St. Louis Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1901-10-11

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ST. LOUIS FORM CHART. ST. LOUIS, MO., October 10. Tenth day, St. Louis Fair Association. Fall Meeting. Weather clear; track slow. Presiding Judge, P. A. Brady. Starter, A. B. Dade. Racing starts at 2 :00 p. m. FIRST RACK 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 2-year-olda. Selling. 2874:4: Ind Horses A Wt St 34 K X " StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 2867518TING 107 2 1h 2H 11 Vi Kuhn C E Jeffers and Co 6 9 9 4 28675 FUGURTHA 107 7 62 41 82 21 Dale W M Rogers 8-5 11-511-51 28690 SIR LEWIS 110 1 211 3" 52 31 L Daly M J Daly 4 9 9 3 28675 CLARENA 107 10 82 95 42 41 Watson J C Cahn 8 15 15 6 28690 NELLIE BAWN 107 6 71 8 6h 5 Irvin H McCarren Jr 10 SO 30 12 28675 LITTLE MABTER 107 13 12 13 10 61 Houhe Hughes and Elliott 30 160 150 40 28690 LADY BROCKWAY 107 5 51 5" 72 7h R Murphy E L Liger 6 8 8 3 28617 POTHEEN 110 4 4" 6"11 8H Patton S W Streett 8 10 10 4 287073AULES 104 11 9 71 12 91 Dugan M P Mattingly 10 20 20 8 26237 RUBY RAY 100 9 11" 12 81 103 Fauntleroy 8 P Harlan 15 15 8 8 28161 KEGEL 107 8 33 H 21 11 Troxler P M Civill 6 7 7 8 28617 BONNIC008A 107 12 13 101 91 122 ONeil Haley Bros 7 25 25 8 28690 LEE NUTTER 110 8 105 11 13 IS W Narvaez H Nutter 12 13 13 5 Time, 13, 241, 49, 1:03. Winner B. f, by Prince of Monaco GypBy Queen. Went to post at 2:12. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won easily; Becond handily. Stint?, -well off, was probably boBt as he won rather easily. Fugurtha ran her race. Bir Lewis can do better under a stronger boy. Daly cannot ride this big colt to advantage. Clarena liked the going and would have been closer up with a better ride. Nellie Bawn ran a good race. Little Master can do better. Lady Brockway had no mishaps. Potheen likes mud. Troxler took too much out of Kegel in getting to the front and he quit in the stretch, Scratched 28218 Ben Hempstead, 110; 259013Precisely, 103. Overweights Aules, 4 pounds. Bting, show, 2 to 1. Fugurtha, show, 1 to 2. Bir Lewis, show 8 to 5. 2874-5 8KC0ND gACB7"8 MUe PnrB9 300- 3-year-olds and upward. Belling. . Ind HorseB A Wt St K K X StrFin Jockeys Ownera O H O P 28621 BEN OFALLON 6 111 2 21 2i li H 12 W NarvaezGdharteandTorriss 5 10 10 4 28641 DE BLAISE 5 108 10 62 65 53 22 2h Troxler F W Johnson . 6 7 41 2 28812 J. V. HAYS 4 106 3 43 42 In 41 3 Givens G Kennedy 12 15 15 6 28018 LA MASCOTA 8- 103 1 56 5 6 53 40 Watson Hughes and Elliott 20 25 20 8 27819 CROSS MOLINA 5 109 4 U 1 2s 31 51 Patton Jones and Co 15 30 30 12 28674 HAR. PULLIAM 3 101 12 71 73 75 7 66 Fauntleroy J P Hirth 15 80 30 10 28689 SINFI 3 106 9 31 31 31 61 73 JHothersllE L Liger 8 15 15 6 27568 LOU FERRELL 8 98 8 81 82 83 815 830 Lynch G H Moore and Co 20 20 8 3 28511 BANQUO II. 7 108 7 92 91 93 920 930 Dale T A Davies 6 8 8 8 28638 THE GOLDEN PR.3 102 13 10 10 10 10 10 Irvin H McCarren Jr 15 30 30 12 287122BELLE OF ELGIN3 98 5 Fell. ONeil M 8 Hughes and Co 2 16-53 1 28641 JOHN MORTON 4 103 6 Fell. Dugan W Mulkey 5 51 5 2 28660 BEN BOY 6 106 11 Fell. R Murphy B V Crosby 8 10 10 4 Time, 13, 25, 491, 1:151, 1:30. Winner Ch. g, by Harry OFallon Emma C. Went to post at 2:34. