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S . LOUIS FORM CM AKT. ST. L.OUIS, MO Cctobe l.-Secjnd day. tit. Lonis Fair Association. Fall Meeting. Weather clear: track good. Presiding Judge, P. A. Brady. Starter, A. B. Dada. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. FIRST RACK 7 8 flXllo. Purse 1400. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. gQQ "E Horses A Wt St H BtrFin Jockeys Ownr O H C P "28562 CO REEL 6 103 3 32 2 ZH 21 Vi Dle TAGnyand.o 6 6 5 2 27486 TIDAL WAVE 4 H9 2 U la 41 31 21 ONeil L M McKee 7 12 12 5 28162 OMELIA 6 109 S 411 3 Hi 1" 3 Watson M Rici 6 8 8 4 284U EuEHTE DOR 5 109 1 2 5U 5a 411 411 J OConnor W Mulkey 20 40 40 15 28485 FEARFUL 4 109 4 8 81 1U 52 5a D Hall P McGnire 10 12 10 4 27905 CHERRY HED 5 109 7 121 121 7 71 61 Dngin J O Frris Jr 6 15 15 6 27708 QUAN. PARKER 5 119 12 101 102 121 9a 71 FauutleroyS B Burnett 6 6 6 21 t 28535 M.R. HROOK. vODS 109 6 51 4t 31 81 81 C.Moore Browngand Valker 10 25 25 10 27511 OLAY POYNTER 6 109 15 15 15 91 112 91 Aker T H Stavans 15 30 SO 12 28437 GRATIA 4 109 11 92 9 101 121 102 T Walker M G Devlin 10 15 15 6 2856 22 REEFER 6 109 14 1313132 132 112 D Vititoe E D Chamberlain 4 5 5 21 28i6l MIdS COONEY 4 109 9 6 62 62 1011121 JHothersllL A Viliis 10 15 15 6 28485 DR. NOW LIN 3 112 8 72 711 8" 6 13 Givens D A Houig 15 20 20 8 27119 WATER CREiT 6 112 13 141 141 Hi H2 14 Lowa J P Hirth 6 15 15 7 27672 OPERA GIRL 5 109 10 1H 11a 15 15 15 Pattoa P Bitzer SO SO 20 8 Time, 13, 251, 50,1:16,1:30. Winner B. m, by Bootmaker Coree. Went to post at 2:12. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won easliy ; second driving. Coreel was possibly beat and was lucky and bst handled. Tidal Wave and Omelia ran to their mark and had no mishaps. Celsta dOr ran in improved form. Fearfal and Cherry Head had bad racing luck and finished strongly. Reefer, off badly and b dly ridden, can do much better. Coreel, show, evens Tidal Waya, show, 21 to 1. Omelia, show, 2 to 1. 28600 SEC0ND KACB 7-8 Mi,e Parae00. 3-year-old j and upward. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St X K X Btr Fin Jockeys Owners O H " P 285842dAM LAZARUS 5 109 3 41 61 6a 31112 Dale T A Gay and Co 1 11 101 2-5 28137 THE WAG 4 108 2 31 3 31 211 2 Watson G D Kelly 10 20 SO 6 28016 CROOKET 6 109 6 611 5a 710 4a 3 ONeil J C Cahn - 6 12 12 4 28163 HENGIST 3 107 4 22 IS 12 H 45 Aker F Burke 20 30 SO 10 28M528ALINDA 6 100 5 52 42 41 68 51 Lindsay F S Wilson 2 21 11 5 4-5 28463 ANTO LEE 3 100 1 1 2a 2 51 6 Dugan MandWLOetberage 6 6 5 9-5 27503 DR. CLARK 4 109 8 9 9 9 7a 720 Givens W McLsmore 20 80 80 SO 28163 DIAZ 3 100 7 71 72 5a 85 8 D Hall W Mulkey 20 E0 50 15 282913TICKFUL 4 109 9 81 82 81 9 9 Holcnmb FizerandCo 15 30 30 10 Time, 13, 25, 50, 1 :15i, 1 :291. Winner Ch. h, by Glenelg Tecalote. Went to post at 3:12. