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LOCAL FORM BOOKS. Sheets and covers for local form are on salt by 8:30 p.m. of each racing day at the follorlno newsstands: Auditorium Annex. Victoria Hotel. Great Northorn Hotel. Wellington Hotal. Palmer House. Lexington Hot, P. V. Fitzpatrick, 22nd street. J. J. Bastian, 989 W. Madison street Wanted at once. Full price paid for Daily Racing Fons Books of May, 1901, delivered in goad condition at this office. NOW READY. 20TH YEAR. ..the.. Goodwins annual Official of 1908. Turf Guide A work of 2,800 pages containing reports of 7,200 races in the 17. S. and Canada with a "FORM TABLE" to all principal meetings. Also many mleoel. laneoua data absolutely invaluable to all turf followers. Prrinpe In Cloth, .20. ilUOO In Half Morocco, .30. In English Half Calf, .S. Circulars mailed upon application, 6odwii Bns., 1440 Broadway, New York. Harlem Club - Jockey - HARLEM PARK, CHICAGO. Autumn Meeting September 30-October 9. SIX OR MORE RACES DAILY, BEGINNING AT 2 P. M. STAKE AND SPECIAL EVENTS StplChaSe IVIUSiO by THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3. PROVISO STAKES, Selling. For 2-year-olds. Raees 81,500 Added. 5 1-2 Furlongs. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5. CHICAGO STAKES. " For 3-year-olds and up- Banks Monday ward S2500 Added. IMile. MONDAY, OCTOB ER 7. SPEED STAKES. For All Ages. 000 Added. k s Wednesday 3-4 Miie. ureBe s . - TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8. FORWARD STAKES. For 2-year-olds. ,000 Friday Added. 7-8 Miie. Orchestra. - WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9. 20TH CENTURY HANDICAP. For 3-year-olds and upward. 55,000 Added. 1 3-16 Miles. ADMISSION .00. Special Illinois Central trains leave Randolph street at 12:10, 12:30. 12:50 end 1:15 p.m., stop- Metropolitan "L" leaves Pacific avenue and Tan Bnren street at 12:41, 12:51 and 1:01 .. ping at "Van Bnren street, Park Bow, Balsted street and Ashland avenue. Returning, first train stopping at all Loop stations, Balsted street and Marahfleld avenve. at 4 :40: other trains directly after the races. v Lake Street Elevated leave Clark and Lake Sts. at 12 :16, 12 :80. 12 :S7. 12 :44, 12 :51, 12 :58, 1 :12,1 :54 12th Street Electric from Van Bnren and State streets direct to track without change ficm p.m., stopping at all Loop stations, leaving Randolph Bt. and Fifth avenue 14 minutes later, 12:15 to 1:00 p.m. at short intervals, direct to track without stop. BetnrniDg, first train after fifth race stops at all stations; other trains after races, stopping at Ashland avenue and Habited street. Madison Btreet Cable connecting with surface electrio at 4tth street direct to track. EiiLJLMials, Ronnd Trip, 20c. M, Hathanson, Secy, 815 Heicnants Loan and Trast BWg..