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won easily; second driving . Ben OFallon, off well, had his moat dangerous contenders shut off by their falling and was never worried thereaf ter. De Blaise ran a good race from where he got off. J. Y. Hays swerved in the stretch, but finished resolutely. Scratched-282633Maud Wallace, 103; 28689 Bengal, 102. Overweights CroBsmolina, 2 pounds; Banquo II., 2. Ben OFallon, show, 2 to 1. De Blaise, show, evens. J. Y. Hays, show, 3 to 1. Belle of Eli ahow, 1 to 2. 2874:0 THRJ. BACK 5 1-8 Furlonss. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Ind HorBes A Wt Bt and K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O f 28566 THE ELBA 3 104 3 2 42 2H In Troxler C E Patterson 31 51 5 21 28657 LITTLE CHICO 3 104 4 53 33 41 2h L Daly W McLemore 6 15 15 6 28677 W. J. BAKER 7 109 5 61 511 53 3 JHothersllHenneasey and Sons 4 5 5 2 28657 RAGNAROK II. 3 104 6 31 11 11 42 Watson MA Stevenson 5 5 41 2 28689 ROBERT JR. 8 112 1 11 2 31 55 Dale HW WallhBerandCo8 8 8 3 27787 WINNEBE JOUR 4 109 7 72 61 66 62 Kuhn G B Williams and Co5 12 12 5 247412AtSES8MENT 3 114 8 81 81 72 71 Enos TH-8tevens 12 25 25 8 28389 NED WICKES 4 112 10 92 93 83 83 Morse E D Turley 7 10 10 4 28691 WIGGINS 6 109 2 41 71 9 92 Fauntleroy FosterandBrumfleld5 5 4 2 28709 FOX WORTHY 3 104 9 101 10a 10 10 Irvin T Hums 12 SO 30 10 27829 JUDGE MAGEE 5 109 11 11 11 11 11 Patton M Bowen and Son 4 5 5 21 Time, 12, 241, 49, 1:02, 1:10. Winner B. f, by Ban Strome Rupee. Went to poat at 3:15, At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won handily: second driving. The Elba was bast ridden and, though it was close and everyone was riding hard, the filly had her ears pricked and apparently had a lot left. Little Chico and W. J. Baker were not well handled. They staggered against each other and bumped each other all down the stretch. W. J. Baker closed up very fast until Little Chico bumped him. Ragaarok II. quit, as usual. Robert Jr. ran in improved form. Ned Wickes can do batter. So can Foxworthy. Scratched 28726H. 8. Tobacco, 117; 28726 Hi Kollar, 117; 265072Miss Guido,104; 28691 La-donis, 104. The Elba, show, 6 to 5. Little Chico, show, 3 to 1. W. J. Baker, show, evens. Wiggins, show evens. JQr7l FOURTH RACK 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-yar-olfl and upward. aO I tJb i Allowances. The Bt. Louis Fatr Stakes. ,000 added. Ind Horsea A Wt St StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 286783 L.8TRAT H MORE 3 104 4 82 12 14 13 12 Kuhn T P Hayes 6-5 2 17-103-5 286922PEACEFUL 4 108 2 21 32 81 32 21 Dale CJCella 3 3 14-59-10 28692LUNAR 4 108 1 4 4 41 4 32 Troxler T H Btevens 13-513-58-5 3-5 287102FOUND 6 98 8 1 22 22 22 411 FauntleroyJ Huffman 7 10 9 21 28693 WINE PRESS 5 100 5 5 5 5 5 5 Irvin H McCarren Jr 15 40 40 10 Time, 121, 251, 491, 1 :15i, 1 :il, 1 :45i. Winner B. f, by Strathmore Lady Loud. Went to post at 3:46. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won easily; second the same. Lady Strathmore was very good, was suited by the slow early pace to the eix furlongs, then won as Bha pleased in a race that really began at the six furlongs. Peaceful ran a good race on a Bof t track, which was supposed to be against him. Had Dale not taken him back at the half mile he might have given the winner an argument. Lunar was carried wide at the first turn by Lady Strathmore and lost a lot of ground there, which she made up in the stretch. Found was unevenly ridden, taken along on spurts and flashes and can do batter. Wine Press is seemingly in poor form. No show betting on first three. 