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COSSTELLATORM "WAST RACE. The horses contesting the sven races offered by the Harlem management yesterday were in most cases of mediocre quality and large fields were the order throngh-ut the afternoons sport. Despite the fact that a strong breezi prevailed at all times the races were run in fast timn, Conatellator running seven furlongs in 1:25$ or within ono-twentieth of a second of the track record. The crowd was fnlly as large, if not larger, than Mondays gathering. The most pretentions race of the day was the fourth, a daBh of one and one-eighth miles for four year-olds and upward. Pink Coat was made an odds on favorite and rewarded the confidence bis many" backers pined in him by beating Charley OBrien by a rock with Maly third eix lengths away. Cobnrn gave the Derby winner of f8 a faultless ride and when he called on him when nearing the last eighth he came away and won hard ha!d. Conatellator, one of the rank outsiders in the third rc, a dash of seven furlong", surprised many present by taking the lead nt fl a dip and hoi ling it easily to the end, winning by W and a half lengths from Headwater, which beat Hovoy a nck for second place. Gonfalon fin iBbeu fourth and ran slightly bolow bis trne form. W. J. Deboqs race" wbb nowhere nar his last clever performance. Revoy phowed more gameness than nsnal and finished stoutly. Soon after the fla?dropped in the second rac, a sevnn furlonir affair, it appeared aa if Goal Runner, the favorite, had bnt little chmce of scoring, as he was many lengths back of the leader when going down the backetretch, bnt he picked up his field piecemeal and had gotten to within two lengths of the leader, Hen-y Bnrt, when nariog the last eighth pot. The latter bagan to tire here and it whs no trouble for G al Rnnner to pas him, winning bv two lecghs from Hi Nocker, whicu came fast in the last sixteenth and beat out Heny Hurt a leugth for second piece. Georgie showed a lot of f peed for six fnrlongs, bnt quit when the crncial If at came. Bessie Spahr, backed for a "good thing" in the flrtt race on a reported fist workout, ran true to the rehearsal atd won a ceditable ace in 1:13 flat for six fnrlongs by two lengths fr m Step Onward, which beat Corinue Unland two for second place. Landeeer at last ran ooe of bis good races, taking the fifth, a dash of five and a half furlongs, rather handily by a neck from Emathion, with Dodie 8. third, five lengths away Fade Menj, backed heavily, ebowd a If t of speed to the h ad of the stretch, nut fell away after th.t. Monoshad little tronble in beating Bonnie Llssak by a length in the sixth race, a daBh of one mi e. The lattnr finished one and a half lengtbB i front f Uncle T- m. Coburn put np a masterful ride n Guy H. in the last race, fairly throwing him under the wire a nec before Frank M.., which baat Wood-stick three lengths for second place. Rasse as showed woll,fr six fnrlongs.