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily; the next two wire driving. Sam Lazarus ws much the best. He had bad early racirg luck but came away wbeu an opening presented itself aud won going away The Wag ran his race, the distinct and the track being to his liking. Crocket finished stoutly. Heogist ehowed his nsual speed. Salinda ran a dull race. Antolee had no mishaps. Sam Lazarus, show, out. The Wag, show, 31 to 1. Crocket, show, 8 to 5. Salinda, show, out. THIED KACE5 1-2 FTIPlong8 VuTBe 5400 2-yoar-olds. Allowances. 2 80 OX ,C Horses AWt Bt X K M 8trFin Jockeys Ownaia O U C t 2851220GLE 118 4 la 11 12 Ibk Patton W W Finn 6 12 12 4 28lS9JROSE OF RED 108 2 42 53 43 21 D Hall J De Arman 5 7 7 2 28IS92JORD IN 111 3 51 4 32 31 ONeil T P Hayes 3-2 8-5 1 3-5 C8464LOnH WAGNER 118 1 21 2" 2" 42 Dale I. Thompson 6 15 15 5 268002BRiXTON 106 8 72 73 52 55 Holcomb W il Ro.ers 6 7 7 3 28439 ELG1YA 108 10 10 10 82 65 Lindsay C 8 Crow 20 40 40 12 28.12 ENDORA 118 9 91 92 9! 71 Aker R R Rice 15 25 25 8 281663 LEVI 4THAN 103 6 81 81 64 83 WatBon J C Cahn 12 15 15 6 281622MR. T1MBERLAKE 10? 5 32 31 7a 9 Pugn M Deatherage 8 10 10 31 28336 TRIO 108 7 61 6 10 10 Givena L Goldblatt 12 20 20 8 Time, 121, 21 1, 491, 1:021, 1:091. Winner Ch. c, by Emperor of Norfolk Mis Baldwin. Went to post at 3:40. At post 13 minates. Start fair. Won driving; next two the same. Ogles win was a lucky one. as Rose of Red, off in a tangle and poorly ridden, wonld have beaten him with an even break. Both ran in excellent form. Jordan had no mishaps and oid his best. Tlie same can be said of Lonis Wagner. Krixtons first effort was a gooi one, but he can do much, better. The others were never contenders. Ogle, show, 2 to 1. Robb of Bed, show, evens. Jordan, show, out. FOURTH RACE 1 Mile. Purse 00. 3 yar-olds and upward. Selling. jggQiJ Ind Horses A Wt St X X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 285633SIR ROLLA 6 103 5 8 6a 5 21 1" Watson Hughes and Elliott 1 11-52 7-10 28138 THE CAXTON 3 91 8 41 2a u ill ONeil Talbot Bros 20 30 30 10 28565 TULLAFONSO 5 108 3 1" 1k 21 81 32 Dale J Hoffman 2 11-57-5 3-5 28361 BEAN 3 96 1 2ii 31 4 63 41 Lindsay WS Laird 15 20 20 10 28163 AUMIL qOHLEY 5 105 4 5a 4" 31 42 53 Givens G R Williams 20 30 30 10 28316 WINE PRESS 5 108 2 71 8 62 53 61 J OConnor H McCarren Jr 8 12 10 31 285813JANOWOOD 3 91 7 61 7a 71 7a 72 FauntleroyJ A MaxwellandCo 12 15 15 5 27062 SKILLMAN 6 103 6 31 5" 8 8 8 Dugan MuenioghansandCo 3 6 6 2 Time, 131, 251, 50, 1 :161, 1 :iZi. Winner B. h, by Top Gallant Little Kate. Went to post at 4:20. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won in a drive; second easily. Sir Bolla ran an excellent race and finished f -ist and strong. The Caxton was always a strong con tender and showed sudden and remarkable improvement. Tulla Fonso showed early speed but when it cme to a hard finish she tired and was quickly biaten. Bean did well and is improving. Bkillmnn and Winn Press ran much below their best form. , Scratch d -28243 Lady Curzon, 102; 28340 Sue Johnson, 102; 28291 Georgia Gardner, 102; 280182 Eight Belle, 97 ; 27361 John Bull. 93. Sir Bolla, sho, out. The Caxton, show, 4 to 1. Tnlla Foobq, show, rnt. FIFTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles. Purse 5400. