20 8 28011 PHONOLITE 103 8 611 63 3 72 JHothersllJ B Lewis 15 20 20 8 28043 VIHGINIAN 105 2 1 1 41 81 Givens J JDwyer 8 10 10 4 280113 WY AP PEB 105 5 2 41 53 9 Fauntleroy 8 B Burnett 3 5 5 2 28166 LITTLE MA8TEB 100 12 12 12 6" 101 Bell Hughes and Elliott 15 30 SO 10 28166 FEBN MEADOW 103 11 10and n n IP D Hall B Calvert 20 20 15 6 27643 IBOBUTA 105 4 81 10 12 12 Howell G H Moore 20 20 10 4 Time, 181, 251, 381, 521, 1 :07. Winner B. c, by Register Mies Pollard. Went to post at 3:01. At post 9 minutes. Start good. Won easily ;"eecond the same. Bart Howe, favored by the going, ran a good race under an efficient ride. He acted like a good one in mud. Bendora, off away back and In a jam, had to run through a straggling field. He came very faBt at the end ard was probably best. Moro liked the going and ran an excellent race under a stable boy. Goody Good, badly handled, came fast on the good going in the stretch. Florrie B. went well in the mud. Overweights Goody Good, 2 pounds; Virginian, 2. Bart Howe, show, 1 to 2. Bendora, show, evens. Moro, show, 6 to 1. Goody Good, show, 7 to 10. THIKD KACB 7-8 Mile Pun 00- 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 2321 6 Ind Horses A Wt St hi hi X BtrFin Jockeys OwnerB O H C P 28195NEABE8T 5 103 3 21 2 2 25 15 Lindsay G Dierker 3-5 3-5 3-5 out 28015 CHAPPAQUA 5 110 2 3 31 81 32 22 T OBrien P M Civill 4 4 31 4-5 28142 OUB LADY 3 103 1 11 1 1 Hi 38 Givens J N Miller and Co 3 4 31 7-10 12119 ELSIE BBAMBLE6 103 4 43 46 420 420 430 bi0sb W C Smith and Co 30 60 60 10 21731 K1NLOCH 6 103 5 5 5 5 5 5 WinwrightT M Parks 40 150 150 25 Time, 13, 251. 51, 1 :17i, 1 :32i. Winner B. m, by Enight of Ellerslie Dearest. Went to post at 3:38. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won easily after a short early drive; second easily. Nearest was much the bast at the weights. 8he ran with Our Lady to the stretch head, then came on when shaken up and hit once with the whip. Chappaqna found the soft oing hard to negotiate, but came very fast on the extreme outside in the Btretch, where the track was dry. Our Lady could not concede the weight. She likes mud when it is deep. The others were misplaced. No show betting on first three. QQQ1 PT FOURTH BACK 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse S400. 3-year-olds and upward. O X I Allowancos. Ind HorBoa AWt Bt M hi X BtrFin Jookeya Owners O H O P 28143 DANDY JIM. 3 107 1 1 1 110 110 110 Lindsay Hughes and Elliott 3-5 9-101-5 3-10 26554 WALL 3 107 3 Si 2 22 25 21 ONeil W W Darden 21 3 2 7-10 28048 JOE DOUGHTY 5 107 2 21 310 320 315 312 Lowe JPHirth 20 20 20 4 28087 PICADOB 3 107 4 4 4 4 4 4 Enos T H Stevens 7 7 51 6-5 Time, 261, 53, 1 :19i, 1 :45i, 1 :50l. Winner Cb. c, by Rowland Frances Nichols. Went to post at 4 :09. At poBt 2 minutes. Start good. Won pulled up; second handily. Dandy Jim was in his element, showed the most early spaed and with nothing to run with him, was in a soft spot. Wall, rather high in flesh, ran a good race going in the soft mud moat of the way. Joe Doughty was poorly handled. Picador ran a bad race. Scratched- 28167 Alice Turner, 104. No show betting. FIFTH BACK 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Selling. 2 g 3 Ind Horses A Wt St M hi X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 28141 LILLIAN M. 109 5 4 312 11 U Patton F M Connor 8 15 13 6 28140 W. L. GSOBGE 106 3 31 42 32 21 PoweU J W Medlin and Co 8 20 20 8 28t41 EAFFIR 103 7 82 8 53 33 ONeil T P Hayas 8 5 41 9-5 28018 LYNCH 100 4 U HI 2 43 Lindsay J Cabn 8 12 12 5 28168 MAD A BELL 105 2 21 21 8 53 Dugan J Huffman 3 5 5 2 27927 BEN HEMPBTEAD 103 6 72 75 7 61 T OBrien Fizer and Co 6 6 6 2 28141 A LED A 100 9 62 53 4" 7 Bell P C Levering 8 8 8 4 281412 MISS GAINES 100 1 52 6 61 83 Fauntleroy 8 T Gaines and Bro 8 15 15 6 28111 HALMIS 102 8 9 9 9 9 Watson K Stone 10 20 20 6 281113 SISTER SARAH 109 Left at the post. Howell WMcCay andCo 21 21 9-5 4-5 Time, IS, 25, 50, 1:051, 1:121. Winner B. f, by Ingoldaby Maggie Moore. Went to post at 4:85. At post 15 minutes. Start bad. Won handily; second driving. Lillian M a slashing big filly, picked up the weight as if it was a feather, took the bad going all the -way. came gamely in the stretch when driven and won rather handily at the end. VV. L. George was well handled and ran an extra good race. Kaffir made up ground and finished strongly. Lynch tired in the going. Mada Bell was going well to the stretch where she quit. MisB Gaines showed a dislike for the mnd. Scratched-28141 Varner,103; 28141 Maria Elena, 100. Overweights Mada Bell, 2 pounds; Halmis. 2. Lillian M., show, 21 to 1. W. L. George, show, 3 to 1. Kaffir, show, evens. Sister Sarah, show, out. 8IXTH BACK l 3-16 Miles. Purse . 3-year-olds and upward. Belling. 23219 Ind Horaea A Wt Bt St hi hi X BtrFin Jockeya Owners O H C P 27978 SWORDSMAN 7 111 1 31 33 2 33 33 12 T OBrien FizsrandCo 3-5 7-103-5 out 27361 OKLANDINE 4 105 2 41 42 3 1" H 21 Lindsay Otto Hobs 40 50 40 8 28U2T. INCGNITA5 108 4 21 21 12 211 2 3 Howell L Lemp 21 5 41 1 28143 Z 4 ZEL 4 108 3 5 5 43 450 450 4100 WatBon CristyandThmpan 5 7 7 7-5 23920 MK WAYMAN 6 108 5 1 1 5 5 5 5 J Walker Mrs M Goldblatt 10 10 6 2 Time, 13, 265, 53, 1:191, 1:47, 2:011, 2:081. Winner Br. h, by Cavalier Herachei. Went to post at 5 :18. At post 4 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second handily. Swordsman reveled in the going, was well handled and came on and won when asked. Orlandine ran a good race, took to the going kindly and wore down Terra Incognita, which was in the good going in the run home. Terra Incognita tired on the heavy track, though he went well in it for six furlongs. Zazel never could go in the mud. Monk Wayman sulked. Scratched 27978 Eugenia S., 105. No show batting.