2874-8 jj-101 1-16 mie8 aca im- 3-year-olds and upward. Ind Horses AWtBtK X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 286S93EUTERPE 5 109 3 SH 42 51 43 Ink Dale U Z DeArman 2 2 9-5 4-5 28676 NANNIE NOLAN 3 100 2 21 21 211 23 23 L Daly T P Hayes 6 16 16 6 28712 LOONE 3 100 1 1U H 12 12 82 Fauntleroy P J Miles 8 10 10 41 287U3TEA GOWN 8 100 6 51 6 610 52 43 Watson Cole and Co 41 6 6 2 28711 SATIN COAT 3 103 7 71 7 71 6H 52 Troxler Huehes and EUiott 4 4 21 1 28656 JOE DOUGHTY 5 112 5 61 51 8 Si 65 Patton J P Hirth 12 20 20 7 28603 DON LUIS 6 109 4 41 Sh 4" 71 71 Irvin W W Benson 15 60 60 20 28711 GEORGE LEE 6 109 8 10 10 10 83 81 Givens L W Benson 5 15 15 6 28412 CHARLES D. 5 109 10 8 8" 81 96 915 Morse F G Altman 15 60 60 20 28712 THE CAXTON 3 100 9 91 93 91 10 10 Kuhn Talbot Bros 41 8 8 3 Time, 71, 12, 241, 491, 1 :15i, 1 :411, 1 :49i. Winner B. m, by Cavalier Ban Dance. Went to post at 4:15. At post 4 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second easily. Euterpe was very cleverly ridden and that won for her. Dale kept her out of all the jams and completely outgeneraled Daly and Fauntleroy at the end. Nannie Nolan ran a good race and might have won with a strong finish. Fauntleroy rode Loone poorly at the end. This one was probably b8t. Tea Gown ran a good race. Scratched 28262Pan Charm, 112; 287123Boan, 100. Euterpe, show, out. Nannie Nolan, show, 3 to 1. Loone, show, 2 to 1, Satin Coat, show 1 to 2. SIXTH RACE 7-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Belling. 2874.9 Ind Horses A Wt St H K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 28712 LADY CUHZON 4 107 3 1 1k n is m Kuhn Cole and Co 10 17 17 6 28412 ELBE 4 107 2 21 22 22 22 22 Givens J N Miller and Co 12 13 12 41 286882SAMIYEL 6 103 6 31 Sll 3H 31 3" L Daly G H Neal 10 10 6 2 28566 DELSARTE 6 107 7 62 511 52 51 41 Dale T Bayers 10 16 16 6 28515 CLON8ILLA 6 103 5 71 710 78 6 51 Watson J F Fog 12 15 15 6 283603LIBBIE 6 103 4 42 43 4a 41 611 Fauntleroy FosterandBrumfield 3 5 5 2 28416 A. STRATHMORE 4 111 8 81 83 85 71 7 Enos T H Stevens 6 12 12 4 285822LORD NEYILLE 6 110 1 51 9 9 81 88 Troxler Hutchinson and Co 3-2 8-5 4-5 2-5 28291 GEORGE B. COX 6 110 9 9 6 6 9 9 Patton S Reagan 15 16 16 7 Time, 13, 24i, 491, 1 :15, 1 :29h Winner B. f, by Prime Minister Octa Reed. . Went to post at 4:50. At post 8 minutes. Start good. Won easily; Becond the same. Lady Curzon began quickly and was aided by an early jam back of her, but she ran an excellent raca and is very good just now. Elbe was allowed to swerve all over the stretch and might have won had she been kept straight. Samivel ran his race. Delsarte waa bothered by the mix-up at tha start, aB was every horse back of him. Scratched 28731 Crocket, 111; 28726 Admiral Schley, 110 : 28688 Colonel Gay, 106; 28118Kittia G., 103; 28708 Ben Frost, 103; 28689Fairbury, 102. Overweights Elbe, 4 pounds. Lady Curzon, show, 21 to 1. Elbe, show, 2 to 1. Samivel, show, 4 to 5. Lord Neville, show, out.

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