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling Ind Horses A Wt Bt Bt and V, X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H , P 28563 COGSWELL 3 101 6 61 71 8a 7" 6 1" Fanntleroy P J Mil-a 8 13 13 S 28312 EITHOLIN 6 106 8 51 4 r 21 11 22 Patton W C Smith 20 20 8 4 28568 B. WALK WAY3 91 7 71 6" 6H 42 32 31 ONeil B B Burnett 12 12 12 5 28579 LA SPAR A 4 107 9 82 81 9 9 82 4 Lindsay R W Marks 5 8 8 21 28511 BARRIOA 4 107 2 12 U V U 21 51 Dale D J Sullivan 8 10 10 4 28490 M EGGS 6 103 5 32 31 31 31 72 6a D Vititoe G H Marlmann 20 30 30 10 285632DELORAINE 3 102 4 9 9 7a h 52 71 Dugan B Wolff 6-5 21 21 1 28 39 SrtORDSHAN 7 114 1 22 2a 4 62 4a 81 Aker FizerandCo 3 3 8-S 7-10 285353DON LUIS 6 103 3 41 51 5a 81 9 9 Watson W W Benson 15 25 25 8 Time, 121, 2Ei. S81, 51, 1:04, 1:171, 1:31, 1:44, 1:571. Winner Blk. c, by Jim Gray Leola. Went to post at 4:20. At pest 3 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second esily. It was a fierce drivn between the first two. Cogaw. 11 came with a fine ruth through the stretch and overhauled EithoUn in the last two strides. Eitholin did his bast throughout and finished strongly. Burnett vvlkaway ran the best race of her career. La Spara finished fast. Barrica showed early speed, but quit in the stretch drive. Swordsmans and Deloraines races were not up to tbeir mark. Scratched 28illOrlandine, 107; 28189 Ceyloa, 103. Cogswell, show, 2 to 1. Eitholin, show, 2 to 1. Burnetts Walkaway, show, 2 to 1. Delor-aine, show, 1 to 2. Swordsman, show. 1 to 2. 8IXTH HACB 3-4 Mie- Pnr8Q00 AH ages. Selling. 28604: Horses A Wt St H X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H P P 28267 HI LEE 4 109 1 12 1 1 lio Dale Stubbs Bros and Co 1 6-5 1 1-2 T8!18 LYNP.H 2 93 3 21 23 25 22 ONeil J C i"ahn 20 25 25 10 28 12 SISTER 3 .B AH 2 93 2 42 42 42 31 Fanntleroy W McCay and Co 10 20 20 7 28515 ORLEANS 3 101 4 52 3 43 Watson J Burrows 13-516-53 4-5 26.M0 KXTTUS 3 104 6 8 72 61 53 Lindsay P M Civill 3 31 31 7-5 28S87 NELLIE BAWN 2 93 5 31 33 54 6 J OConnor H McCarren Jr 60 60 50 20 8192VILLMAB 5 109 7 7 8 715 715 Dugan W P Doyl and Co 12 15 15 6 285123L1LLIAN M. 2 93 8 62 62 8 8 Reedr F M Connor 6 15 15 6 Time, 121, 24, 481, 1 :0ti, 1 :15. Winner B. h, by Himyar Grace Lee. Went to post at 4:54. At post 2 mi iuts. Start good. Won easily ; second the same. Hilee was oa dge, and in front nd whs nevar fully extended. Lynch ran a much improved race and finished stoutly. Sister Sarah ran a gooi race. Orleans was weakly handled and ran away bo-low her bast form. Battue did not run his race. Nellie.Bawn showed a flash of speed. Yillmar can do better. Lillian M. ran out at the stretch turn. Hilee, tthow, out. Ljnch, show, 3 to 1. aister Sarah, show, 3 to 1. Orleans, show, out. Battue, show, 3 to5.